Erik Lamela

Stoned Rose said:
Neville Kneville said:
I would say 'very good' player rather than average, but I agree that Bayern & Dortmund players are the latest overrated fad, having taken over from Napoli, Barca etc.

Recently, people have still been suggesting Pedro as a great signing for us. 2 years ago it was Pato or Diego.

Out of all these Dortmund characters, only a one or two will still be desirable two years from now.

It's how they work as a team which is key.

Clocked you on the Fernandinho thread to. Who exactly do you rate NK? ;)

I rate Lamela as very promising indeed & rate Fernandinho very highly actually, the little I've seen of him, & I think Reus is very good, just not individually a player who would revolutionise us. It depends on how Mancini lines up the team.

I just don't want to see Fernandinho left chasing around midfield trying to cover all the holes & runners left free by Yaya & Silva, against sides like Dortmund or Bayern, like poor ol Barry has to do. But if you dropped Silva & Nasri, then added Fernandinho to say Barry & Rodwell with Yaya plus Reus & Cavani, you have a pretty tough, fast, dangerous away side for Europe.

But add Aguero or Tevez instead of Reus & you are even more dangerous.
Got subbed by Pjanic after a forgettable hour last night against Fiorentina. Another of our reputed targets, Jovetic, also got replaced by Luca Toni after a similar display. Marquinhos looked good when he came on for the last 15 minutes tho'.
Matt.D said:
BobbyQ90 said:
Neither Reus nor Bale are as good as anyone on here thinks. They both play a very similar game, they use their pace to get behind defenders, which is great, but they aren't world beaters. Reus is a very good role player for Dortmund, and was the main guy at Monchengladbach. Bale is pretty much in the same situation Reus was in at Monchengladbach, and he'll move to a world class team like Madrid or us and then he'll end up just like Reus is now, a very good role player. Reus isn't worth what we'd have to pay for him and Bale certainly isn't worth what anyone would pay for him. Lamela is practically the same type player as Reus and Bale, and would cost a lot less. And to the people who said he's a "big lad" who gets in the box and scores goals with his size, obviously havent seen him play. He's right around the same size as Robben, he's around 6 foot and has a lean frame. He's much more of a dribbler than Reus or Bale, he relies less on speed (even though he is pretty quick) and uses his skill to get past players. He reminds me of what Robben has become at Bayern, very quick and skillful, with a deadly left foot. He can play up top next to another striker, he can sit in behind a main striker, and he can cut in from the right, which are all things he does throughout a match.

I stopped reading after the first sentence. Gareth Bale is in the top 4 or 5 players in the world right now and this nonsense on this forum about him being overrated is exactly that. Open your eyes and watch the lad.

Ronaldo, Messi, Iniesta, Xavi, Falcao, Hamsik, Marchisio, Pirlo, RVP, Rooney, Tevez, Yaya, Muller, Turan, Gotze, a whole lot more, all better than Bale.

You can disagree, but you'll be wrong.

Stop overhyping players. If he ends up winning the Ballon D'or in a few years ill be the first to say I was wrong, but he has done nothing up to this point other than look really good in an average side.
BobbyQ90 said:
Matt.D said:
BobbyQ90 said:
Neither Reus nor Bale are as good as anyone on here thinks. They both play a very similar game, they use their pace to get behind defenders, which is great, but they aren't world beaters. Reus is a very good role player for Dortmund, and was the main guy at Monchengladbach. Bale is pretty much in the same situation Reus was in at Monchengladbach, and he'll move to a world class team like Madrid or us and then he'll end up just like Reus is now, a very good role player. Reus isn't worth what we'd have to pay for him and Bale certainly isn't worth what anyone would pay for him. Lamela is practically the same type player as Reus and Bale, and would cost a lot less. And to the people who said he's a "big lad" who gets in the box and scores goals with his size, obviously havent seen him play. He's right around the same size as Robben, he's around 6 foot and has a lean frame. He's much more of a dribbler than Reus or Bale, he relies less on speed (even though he is pretty quick) and uses his skill to get past players. He reminds me of what Robben has become at Bayern, very quick and skillful, with a deadly left foot. He can play up top next to another striker, he can sit in behind a main striker, and he can cut in from the right, which are all things he does throughout a match.

I stopped reading after the first sentence. Gareth Bale is in the top 4 or 5 players in the world right now and this nonsense on this forum about him being overrated is exactly that. Open your eyes and watch the lad.

Ronaldo, Messi, Iniesta, Xavi, Falcao, Hamsik, Marchisio, Pirlo, RVP, Rooney, Tevez, Yaya, Muller, Turan, Gotze, a whole lot more, all better than Bale.

You can disagree, but you'll be wrong.

Stop overhyping players. If he ends up winning the Ballon D'or in a few years ill be the first to say I was wrong, but he has done nothing up to this point other than look really good in an average side.

Take the blinkers off, Bale's better than Hamsik, Marchisio, Pirlo, Van Rapist, Granny Shagger, Tevez, Muller, Turan and Kross for sure.
BobbyQ90 said:
Matt.D said:
BobbyQ90 said:
Neither Reus nor Bale are as good as anyone on here thinks. They both play a very similar game, they use their pace to get behind defenders, which is great, but they aren't world beaters. Reus is a very good role player for Dortmund, and was the main guy at Monchengladbach. Bale is pretty much in the same situation Reus was in at Monchengladbach, and he'll move to a world class team like Madrid or us and then he'll end up just like Reus is now, a very good role player. Reus isn't worth what we'd have to pay for him and Bale certainly isn't worth what anyone would pay for him. Lamela is practically the same type player as Reus and Bale, and would cost a lot less. And to the people who said he's a "big lad" who gets in the box and scores goals with his size, obviously havent seen him play. He's right around the same size as Robben, he's around 6 foot and has a lean frame. He's much more of a dribbler than Reus or Bale, he relies less on speed (even though he is pretty quick) and uses his skill to get past players. He reminds me of what Robben has become at Bayern, very quick and skillful, with a deadly left foot. He can play up top next to another striker, he can sit in behind a main striker, and he can cut in from the right, which are all things he does throughout a match.

I stopped reading after the first sentence. Gareth Bale is in the top 4 or 5 players in the world right now and this nonsense on this forum about him being overrated is exactly that. Open your eyes and watch the lad.

Ronaldo, Messi, Iniesta, Xavi, Falcao, Hamsik, Marchisio, Pirlo, RVP, Rooney, Tevez, Yaya, Muller, Turan, Gotze, a whole lot more, all better than Bale.

You can disagree, but you'll be wrong.

Stop overhyping players. If he ends up winning the Ballon D'or in a few years ill be the first to say I was wrong, but he has done nothing up to this point other than look really good in an average side.

Haha Bale is better than half those.
BobbyQ90 said:
Matt.D said:
BobbyQ90 said:
Neither Reus nor Bale are as good as anyone on here thinks. They both play a very similar game, they use their pace to get behind defenders, which is great, but they aren't world beaters. Reus is a very good role player for Dortmund, and was the main guy at Monchengladbach. Bale is pretty much in the same situation Reus was in at Monchengladbach, and he'll move to a world class team like Madrid or us and then he'll end up just like Reus is now, a very good role player. Reus isn't worth what we'd have to pay for him and Bale certainly isn't worth what anyone would pay for him. Lamela is practically the same type player as Reus and Bale, and would cost a lot less. And to the people who said he's a "big lad" who gets in the box and scores goals with his size, obviously havent seen him play. He's right around the same size as Robben, he's around 6 foot and has a lean frame. He's much more of a dribbler than Reus or Bale, he relies less on speed (even though he is pretty quick) and uses his skill to get past players. He reminds me of what Robben has become at Bayern, very quick and skillful, with a deadly left foot. He can play up top next to another striker, he can sit in behind a main striker, and he can cut in from the right, which are all things he does throughout a match.

I stopped reading after the first sentence. Gareth Bale is in the top 4 or 5 players in the world right now and this nonsense on this forum about him being overrated is exactly that. Open your eyes and watch the lad.

Ronaldo, Messi, Iniesta, Xavi, Falcao, Hamsik, Marchisio, Pirlo, RVP, Rooney, Tevez, Yaya, Muller, Turan, Gotze, a whole lot more, all better than Bale.

You can disagree, but you'll be wrong.

Stop overhyping players. If he ends up winning the Ballon D'or in a few years ill be the first to say I was wrong, but he has done nothing up to this point other than look really good in an average side.

First you are comparing apples with oranges with that list as the majority of them play different positions to Bale.

Second, Spurs are not an 'average' side by any stretch of any sane imagination.

Third City are not a world class team.
BobbyQ90 said:
Matt.D said:
BobbyQ90 said:
Neither Reus nor Bale are as good as anyone on here thinks. They both play a very similar game, they use their pace to get behind defenders, which is great, but they aren't world beaters. Reus is a very good role player for Dortmund, and was the main guy at Monchengladbach. Bale is pretty much in the same situation Reus was in at Monchengladbach, and he'll move to a world class team like Madrid or us and then he'll end up just like Reus is now, a very good role player. Reus isn't worth what we'd have to pay for him and Bale certainly isn't worth what anyone would pay for him. Lamela is practically the same type player as Reus and Bale, and would cost a lot less. And to the people who said he's a "big lad" who gets in the box and scores goals with his size, obviously havent seen him play. He's right around the same size as Robben, he's around 6 foot and has a lean frame. He's much more of a dribbler than Reus or Bale, he relies less on speed (even though he is pretty quick) and uses his skill to get past players. He reminds me of what Robben has become at Bayern, very quick and skillful, with a deadly left foot. He can play up top next to another striker, he can sit in behind a main striker, and he can cut in from the right, which are all things he does throughout a match.

I stopped reading after the first sentence. Gareth Bale is in the top 4 or 5 players in the world right now and this nonsense on this forum about him being overrated is exactly that. Open your eyes and watch the lad.

Ronaldo, Messi, Iniesta, Xavi, Falcao, Hamsik, Marchisio, Pirlo, RVP, Rooney, Tevez, Yaya, Muller, Turan, Gotze, a whole lot more, all better than Bale.

You can disagree, but you'll be wrong.

Stop overhyping players. If he ends up winning the Ballon D'or in a few years ill be the first to say I was wrong, but he has done nothing up to this point other than look really good in an average side.

Xavi and Iniesta are unbelievable footballers but Xavi in particular wouldn't look half as good if he didn't have brilliant players around him who have ridiculously good movement that compliments his genius brain & passing range.

Bale is not yet in the class of Messi & Ronaldo in terms of being able to consistently turn football matches individually through moments of pure magic, but he's certainly the closest thing to them. He's had a better season than everyone else on your list bar those 2.
BobbyQ90 said:
Matt.D said:
BobbyQ90 said:
Neither Reus nor Bale are as good as anyone on here thinks. They both play a very similar game, they use their pace to get behind defenders, which is great, but they aren't world beaters. Reus is a very good role player for Dortmund, and was the main guy at Monchengladbach. Bale is pretty much in the same situation Reus was in at Monchengladbach, and he'll move to a world class team like Madrid or us and then he'll end up just like Reus is now, a very good role player. Reus isn't worth what we'd have to pay for him and Bale certainly isn't worth what anyone would pay for him. Lamela is practically the same type player as Reus and Bale, and would cost a lot less. And to the people who said he's a "big lad" who gets in the box and scores goals with his size, obviously havent seen him play. He's right around the same size as Robben, he's around 6 foot and has a lean frame. He's much more of a dribbler than Reus or Bale, he relies less on speed (even though he is pretty quick) and uses his skill to get past players. He reminds me of what Robben has become at Bayern, very quick and skillful, with a deadly left foot. He can play up top next to another striker, he can sit in behind a main striker, and he can cut in from the right, which are all things he does throughout a match.

I stopped reading after the first sentence. Gareth Bale is in the top 4 or 5 players in the world right now and this nonsense on this forum about him being overrated is exactly that. Open your eyes and watch the lad.

Ronaldo, Messi, Iniesta, Xavi, Falcao, Hamsik, Marchisio, Pirlo, RVP, Rooney, Tevez, Yaya, Muller, Turan, Gotze, a whole lot more, all better than Bale.

You can disagree, but you'll be wrong.

Stop overhyping players. If he ends up winning the Ballon D'or in a few years ill be the first to say I was wrong, but he has done nothing up to this point other than look really good in an average side.
Stoned Rose said:
BobbyQ90 said:
Matt.D said:
I stopped reading after the first sentence. Gareth Bale is in the top 4 or 5 players in the world right now and this nonsense on this forum about him being overrated is exactly that. Open your eyes and watch the lad.

Ronaldo, Messi, Iniesta, Xavi, Falcao, Hamsik, Marchisio, Pirlo, RVP, Rooney, Tevez, Yaya, Muller, Turan, Gotze, a whole lot more, all better than Bale.

You can disagree, but you'll be wrong.

Stop overhyping players. If he ends up winning the Ballon D'or in a few years ill be the first to say I was wrong, but he has done nothing up to this point other than look really good in an average side.

First you are comparing apples with oranges with that list as the majority of them play different positions to Bale.

Second, Spurs are not an 'average' side by any stretch of any sane imagination.

Third City are not a world class team.

1. Im not comparing their position or style of play in any way, you just decided to think I am.

2. Yes, Spurs are an average side, the only world class players on that team are Vertonghen, Lloris and Bale, and considering they'll more than likely miss out on a Champions League spot to another average side (Arsenal) says so.

3. Every single player I put on that list are just as important to their respective teams as Bale is to Tottenham, and every one of those teams are miles ahead of Tottenham.
Bale's scored 25 goals this season from midfield in an otherwise fairly average team. And he's done it in less games than Ronaldo took in 06/07 or 08/09 (07/08 was his 40 goal season). He's scored 1 in every 1.5 games in the league this season, and plenty of them have been fantastic goals too. And at 23, he'll only get better. I think we'd be insane not to be in for him. He's one player that would be worth breaking the bank for imo.

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