Emirates FA Cup Changes Ahead of 2024/25:

Everyone's complaining about getting rid of replays because of the financial benefit to small clubs.

I can't really understand how the solution is not to just give them more money in the first place so they're not relying on the luck of a replay.

A little bit extra money for all of the lower league clubs is a much more beneficial and sustainable way to run the game than a system that relies on clubs getting a windfall for playing at a massive stadium once a decade.
They have offered them extra money

After talks over what the Prem trickles down the pyramid broke down last month as the prems offrr was muserly this is just a sly way of getting their plan through, offer more cash, but take this change.

bully boy tactics
They bigger clubs are trying to kill off the fa cup and diminish its importance. The fact there wasn’t any consultation with lower league clubs is ridiculous.

Not having replays is a bad decision in my view and will result in not just the clubs getting less income, but also those smaller towns, where pubs and bars need football fans to keep running.

It’ll also mean some lower league players might never get the chance to play at a premier league ground.

We’ll end up with less cup games and pointless champions league matches.

This will lead to a regulator.
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They get an extra £33M / season as part of the deal

How much do you think they were earning from replays? The richest clubs in the PL get about £3m per home match.

£33m every single year, split between 72 clubs, seems like a much better system than one or 2 clubs a year getting a £3m windfall.
It's probably not practical because of 'too much football'. I wish it were. As far as I am concerned, they are scrapping the wrong things. Get rid of pointless international friendlies instead. They could also simplify the European competitions instead of making them even more complex. As they are planning to do.

The English FA can’t get rid of international friendlies or UEFA competitions.

I also think some people would be in a for a bit of surprise if you gave players an ultimatum between a club game and a ‘pointless’ international game.
It seems like most non premier league sides are releasing statements condemning the changes.

I did see that Newcastle and spurs are playing a pre season game in Australia 3 days after the league finishes, whilst at the same time complaining about fixture congestion and injuries as well…which is one of the reasons for these changes.
I fucking hate every time they change something they mention 'grass roots football'. Fuck off you lying twats. That's just a throw away line that means bugger all.

Anyway, apart from that I'm not too bothered.
Maybe people will wake up to this International shite that is decimating the domestic and Club football calendar.

No room for FA Cup replays because England play fucking Faroe Islands.
If you binned international football tomorrow, inside a year no one would give a fuck, even that West Ham happy clapper on here.
Well, for my part, I understand the anger of the lower leagues, and even for PL clubs, this will diminish the value of the FA Cup yet more. There've been many cracking replays over the decades. It's not just about money.
This is on UEFA and FIFA, contemptuous of domestic competitions. Honestly, I had difficulty even understanding what the UEFA Nations League was at first. They just pulled it out of their backside in 2018. I'll be straight: I have no interest whatsoever in that tournament. I equally have no interest whatsoever in friendlies outside of it (because there still are, alongside the Nations League games). The expanded CL — ever more clubs in it — is also a mistake. The expanded World Club championship, although by definition it only includes one club from England, is of very little interest to me.
Even the two serious international competitions, the Euros and the World Cup, I'm far from watching all matches even in which England are involved. The qualifying matches I virtually never watch. As for anybody else, forget it.
Ok, I realise that I'm saying “I, I, I” and there's no reason for anyone to give a toss about what I watch and don't watch. Am I alone in my indifference to what I've mentioned above?
I fucking hate every time they change something they mention 'grass roots football'. Fuck off you lying twats. That's just a throw away line that means bugger all.

Anyway, apart from that I'm not too bothered.
True grass roots teams start their FA Cup runs in July and are usually out by September. I think they can still have replays if they want.

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