Emma The City Fan - GAME OVER! (update in OP)

Re: Emma The City Fan

Ricster i dunno how it is done in England, but in our land if you want to take a Emma you have to do a "Job", like talking Shit etc...

Ok, Card tricks are really a good Step into, but there is long way mate...
Re: Emma The City Fan

AntonDonJuan said:
LittleStan said:
Reading this just made my night and sent me back to my teenage years.

Lad starts chatting up nice girl. Lad's mates all chip in trying to be funny to impress the girl.

Priceless. Good luck Ricster.

Emma, you must have read this thread by now, get in touch with the lad before he gets forearms like popeye.
It's like a bunch of pre-pubescent school boys who've never seen a girl before

I not sure about pre-pubescent. I studied engineering, me and my mates were like this into our thirties!
Re: Emma The City Fan

Ricster said:
Goater's Shin said:
If you met her before the game how did you end up missing the second half goal? Did these magic tricks take over an hour? Is this staying power one of your selling points?

Turned out we were sitting roughly in the same block, 536, didn't know til i saw her at half time, some people would call this a coincidence, but others might call it...................................LMAO!

Mate, I saw you doing your card tricks on the roundabout. My mate's lad was fascinated. When I came over you were doing a "Guess the number" type game on your phone and you totally fucked it up. I was the one going "I want my money back". Were you E'd up or something? Were you with the group of lads who had one extremely paranoid bloke, thought my mate was a copper because he saw him flash his navy card?
Re: Emma The City Fan

Didsbury Dave said:
Ricster said:
Turned out we were sitting roughly in the same block, 536, didn't know til i saw her at half time, some people would call this a coincidence, but others might call it...................................LMAO!

Mate, I saw you doing your card tricks on the roundabout. My mate's lad was fascinated. When I came over you were doing a "Guess the number" type game on your phone and you totally fucked it up. I was the one going "I want my money back". Were you E'd up or something? Were you with the group of lads who had one extremely paranoid bloke, thought my mate was a copper because he saw him flash his navy card?

Es, ruining card tricks since 1989.
Re: Emma The City Fan

didactic said:
glen quagmire said:
Then why post anything at all then? So she's not your cup of tea, so fucking what? Where does it say, that the board needs your opinion on any bird? I say bang your picture up, so my wife can see it, then leave me, to trawl the streets looking for you, in all your handsomeness!
The worst thing is, this bird is a big blue.


Why are you getting so upset?. Read the whole thread a picture was posted of two women I asked who one was and someone said "Google Natalie Pike". I had no idea who this person was, I googled her, looked at other pics and replied "I saw her with her glasses off and she is not my type." That was it. What followed was a series of "you must be gay.", "Do you prefer my hairy balls?." etc comments simply because I said a girl is not my type?.

You and too many others are way too sensitive. I do not need approval from your wife or for her to find me attractive. Why?, because I do not care. This has gone from a simple "she is not my type." to all you MARRIED heros playing superman for a girl you dont even know. Fair play to her she is a blue, great. We were not discussing football. You act like I insulted your wife. Im sorry I do not find her attractive and you can take jabs all day at how I look and I would not care because believe me not every woman finds me attractive either but fortunately for me the ones I am attracted to, do. Respect that instead of getting upset at other peoples opinions. Anyway if you are married why you so concerned about all this? Why am I not allowed to say that a MODEL is not my type? There are images of her all over the internet, some topless. What is your argument really glen? Like I said if she is what you consider stunning fair play to you. Different people like different things thats the beauty of the world. Maybe you should concentrate on being a hero for your wife instead of worrying yourself over what other men find goodlooking?.

I don't find her good looking neither do i think she's ugly, i just enjoy a good old fishing trip, of which you my friend are firmly in my net! didactic you are a good'un keep em coming!
Re: Emma The City Fan

Doing card tricks for girls 8 minutes into the second half of a semi final during which time we scored the winning goal against our fiercest rivals.

I think you should donate your final ticket to a proper fan!
Re: Emma The City Fan

jay_mcfc said:
Doing card tricks for girls 8 minutes into the second half of a semi final during which time we scored the winning goal against our fiercest rivals.

I think you should donate your final ticket to a proper fan!

He could always get castrated, he wouldnt have any intrest then and could keep his mind on the game.

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