Etihad Atmosphere - 2022/23

I was asked - quite politely, but firmly - to cut out the effing and jeffing by some first-timer at 60 minutes at the weekend. Didn’t know whether to tell him and his lad to sit in the Family Stand if he didn’t want to hear bad language, or to give him credit for standing up for what he believed in. Either way, it shut me up. For the rest of the game.

While I should have been punching the air and letting rip at Bernie’s lovely finish that made the game safer, I was pondering the following:
  • Was I an arsehole for swearing in the earshot of kids?
  • Was he an arsehole for putting his lad in that kind of environment and then complaining about it?
  • Was he brave and principled?
  • Did he act like a coward, and only have a word after sizing me up as one unlikely to respond badly? and finally
  • Should I relocate?
Atmosphere worse for me. Better for apparent first-timer. My rights don’t trump his just because I’ve got a season card and he doesn’t. But the Pablo Zabaleta song’s a non-starter for him, it seems. And he probably won’t like “we are Man City and we’re on the piss again” or “spent all my money on drugs and City”, come to that.
He was right to stick up for what he believed in but deluded to think swearing isn't part of football. He's also deluded if he thinks his kid doesn't know these words. Racism I don't like but it will be a sad game without swearing, shouting and singing. Sounds like you dealt with it respectfully but the family stand is where you go if you want a U rated experience. Ten chances to one his kid loved hearing you going off.
I was asked - quite politely, but firmly - to cut out the effing and jeffing by some first-timer at 60 minutes at the weekend. Didn’t know whether to tell him and his lad to sit in the Family Stand if he didn’t want to hear bad language, or to give him credit for standing up for what he believed in. Either way, it shut me up. For the rest of the game.

While I should have been punching the air and letting rip at Bernie’s lovely finish that made the game safer, I was pondering the following:
  • Was I an arsehole for swearing in the earshot of kids?
  • Was he an arsehole for putting his lad in that kind of environment and then complaining about it?
  • Was he brave and principled?
  • Did he act like a coward, and only have a word after sizing me up as one unlikely to respond badly? and finally
  • Should I relocate?
Atmosphere worse for me. Better for apparent first-timer. My rights don’t trump his just because I’ve got a season card and he doesn’t. But the Pablo Zabaleta song’s a non-starter for him, it seems. And he probably won’t like “we are Man City and we’re on the piss again” or “spent all my money on drugs and City”, come to that.
Took the 2year old grandson to his first derby this season (the 6-3) and his first time in the South Stand, whenever we score I normally pick him up so he can take everything in & join in with the celebrations, after our third a group of lads in their twenties behind us where laughing their heads off, turns out the little bugger was giving the rags a one fingered salute with his index finger, no doubt aided & abetted by those around us, no harm done and a great day :)
Couldn’t agree more. When the final whistle goes I doubt the ground is even as much as half full, and at that point most of the rest stream out. My preference is to stay and clap the players off, whatever the game, whatever the result (my kids won’t leave until the last player is off the pitch). Each to our own but my view is it looks fucking pathetic with only a small proportion of the crowd acknowledging the players.
I stay to the end but we always try and get a good start to get away.
I leave early most weeks unless a crucial game is in the balance or we’re revelling in a romp against the rags or dippers and in 35 years of going to the match nobody has ever said a word to me about it.

So the conclusion to be drawn from that is that in real life City fans are one big happy family who tacitly acknowledge that people with different lives and different ways of doing things all come together in the name of City whereas on here internet keyboard warrior clowns try to big up their own sad little lives by criticising people for going about their business as they see fit.

Can’t the attention seeking wannabe superfans have their own little thread where they can post pics of themselves still in the ground 2 hrs after the final whistle to see how many likes they get and leave this thread to a sensible discussion about atmosphere.
Took the 2year old grandson to his first derby this season (the 6-3) and his first time in the South Stand, whenever we score I normally pick him up so he can take everything in & join in with the celebrations, after our third a group of lads in their twenties behind us where laughing their heads off, turns out the little bugger was giving the rags a one fingered salute with his index finger, no doubt aided & abetted by those around us, no harm done and a great day :)
I leave early most weeks unless a crucial game is in the balance or we’re revelling in a romp against the rags or dippers and in 35 years of going to the match nobody has ever said a word to me about it.

So the conclusion to be drawn from that is that in real life City fans are one big happy family who tacitly acknowledge that people with different lives and different ways of doing things all come together in the name of City whereas on here internet keyboard warrior clowns try to big up their own sad little lives by criticising people for going about their business as they see fit.

Can’t the attention seeking wannabe superfans have their own little thread where they can post pics of themselves still in the ground 2 hrs after the final whistle to see how many likes they get and leave this thread to a sensible discussion about atmosphere.
How early do you leave, out of interest? I’m not interested in a slanging match by the way, everyone is entitled to their opinion - me, you and the ones you’re criticising.

Genuinely interested to know how much football you miss and if you’ve ever regretted missing a goal/incident/comeback?
It's not a big enough reason for somebody to want to leave clubs Dave. I have no doubt the players you have mentioned have a very deep affection towards our club.....alongside a very healthy pay cheque at the time.

Everybody likes to feel appreciated however and none of them are going to prefer that those in the crowd left early (let's put it that way). You only have to look at their reaction after Fulham and most of the away games to see that they do care.
It’s going to take a monumental shift to change peoples habits, and just maybe the club are going to get it right with the NS extension and other plans, a lot will depend on transport improvements, but I really think The New Kippax, Sergio Stand, Kompany Kop, Wonderwall or whatever it gets called, has a major part to play by making the after-match experience part of the game, I’m not talking chest pumps from Pep or the players holding hands, but if the majority in that stand stay behind & belt out a a song or two, I’m sure the players will respond, as will the other stands
I am going to get splinters in my arse here from sitting on the fence, but I can see it from both sides with this debate rumbling on so long. FWIW I think we have the best fans in the league - and some of the most I misunderstood fans in the league, well, at least since we became successful. And everyone shows their devotion in different ways. Some of us go to every home, some of us go to every away, some of us never leave early, some of us have never let an ST lapse, some of us take our parents, some of us take our kids, run OSCs, travel hundreds of miles or fly from different countries, pay through the nose...we all have our ways.

So if you do something week in, week out for decades, and it's part of your routine, then it's inevitable that you're going to need to claw a few minutes back here or there, or get to the game a bit later, or want to have a pint, or whatever it is that might prevent you from staying in your seat for the entire afternoon - we are not robots and dedicated matchgoing is a big time and money commitment. We have early leavers precisely because we have so many fans who have been going for so long and so often you do what you have to do to make it work with everything else in your life.

But, and this is the point, I am of a mind that it might not always look that way to Pep and the boys, and as a supporter that bothers me. Sometimes it is about picking your moments. Was I little disappointed that so many of us chose to leave early at Villa? Well, yeah, because the atmosphere was great that day, it wasn't just another game - I felt the manager and the players deserved our respect and support, and if I was still working away on the pitch at a time like that and saw lots of people skipping up the stairs, and rows of empty seats, I might feel a bit hurt by it. And if I ever saw a player say, 'I loved playing in Manchester and playing for City, but the fans are dead quiet and look like they can't wait to get off', that would bother me too. So I hope I never heard that said.

On the way back from the Newcastle game the other day I heard some Geordie twat on Pollard Street saying 'it's a tourist club, it just feels like something you do if you're in Manchester and you're at a loose end, blah blah'. Which is total BS. But he probably felt he could say that, even though it was BS, because he sees seats emptying early and folk sitting in silence. Which happens at all clubs. But that doesn't bother me - because they're not my club. End of the day though - we all know these are magical times we shouldn't be complacent about. And we get far too much stick from elsewhere to be turning on each other.

As usual I agree with most of what you say Jazz. As Psychedelic Casual alluded to it doesn't matter what time or day the kick off is there's still large numbers doing it though. I do think there is a complacency that has set in within the fan base and some now purely just go out of routine. If you aren't watching a third or so of the game it has to be an indication that you're rather indifferent as to what's happening on the pitch.

Our support over the years has been superb and once upon a time we were most people's second favourite team because of it. We can't keep harping on about those days though and giving ourselves a free pass. Our recent success has placed us under the microscope more than ever before and it's hard to argue with some of the criticism that's been directed our way. We all know a lot of it is bullshit but thousands of empty seats before the full time whistle is there for all to see.
I leave early most weeks unless a crucial game is in the balance or we’re revelling in a romp against the rags or dippers and in 35 years of going to the match nobody has ever said a word to me about it.

So the conclusion to be drawn from that is that in real life City fans are one big happy family who tacitly acknowledge that people with different lives and different ways of doing things all come together in the name of City whereas on here internet keyboard warrior clowns try to big up their own sad little lives by criticising people for going about their business as they see fit.

Can’t the attention seeking wannabe superfans have their own little thread where they can post pics of themselves still in the ground 2 hrs after the final whistle to see how many likes they get and leave this thread to a sensible discussion about atmosphere.
why is it attention seeking people leaving 10 minutes every game of course has an effect on the atmosphere so this is the right thread to have the discussion. Nobody would be bothered if it was some people leaving but its literally more than half of the stadium a lot of the time. People do get the right to do have the please just like we have the right to have an opinion about it.
How early do you leave, out of interest? I’m not interested in a slanging match by the way, everyone is entitled to their opinion - me, you and the ones you’re criticising.

Genuinely interested to know how much football you miss and if you’ve ever regretted missing a goal/incident/comeback?
I come in peace too Eric, I’m only aggy with those who needlessly denigrate other blues

When I leave all depends on the scoreline, generally between 87 and one min into injury time if we have at least a two goal cushion. If there’s only a goal in it or it’s level I’ll stay to within 30 secs of the end. If it’s a big game I’ll stay to the end and clap them off. The only time I feel slightly guilty about leaving is as part of a mass exodus when for example we’re trying to claw back a one goal deficit and we concede a late 2nd on the counter attack.

The only big incident I can remember missing was getting the pen that Mario scored to beat Spurs 3-2 in the first PL title season. Heard the cheer for the awarding of it as I got to the bottom of the ramp and luckily had time to get to a vantage point on level 1 before he took the kick so I got away with that one.

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