Etihad Atmosphere - 2022/23

And that to some degree that is the problem Fred. The 'real world' as we know it today is to film wherever you are be it a football game a pop concert or whatever and post it on your social media account so loads of people you have never met or will never will meet can see it and give you a 'like'. It's that what stops people becoming emotionally involved. I went to see Pete Tong at the Arena just before Christmas. The whole place was literally jumping to some serious house music being pumped out with a 42 piece orchestra behind it to back for good measure, along with a laser light show that was unbelievable. But when I took a good look around to try and take it all in, there was literally thousands of people just stood there, motionless, recording on their phones and hardly moving a muscle. They were not participating at all. They were observing. We have all seen that at the Etihad, especially at CL games. Obviously, the real world as it is today is not the old world where you went to a football game to watch AND participate. It's the same now wherever you go and it's crap to be honest.
I honestly think people have become so repressed and pacified that this the only way they know how to interact with the world. Even if someone is getting battered or abuses people will film rather than step in
Another weird aspect of last night was the number of Korean tourists & students who turned up in the home end to watch Son play. Whilst I don't consider this to be a massive problem, there was even a couple of Korean young ladies on our tram trying to teach some FOCs some Korean words, they obviously don't contribute to the atmosphere & won't join in with any City related songs.
They were all down the bottom of ESL1 taking pictures and videos of Son warming up.

That’s what you get, City, when you charge £68/ticket!

Non-City fans there for the occasion and then Pep wondering why the atmosphere is bobbins.
Football in general has become too sanitised. All seated, over exuberant stewards and people rather than singing will film things on their phones in the hope of catching some action whilst actually missing most of the game. Every concert I’ve been to in the last few years I found myself surrounded by lofted mobile camera phones
Tbh he’s right though. I’ve been a season ticket holder for 20 years and i honestly just wish i could talk to someone who works inside the club. Everything about the pre match display that the club puts on kills any sort of atmosphere before the players come out.

Those pre match light shows are sh*te! Whoever’s behind that needs sacking quickly cause how do you expect a “proper atmosphere” to build when we’re sat there watching a light show with a djay playing. Also whilst the players are warming up, we’re always listening to people talking over a microphone which is always shown on the big screen, from either pitch side or city square. Stuff like doesn’t exactly help build an atmosphere.

I’d rather they play music and 2 minutes before the players come out turn off all the music and leave it to the fans. If the fans don’t chant, then that’s on us, but it’s better than forcing an atmosphere and in the big games, you’ll definitely hear some noise before the players come out. If the fans get going from the start, the players are more likely to as well. Luckily Pep sorted it out at half time and because of it the mood in the stadium changed completely which in turn affected the noise and atmosphere. But it should be good from the get go and that’s partly the clubs fault & partly us to blame.

Plenty of times over the past few years I’ve heard chants ringing out from the lower south stand and the noise doesn’t travel up or around the ground. Again partly the clubs fault for putting a nice posh 93:20 bar with comfy seats right in the middle of our singing section. People in that section don’t join in with chants, and they leave 5-10 minutes before half time and don’t get back until at least the 50th minute. No wonder noise doesn’t travel up. If it did then the noise would sound immense and i want one person on here to try and tell me I’m wrong.

Then on the other side of the ground, we’ve got a huge family stand covering the whole lower tier of the north stand. We need to get rid of that asap and keep it to the second tier of the north stand. Then make that first tier safe standing as well just like they have with the south stand. More noise would be generated again and look how many people/families are leaving with 10 minutes to go, which is in plain sight of the players and tv cameras.

Another point is the £67 tickets which is killing off any chance of a proper supporter going and instead tourists/day trippers going instead, not chanting and on their phones for a lot of the match. It’s an absolute joke, might sound like an overreaction but pricing people out and playing that cringe along with everything else is the reason a lot of people are fed up and don’t enjoy the matchday experience as much anymore.
What a load of bollox. Pre match light show killing the atmosphere!! There is never any atmosphere pre game because nobody comes into their seat until a few minutes before KO. Too busy scooping on the concourse. I think the light show is to try and get the fans in their seat and they always end the show with a City anthem to try and get the crowd going. The atmosphere pre-game has been dead for years until the team actually appear.

Pray tell who is the ‘proper’ supporter?? The days of take the family for a £5 are long gone, if they ever existed. £67 for last nights game? Get real. How many International players were on show last night? There were 2 World Cup winners on the field and a previous World Cup winner. Try getting into a concert for that.
Pray tell who is the ‘proper’ supporter?? The days of take the family for a £5 are long gone, if they ever existed. £67 for last nights game? Get real. How many International players were on show last night? There were 2 World Cup winners on the field and a previous World Cup winner. Try getting into a concert for that.

Alright jack. How on earth can you compare going to a concert to a city match. That’s a bizarre comparison - a concert is a one off event, lasts for a few hours and you don’t go every week.

£67 is ridiculous pricing. Only a few seasons ago that same game was £45. That’s a huge increase that most people on average wages can’t afford. To take a family your looking at about £150

Take the family for £5? Who’s suggested that? Obviously tickets shouldn’t/ won’t ever be that cheap.
Tbh he’s right though. I’ve been a season ticket holder for 20 years and i honestly just wish i could talk to someone who works inside the club. Everything about the pre match display that the club puts on kills any sort of atmosphere before the players come out.

Those pre match light shows are sh*te! Whoever’s behind that needs sacking quickly cause how do you expect a “proper atmosphere” to build when we’re sat there watching a light show with a djay playing. Also whilst the players are warming up, we’re always listening to people talking over a microphone which is always shown on the big screen, from either pitch side or city square. Stuff like doesn’t exactly help build an atmosphere.

I’d rather they play music and 2 minutes before the players come out turn off all the music and leave it to the fans. If the fans don’t chant, then that’s on us, but it’s better than forcing an atmosphere and in the big games, you’ll definitely hear some noise before the players come out. If the fans get going from the start, the players are more likely to as well. Luckily Pep sorted it out at half time and because of it the mood in the stadium changed completely which in turn affected the noise and atmosphere. But it should be good from the get go and that’s partly the clubs fault & partly us to blame.

Plenty of times over the past few years I’ve heard chants ringing out from the lower south stand and the noise doesn’t travel up or around the ground. Again partly the clubs fault for putting a nice posh 93:20 bar with comfy seats right in the middle of our singing section. People in that section don’t join in with chants, and they leave 5-10 minutes before half time and don’t get back until at least the 50th minute. No wonder noise doesn’t travel up. If it did then the noise would sound immense and i want one person on here to try and tell me I’m wrong.

Then on the other side of the ground, we’ve got a huge family stand covering the whole lower tier of the north stand. We need to get rid of that asap and keep it to the second tier of the north stand. Then make that first tier safe standing as well just like they have with the south stand. More noise would be generated again and look how many people/families are leaving with 10 minutes to go, which is in plain sight of the players and tv cameras.

Another point is the £67 tickets which is killing off any chance of a proper supporter going and instead tourists/day trippers going instead, not chanting and on their phones for a lot of the match. It’s an absolute joke, might sound like an overreaction but pricing people out and playing that cringe along with everything else is the reason a lot of people are fed up and don’t enjoy the matchday experience as much anymore.
I agree with a lot of the things Pep came out with regards to the team. Not having any drive and going through the motions most of the season. Similar to what a lot have been saying on here for a few months. It's no coincidence the players who haven't got numerous titles like Ake and Rico are the ones who appear hungrier.

I'm disappointed with his comments about the fans because he is so out of touch with us. Last time I rememeber he said something detrimental about the fanbase he's there answering the questions in a load of overpriced Stone Island clobber. He probably regards £70 a ticket cheap.

Agree on the light display and all the shit they put on. Turned to the guy next to me last night and said that it's fucking cringeworthy and he was in agreement. Not really interested in the shite they have on in City Square either, although I'm sure Paul Lake was getting interviewed last night for which I'd probably have made an exception. Quite liked the old Fatboy Slim 'Right Here Right Now' being the only thing blaring out at Maine Road as they're about to come out the tunnel. All feels staged and false to me.
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Alright jack. How on earth can you compare going to a concert to a city match. That’s a bizarre comparison - a concert is a one off event, lasts for a few hours and you don’t go every week.

£67 is ridiculous pricing. Only a few seasons ago that same game was £45. That’s a huge increase that most people on average wages can’t afford. To take a family your looking at about £150

Take the family for £5? Who’s suggested that? Obviously tickets shouldn’t/ won’t ever be that cheap.
It has been relatively expensive to go to football for many, many years. A few seasons ago it was £45!! It must have been at least 4 seasons ago. Things move on. If you can’t afford it don’t go. I spent many, many years not being able to afford to go and that was up to about 15 years ago when I finally had the disposable income to attend. Before that I picked and chose my games using birthday and Christmas money. I am a FOC and was a regular in the early 60‘s until the early 70’s when a 23 year stint in the forces put paid to match going followed by years as a teacher on a pittance. I know first hand what it is like to not attend for financial as well as practical reasons so when people complain about the cost I have absolutely no sympathy, I have empathy because I have been there. You pick and choose your games. There is an expectation that because you have been going for years that you are entitled to go cheap. It won’t happen. Even now I have to restrict my games to CL and PL (and not all those because of the cost of going over). LC and FA cup are just about out of my price range so I just suck it up.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Tbh he’s right though. I’ve been a season ticket holder for 20 years and i honestly just wish i could talk to someone who works inside the club. Everything about the pre match display that the club puts on kills any sort of atmosphere before the players come out.

Those pre match light shows are sh*te! Whoever’s behind that needs sacking quickly cause how do you expect a “proper atmosphere” to build when we’re sat there watching a light show with a djay playing. Also whilst the players are warming up, we’re always listening to people talking over a microphone which is always shown on the big screen, from either pitch side or city square. Stuff like doesn’t exactly help build an atmosphere.

I’d rather they play music and 2 minutes before the players come out turn off all the music and leave it to the fans. If the fans don’t chant, then that’s on us, but it’s better than forcing an atmosphere and in the big games, you’ll definitely hear some noise before the players come out. If the fans get going from the start, the players are more likely to as well. Luckily Pep sorted it out at half time and because of it the mood in the stadium changed completely which in turn affected the noise and atmosphere. But it should be good from the get go and that’s partly the clubs fault & partly us to blame.

Never going to happen as that would mean the geeks behind it all would be made redundant. They have to justify their jobs with as much cheese as possible that gets engagement online.
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