Emma The City Fan - GAME OVER! (update in OP)

Re: Emma The City Fan

Goater's Shin said:
Ricster said:
Before the game, got to show her a couple of my card tricks. Blonde hair, absolutely gorgeous.

Whoever you are. You my girl are fit, fit, fit!

If you met her before the game how did you end up missing the second half goal? Did these magic tricks take over an hour? Is this staying power one of your selling points?

Turned out we were sitting roughly in the same block, 536, didn't know til i saw her at half time, some people would call this a coincidence, but others might call it...................................LMAO!
Re: Emma The City Fan

glen quagmire said:
didactic said:
Dude speak for yourself, I have the right to not be attracted to someone. Why would I be jealous of anyone? If Natalie to you is it, so be it. Dont knock others for not feeling the same way. Lets see if any of this online ass kissing gets any of you closer to her drawers. LOL @ "confident enough to talk to a bird like that." What are we 6? Have you been outside? Seen other women? If this grovelling approach and insulting guys who are confident in themselves works for you keep at it. Im sure you will fill us all in when you get as far as even getting her number. I predict 2070.

Then why post anything at all then? So she's not your cup of tea, so fucking what? Where does it say, that the board needs your opinion on any bird? I say bang your picture up, so my wife can see it, then leave me, to trawl the streets looking for you, in all your handsomeness!
The worst thing is, this bird is a big blue.

no the worst thing about it is shes actually abit of a stunner
Re: Emma The City Fan

glen quagmire said:
Then why post anything at all then? So she's not your cup of tea, so fucking what? Where does it say, that the board needs your opinion on any bird? I say bang your picture up, so my wife can see it, then leave me, to trawl the streets looking for you, in all your handsomeness!
The worst thing is, this bird is a big blue.


Why are you getting so upset?. Read the whole thread a picture was posted of two women I asked who one was and someone said "Google Natalie Pike". I had no idea who this person was, I googled her, looked at other pics and replied "I saw her with her glasses off and she is not my type." That was it. What followed was a series of "you must be gay.", "Do you prefer my hairy balls?." etc comments simply because I said a girl is not my type?.

You and too many others are way too sensitive. I do not need approval from your wife or for her to find me attractive. Why?, because I do not care. This has gone from a simple "she is not my type." to all you MARRIED heros playing superman for a girl you dont even know. Fair play to her she is a blue, great. We were not discussing football. You act like I insulted your wife. Im sorry I do not find her attractive and you can take jabs all day at how I look and I would not care because believe me not every woman finds me attractive either but fortunately for me the ones I am attracted to, do. Respect that instead of getting upset at other peoples opinions. Anyway if you are married why you so concerned about all this? Why am I not allowed to say that a MODEL is not my type? There are images of her all over the internet, some topless. What is your argument really glen? Like I said if she is what you consider stunning fair play to you. Different people like different things thats the beauty of the world. Maybe you should concentrate on being a hero for your wife instead of worrying yourself over what other men find goodlooking?.
Re: Emma The City Fan

stony said:
You have to admit, Miss Pike is a very attractive young lady.

I just wish I was 20 years younger

and single

and slimmer

good looking wouldn't be bad either.

And a bit of personality wouldn't go amiss
Re: Emma The City Fan

The Fat el Hombre said:
stony said:
You have to admit, Miss Pike is a very attractive young lady.

I just wish I was 20 years younger

and single

and slimmer

good looking wouldn't be bad either.

And a bit of personality wouldn't go amiss

I'm fucked basically
Re: Emma The City Fan

Weaver's Goat said:
I think you scared her away...

Bollocks! I was about to deploy my charms/net.

Shes reading this thread, just not posting. Send her a tweet. My intention was never to spoil anyones chances im just shocked a personal opinion about personal taste has spiralled so far.

Im going for a run.
Re: Emma The City Fan

nice to see a fun post on here.. good luck to u ricstar u dont try u get nowhere ;) ignore the nasty ppl natalie the magicman has good intentions :) lol

i jus want know how many ppl have pm'd pinkprincess with there fone number and the "how u doin line" lol
Re: Emma The City Fan

didactic said:
glen quagmire said:
Then why post anything at all then? So she's not your cup of tea, so fucking what? Where does it say, that the board needs your opinion on any bird? I say bang your picture up, so my wife can see it, then leave me, to trawl the streets looking for you, in all your handsomeness!
The worst thing is, this bird is a big blue.


Why are you getting so upset?. Read the whole thread a picture was posted of two women I asked who one was and someone said "Google Natalie Pike". I had no idea who this person was, I googled her, looked at other pics and replied "I saw her with her glasses off and she is not my type." That was it. What followed was a series of "you must be gay.", "Do you prefer my hairy balls?." etc comments simply because I said a girl is not my type?.

You and too many others are way too sensitive. I do not need approval from your wife or for her to find me attractive. Why?, because I do not care. This has gone from a simple "she is not my type." to all you MARRIED heros playing superman for a girl you dont even know. Fair play to her she is a blue, great. We were not discussing football. You act like I insulted your wife. Im sorry I do not find her attractive and you can take jabs all day at how I look and I would not care because believe me not every woman finds me attractive either but fortunately for me the ones I am attracted to, do. Respect that instead of getting upset at other peoples opinions. Anyway if you are married why you so concerned about all this? Why am I not allowed to say that a MODEL is not my type? There are images of her all over the internet, some topless. What is your argument really glen? Like I said if she is what you consider stunning fair play to you. Different people like different things thats the beauty of the world. Maybe you should concentrate on being a hero for your wife instead of worrying yourself over what other men find goodlooking?.

"You're so vain, I bet you think this thread is about you, don't you, don't you, don't you?"
Re: Emma The City Fan

Just for the record, I did not ask you if you prefer my hairy balls. I was merely suggesting that I would not be totaly against shaving them if it meant I stood a better chance of recieving a rusty trombone. Thank you.

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