Etihad Atmosphere - 2022/23

Club don't care if the atmosphere is good or not..they would be happy if every seat had a new tourist every game.
Sat taking wank videos for tik tok or what ever they do with them
the club really do want a good atmosphere, our contacts at the club are up for it as much as fans.

I guess you might mean owners, not sure.

but the club wants a noisy buzzing atmosphere, it will fill seats
But when he replies that anyone who doesn't lurve the ultras is old fashioned or lives in the past and is against change..or notes that older fans must wear flat caps and work down t'pit in a disparaging manner, then that's ok?

What personal attack has there been? An example would be nice

I find somebody constantly threatening to stick a drum up my arse offensive. :-? Not to mention a megaphone. ;-)

There have a been a couple of unnecessary comments, that’s all.

This is an emotive and passionate subject. Even though we all think there are different ways of improving the atmosphere at the Etihad, we all want a similar outcome. True!?

The sooner the club put us out of our misery regarding their plans for the North stand expansion and improving the atmosphere, the better. Once they do that, and hopefully it will be what most of us want, we can go about improving the atomsphere in conjunction with the club in the future.
Bang on mate, THE BIGGEST PROBLEM is getting people to sing, I'm in 119 and it's a decent atmosphere but the amount of people who don't sing or only sing occasionally is huge, I'm a f.o.c but no one outsings me, shouts more or even clapping loud as fuck...that's what the old Kippax did to you, you got behind the team in any which way you could, no you hear people discussing what they are having for tea while the boys are playing...fucking joke just get behind the lads

Got it right mate. i dont know why fans come up with strangest reasons why not to sing, like you say belt some songs out and clap, bollocks to what is going on around.
I find somebody constantly threatening to stick a drum up my arse offensive. :-? Not to mention a megaphone. ;-)

There have a been a couple of unnecessary comments, that’s all.

This is an emotive and passionate subject. Even though we all think there are different ways of improving the atmosphere at the Etihad, we all want a similar outcome. True!?

The sooner the club put us out of our misery regarding their plans for the North stand expansion and improving the atmosphere, the better. Once they do that, and hopefully it will be what most of us want, we can go about improving the atomsphere in conjunction with the club in the future.

I get what you mean JRB, we have said it before as well that as fans we work with what we have got not complain about what we havent got. Just sing and stop saying "we dont want"
Nobody wants to live in the past fella. You’re just insulting people because they don’t like cheese on toast ‘Ultras’ guff that you get wet over.

I’ve watched 5 minutes of this Palace game and already thinking of turning it off because of the awful Palace fans in their shit drum and boring ‘CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC CPFC’ chant over and over and over.

It’s nearly as boring as you always talking about ‘Ultras’. We don’t need Ultras, we just need our fans in one area and consistency.
To be honest I have been to Palace dozens of times over the years and the atmosphere is very average, especially when losing. West Ham at Upton Park and even Spurs much better than Palace…Ultras or no ultras
We’ll get that singing section in the expanded North stand.

RIP Siberiano.

One easy way to give people who want to sing the opportunity to clump together in a more organic way, without having to designate a new "singing block" and move people there en masse, would be for a ticket to be valid for a section as a whole rather than for an individual seat. So if you had a ticket for anywhere in, say, blocks 116-119 in the south stand lower (where there are currently rail seats), you could stand anywhere in that block. When I had a season ticket in 118 before I moved to Berlin I knew about a dozen or more people scattered in different locations in those blocks, but we could only meet up at half time on concourse. People who want to sing are more likely to do so when they're with their mates, plus it's just more fun with your mates.

I don't think this would actually happen though, in the UK. (Although it's normal on the continent.) For one thing the police would hate the idea that they couldn't identify a miscreant from a video by his seat location. Furthermore, from the point of view of safety from overcrowding you would need to put a barrier between the 'open' blocks and the other areas of the ground that were still occupied on a seat-by-seat basis. Plus a lot of people would hate that they can't stay on the concourse until 2:59:59 and still be guaranteed their preferred spot. (Which brings me on to my other point - you should be allowed to drink in view of the field of play. But that's another debate.)
Bang on mate, THE BIGGEST PROBLEM is getting people to sing, I'm in 119 and it's a decent atmosphere but the amount of people who don't sing or only sing occasionally is huge, I'm a f.o.c but no one outsings me, shouts more or even clapping loud as fuck...that's what the old Kippax did to you, you got behind the team in any which way you could, no you hear people discussing what they are having for tea while the boys are playing...fucking joke just get behind the lads
This for me is the most compelling argument for Ultras - they would take the pressure off the people who have gone into themselves, and maybe bring them out of themselves.

Am I defending sitting there in silence? No, it's not for me...but I also know that a lot of those folk who do were going in week in week out when fans like myself had lapsed, moved away, couldn't or wouldn't set aside the money to attend I'm not going to question their devotion to the club just because I like to shout and they don't.

Ultras would acknowledge the fact that some of us are always going to be shy - it would mean that there's always a noise coming from somewhere whatever, and they would tell the world that we are fiercely proud of our club.

BUT... all that said, I can't see Ultras being something the club would want to support in a million years ultimately...because as well as the fact a lot of fans won't like the sound of a drum and droning chants (and yes it can be annoying), you've the potential for trouble of the black trackies, blue flares, all day Dark Fruit and gear binge well as a potential vehicle for future protest...and when was the last time we saw any serious protest? Forward with Franny?

So while it's easy to look around the Etihad and think it can all be very sedate - we DO have a lot of young City supporting fans who would flock to an Ultra type movement.

Which means, for me, City has to take into account what's being said about an NS singing section - and harness that desire for atmosphere. The alternative could be a movement the club can't control.
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