Etihad Atmosphere - 2022/23

Some fans sing regardless

Off the top of my head there's only really Forest worthy of a mention and they haven't been in the top division for donkey's years so it's all a bit of a novelty for them. Most of the away support at the Etihad this season hasn't been up to much in my opinion.
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only as unnecessary as your post i was replying too

this nearly 400 page thread is full of people calling for other blues to lose their season tickets cos they leave early or do something else some "top blue" disapproves of and it gets on my tits.

I come on this thread because as a regular match goer and season ticket holder because I am interested in how we can improve the atmosphere, not for blues to slag other blues off for leaving early. people pay their money and can do as they please and dont have to follow your rules. We have enough outsiders having a go without some internal internecine fighting. I usually ignore it, cos you know, cunts will be cunts, but every so often i just cant help myself. I also do realise the irony of slagging off other blues for slagging off other blues.

I will go back to ignoring the type of bullshit you posted for a few weeks until i am caught off guard or the rage builds up again.
I never claimed to be a “top blue” or a bigger blue than anybody else, but it baffles me, absolutely baffles me when I see thousands upon thousands of people streaming out with ten or fifteen minutes to go, often when we are winning games. Some people come in late, go down for half time early, come back late for the second half and then leave early. They’re lucky if they see an hours worth of the game, and the only conclusion I can draw is that they’re not really that arsed about being there.

This is a thread about atmosphere, but how many games do we see a bouncing stadium at the end of a game? Hardly any because half the ground has fucked off home. They were even streaming out when we beat United 6-3, I can’t think of another stadium in the country where that would happen against your local rivals.

We can agree to disagree and people can do as they please but calling me a “twat and a ****” because you don’t agree with me is not on.
I never claimed to be a “top blue” or a bigger blue than anybody else, but it baffles me, absolutely baffles me when I see thousands upon thousands of people streaming out with ten or fifteen minutes to go, often when we are winning games. Some people come in late, go down for half time early, come back late for the second half and then leave early. They’re lucky if they see an hours worth of the game, and the only conclusion I can draw is that they’re not really that arsed about being there.

This is a thread about atmosphere, but how many games do we see a bouncing stadium at the end of a game? Hardly any because half the ground has fucked off home. They were even streaming out when we beat United 6-3, I can’t think of another stadium in the country where that would happen against your local rivals.

We can agree to disagree and people can do as they please but calling me a “twat and a ****” because you don’t agree with me is not on.
Stop over exaggerating it. If a game is over and won odd ones and twos will start to leave around 83-85 minutes but it won’t be until about 87-88 that hundreds will start to leave. You aren’t going to get 50,000 fans belting out Blue Moon to a lap of honour when we finished the game 4-0 up with 4 subs on just knocking it around against beaten opposition in a routine game. It really isn’t a big deal apart from to 13 year old boys watching the team they chose from afar on the internet.

I don’t leave big games or games in the balance early but if I’m bored and I want to get home I’ve got no problem leaving with my boys when the board goes up. I don’t want to spend 5 minutes trying to leave the stand and then half an hour in traffic if I can avoid it. I’ve got a life outside City.

I’ve left at half time on more than one occasion if I can’t face watching us get trounced. This happened a few times in the dark days but the only times recently were when we were 3-0 down at home to Leicester and also 4-0 down to Leicester away. I’ve not missed an important goal in 47 years.
I never claimed to be a “top blue” or a bigger blue than anybody else, but it baffles me, absolutely baffles me when I see thousands upon thousands of people streaming out with ten or fifteen minutes to go, often when we are winning games. Some people come in late, go down for half time early, come back late for the second half and then leave early. They’re lucky if they see an hours worth of the game, and the only conclusion I can draw is that they’re not really that arsed about being there.

This is a thread about atmosphere, but how many games do we see a bouncing stadium at the end of a game? Hardly any because half the ground has fucked off home. They were even streaming out when we beat United 6-3, I can’t think of another stadium in the country where that would happen against your local rivals.

We can agree to disagree and people can do as they please but calling me a “twat and a ****” because you don’t agree with me is not on.

I apologise if the terms offend you.
Your post offended me and the strength of my reply reflected that.

You do come across as the "top blue" type from the line "The people who stream out on 75 minutes should admit that really they don’t want to be there, give up their tickets and let people who do want to be there have them."
sorry if I have misunderstood, but dont see how you can claiming to be anything other than a better or bigger (top if you will) blue than those those who stream out, and they should not attend and be replaced by top blues such as yourself.
If you can explain to me how I have misunderstood your post I would appreciate it

We can deffo agree to disagree but if I get angry i swear. Your post made me very angry.
As previously posted I will go back to ignoring posts such as yours (because we will disagree and not convince the other) until the anger builds and is let out again
I understand being moved to swear can be seen as a character flaw, but i think its just characterful
Stop over exaggerating it. If a game is over and won odd ones and twos will start to leave around 83-85 minutes but it won’t be until about 87-88 that hundreds will start to leave. You aren’t going to get 50,000 fans belting out Blue Moon to a lap of honour when we finished the game 4-0 up with 4 subs on just knocking it around against beaten opposition in a routine game. It really isn’t a big deal apart from to 13 year old boys watching the team they chose from afar on the internet.

I don’t leave big games or games in the balance early but if I’m bored and I want to get home I’ve got no problem leaving with my boys when the board goes up. I don’t want to spend 5 minutes trying to leave the stand and then half an hour in traffic if I can avoid it. I’ve got a life outside City.

I’ve left at half time on more than one occasion if I can’t face watching us get trounced. This happened a few times in the dark days but the only times recently were when we were 3-0 down at home to Leicester and also 4-0 down to Leicester away. I’ve not missed an important goal in 47 years.
You must admit though Dave that it’s not ideal for our players to be clapping a predominantly empty ground at full time.

I’ve not seen it happen to this extent at any other ground this season except for Arsenal of all places when we went 3-1 up.

Maybe I’m overthinking the first point because who knows if multi-millionaire footballers give a shit about stuff like that, but I’d wager a handful of them do.
I apologise if the terms offend you.
Your post offended me and the strength of my reply reflected that.

You do come across as the "top blue" type from the line "The people who stream out on 75 minutes should admit that really they don’t want to be there, give up their tickets and let people who do want to be there have them."
sorry if I have misunderstood, but dont see how you can claiming to be anything other than a better or bigger (top if you will) blue than those those who stream out, and they should not attend and be replaced by top blues such as yourself.
If you can explain to me how I have misunderstood your post I would appreciate it

We can deffo agree to disagree but if I get angry i swear. Your post made me very angry.
As previously posted I will go back to ignoring posts such as yours (because we will disagree and not convince the other) until the anger builds and is let out again
I understand being moved to swear can be seen as a character flaw, but i think its just characterful
I’m not arsed about swearing pal, I just think it was an over the top reaction over a relatively minor disagreement about early leavers.
With regards the point, I’m not saying I have never left a game early because I have, but I think it’s something that’s getting worse and I get the feeling that a lot of these people are there out of habit rather than actually really wanting to be there, maybe I’m wrong but it’s just my opinion.
I’m not arsed about swearing pal, I just think it was an over the top reaction over a relatively minor disagreement about early leavers.
With regards the point, I’m not saying I have never left a game early because I have, but I think it’s something that’s getting worse and I get the feeling that a lot of these people are there out of habit rather than actually really wanting to be there, maybe I’m wrong but it’s just my opinion.

i am glad you clarified because that makes more sense than your original post and you dont come across as a top blue

i am sorry that you find my reaction over the top, i just get really wound up when people slag off fellow blues just for doing something they have every right to do. especially about early leavers in this thread, where it has been done to death. As i say i will go back to ignoring it, until the rage builds up again. hopefully wont happen, but i cant guarantee it
You must admit though Dave that it’s not ideal for our players to be clapping a predominantly empty ground at full time.

I’ve not seen it happen to this extent at any other ground this season except for Arsenal of all places when we went 3-1 up.

Maybe I’m overthinking the first point because who knows if multi-millionaire footballers give a shit about stuff like that, but I’d wager a handful of them do.
Couldn’t agree more. When the final whistle goes I doubt the ground is even as much as half full, and at that point most of the rest stream out. My preference is to stay and clap the players off, whatever the game, whatever the result (my kids won’t leave until the last player is off the pitch). Each to our own but my view is it looks fucking pathetic with only a small proportion of the crowd acknowledging the players.
Well said @pirate the silent majority of blues agree wholeheartedly with you

This thread is full of “blues” having a pop at match going blues. Some of these clowns never go to games and some of them are so insecure they like to big up their Superfan status by decrying other blues. Grown men trying to draw attention to themselves on a forum by repeatedly informing everyone that they stay to the end isn’t a very good look.

It strikes me that they must be largely newbie fans who see footy as entertainment like going to the cinema. It doesn’t occur to them that for many match goers the entertainment is in seeing City win and if the points are in the bag with a few minutes left some of these true blues understandably make an early dart.
You think our atmosphere is bad. Spurs tonight woeful( on and off the pitch) we'll be much better next week

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