Etihad Atmosphere - 2022/23

Who in the UK calls the Premier League the EPL !

Nope, change is always good it just doesn't have to be the pant-wetting Ultra bollocks that you so desire.

And therein lies the Issue with Ultras. It's not so much the about the Club, is their narcisstic view that they know best and are somehow better than other fans who don't subscribe to their view. They also want to think they can speak for all fans and become some sort of leader.

We have City Matters already, we also have comms from the club to ST holders and I'd rather we listened to view of those who actually attend the games rather than from people on Social media who have never been to a game?

Can I ask, you've been on BM for only a few months and in that time you've never posted about a favourite player, a memory from past games, the bald fraud, price of beer in the ground, title race predictions, comments on a game, price of season tickets, etc etc etc . You've only ever posted in the Etihad redevelopment section and the atmosphere section...

.....and always Ultras, Ultras fucking Ultras !

Do you run your own Man City Social channel by any chance or any football channel or City fan group? What age demographic do you represent? How often do you come to games? It might help me understand why you seem to think that anyone who doesn't drink from the kult of ultra cup is stuck in the past.
Good work Dave ! I’ve been wondering who this character is and had suspicions that there was something iffy.

He’s only been posting for a a couple of months and from his nonsensical posts it’s pretty obvious he’s clueless about English football culture, never mind City.
Tbh the issue of the drum seems way over the top for some people! If it's done right I see no issue with it - doesn't have to be constant like the European ultras.

The amount of times the songs die out cuz ppl can't stay in time...

No one ever complains about banging on the iron stadium walls at aways I don't see the difference
Yep. Not to mention the obligatory corporate section they will throw right in the middle of it.
Exactly mate. I like some of the ideas being floated about on here but a lot of it seems fanciful.
Whilst the club may like a better atmosphere at the ground time and again they've shown everything comes a distant second to matchday income for them.
More half and half scarves, tourists, cringy entertainment and crap around City Square to come I fear.
I just hope that someone who knows what they are talking about can communicate with the club. I don’t think the club understand crowd psychology and the way that each stand has evolved since Maine Road.

I have posted on BM many times that 1894 have been having regular meetings with the club for over 9 years now, we all speak to the club but a dare say im the one that speaks to them most. I know what a good atmosphere is and what it takes to make a crap one better, started my city supporting in 1979 and have seen lots of games at maine road, away from home, you name it. Intelligent ? Well some would disagree !! I stand at the back of 115, have done since we moved there, i have probably been involved in every display that has been done in the south stand. You wont see me on social media, i have never got involved in any of that shite. But 1894 are wide across most social media.

We get fantastic backing from the club, we get fantastic backing off a lot of fans, so grateful of the support we get. But a very large percentage of our support in the the stadium does not buy in to working to get a better atmosphere. The great vocal fans are out numbered by the silent ones, this is the number one issue that we have been up against for 9 years. Fans look for faults such as tourists / beer / transport / a "drum" that will go up somebodies arse / and it seems fans will only sing if tickets come down in price. ( i do agree that the north stand needs to offer the best price tickets to encourage singing fans to move there, BUT and it is a massive BUT, as jrb said we dont want fans to move there just for cheap tickets or again we will face the same problems )

We have probably put more effort into working on a better atmosphere than most other clubs supporters groups, our fans need to take a good look at themselves and realise they need to sing more. Fine example and could somebody on here answerer this ? Why VS everton did the whole of the south stand lower punch the air with "haaland haaland haaland" then stay quite for most of the first half ?

I have seen a few people post about the united singing section that has sprung up recently. I know one of the guys that helped organise it, they actually did less than what we do to put the word about but got far more fans wanting to move in, they did very little. There was no question of ticket prices or wanting to stay where they already where to be with their mates, it was purely "the fans wanted to sing for the team, they had wanted it for a while. Now like rangers they have fans waiting to go in.

No matter what we call the new end, no matter where the away fans are, regardless of the drum rumours which arent true, there is a massive last chance to get a singing section in a couple of years so MOVE IN and sing.
I sat in CB3 for two seasons in a row before this one. Never had a problem with it. Plenty of fans shout and sing. It seems CB3 is the dog to whip regarding the stadium atmosphere which is wrong.
It might be just where im sat. Its quiet

I have an amazing seat on the front row of the top tier which im loath to give up but its just so quiet where i am.

I could count 6/7 people sat in my vicinity that dont even cheer where when we score. I wonder what that are getting out of it
Can I just say.

The Personal attacks on LEXSTARproject are very unfair and are uncalled for.

He has every right to post what he wants.

He also has a right to his views and opinions.

He has contributed a lot to this thread and the Etihad Campus thread in good faith.

We don't have to agree with each other, but let's keep it civil please.
Can I just say.

The Personal attacks on LEXSTARproject are very unfair and are uncalled for.

He has every right to post what he wants.

He also has a right to his views and opinions.

He has contributed a lot to this thread and the Etihad Campus thread in good faith.

We don't have to agree with each other, but let's keep it civil please.
Well said. Our opinions and ideas may differ (part and parcel of a football forum) but we are all Blue and we all want the same outcome, which is a better atmosphere.
I have posted on BM many times that 1894 have been having regular meetings with the club for over 9 years now, we all speak to the club but a dare say im the one that speaks to them most. I know what a good atmosphere is and what it takes to make a crap one better, started my city supporting in 1979 and have seen lots of games at maine road, away from home, you name it. Intelligent ? Well some would disagree !! I stand at the back of 115, have done since we moved there, i have probably been involved in every display that has been done in the south stand. You wont see me on social media, i have never got involved in any of that shite. But 1894 are wide across most social media.

We get fantastic backing from the club, we get fantastic backing off a lot of fans, so grateful of the support we get. But a very large percentage of our support in the the stadium does not buy in to working to get a better atmosphere. The great vocal fans are out numbered by the silent ones, this is the number one issue that we have been up against for 9 years. Fans look for faults such as tourists / beer / transport / a "drum" that will go up somebodies arse / and it seems fans will only sing if tickets come down in price. ( i do agree that the north stand needs to offer the best price tickets to encourage singing fans to move there, BUT and it is a massive BUT, as jrb said we dont want fans to move there just for cheap tickets or again we will face the same problems )

We have probably put more effort into working on a better atmosphere than most other clubs supporters groups, our fans need to take a good look at themselves and realise they need to sing more. Fine example and could somebody on here answerer this ? Why VS everton did the whole of the south stand lower punch the air with "haaland haaland haaland" then stay quite for most of the first half ?

I have seen a few people post about the united singing section that has sprung up recently. I know one of the guys that helped organise it, they actually did less than what we do to put the word about but got far more fans wanting to move in, they did very little. There was no question of ticket prices or wanting to stay where they already where to be with their mates, it was purely "the fans wanted to sing for the team, they had wanted it for a while. Now like rangers they have fans waiting to go in.

No matter what we call the new end, no matter where the away fans are, regardless of the drum rumours which arent true, there is a massive last chance to get a singing section in a couple of years so MOVE IN and sing.
Bang on mate, THE BIGGEST PROBLEM is getting people to sing, I'm in 119 and it's a decent atmosphere but the amount of people who don't sing or only sing occasionally is huge, I'm a f.o.c but no one outsings me, shouts more or even clapping loud as fuck...that's what the old Kippax did to you, you got behind the team in any which way you could, no you hear people discussing what they are having for tea while the boys are playing...fucking joke just get behind the lads
Can I just say.

The Personal attacks on LEXSTARproject are very unfair and are uncalled for.

He has every right to post what he wants.

He also has a right to his views and opinions.

He has contributed a lot to this thread and the Etihad Campus thread in good faith.

We don't have to agree with each other, but let's keep it civil please.
But when he replies that anyone who doesn't lurve the ultras is old fashioned or lives in the past and is against change..or notes that older fans must wear flat caps and work down t'pit in a disparaging manner, then that's ok?

What personal attack has there been? An example would be nice
Exactly mate. I like some of the ideas being floated about on here but a lot of it seems fanciful.
Whilst the club may like a better atmosphere at the ground time and again they've shown everything comes a distant second to matchday income for them.
More half and half scarves, tourists, cringy entertainment and crap around City Square to come I fear.
Club don't care if the atmosphere is good or not..they would be happy if every seat had a new tourist every game.
Sat taking wank videos for tik tok or what ever they do with them

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