Etihad Atmosphere - 2022/23

I was asked - quite politely, but firmly - to cut out the effing and jeffing by some first-timer at 60 minutes at the weekend. Didn’t know whether to tell him and his lad to sit in the Family Stand if he didn’t want to hear bad language, or to give him credit for standing up for what he believed in. Either way, it shut me up. For the rest of the game.

While I should have been punching the air and letting rip at Bernie’s lovely finish that made the game safer, I was pondering the following:
  • Was I an arsehole for swearing in the earshot of kids?
  • Was he an arsehole for putting his lad in that kind of environment and then complaining about it?
  • Was he brave and principled?
  • Did he act like a coward, and only have a word after sizing me up as one unlikely to respond badly? and finally
  • Should I relocate?
Atmosphere worse for me. Better for apparent first-timer. My rights don’t trump his just because I’ve got a season card and he doesn’t. But the Pablo Zabaleta song’s a non-starter for him, it seems. And he probably won’t like “we are Man City and we’re on the piss again” or “spent all my money on drugs and City”, come to that.
  • No
  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe
  • Fuck no
I was asked - quite politely, but firmly - to cut out the effing and jeffing by some first-timer at 60 minutes at the weekend. Didn’t know whether to tell him and his lad to sit in the Family Stand if he didn’t want to hear bad language, or to give him credit for standing up for what he believed in. Either way, it shut me up. For the rest of the game.

While I should have been punching the air and letting rip at Bernie’s lovely finish that made the game safer, I was pondering the following:
  • Was I an arsehole for swearing in the earshot of kids?
  • Was he an arsehole for putting his lad in that kind of environment and then complaining about it?
  • Was he brave and principled?
  • Did he act like a coward, and only have a word after sizing me up as one unlikely to respond badly? and finally
  • Should I relocate?
Atmosphere worse for me. Better for apparent first-timer. My rights don’t trump his just because I’ve got a season card and he doesn’t. But the Pablo Zabaleta song’s a non-starter for him, it seems. And he probably won’t like “we are Man City and we’re on the piss again” or “spent all my money on drugs and City”, come to that.
You did absolutely nothing wrong. You didn’t need to apologise and certainly shouldn’t relocate.

It’s a football match. I don’t know what that clown was expecting. I take my 8-year-old lad knowing full well what he’ll be hearing and I’m comfortable with it. Not least because it’s not dissimilar to what he hears in the playground.

Keep doing what you’re doing. If he doesn’t like it, he can go to the opera instead.
I was asked - quite politely, but firmly - to cut out the effing and jeffing by some first-timer at 60 minutes at the weekend. Didn’t know whether to tell him and his lad to sit in the Family Stand if he didn’t want to hear bad language, or to give him credit for standing up for what he believed in. Either way, it shut me up. For the rest of the game.

While I should have been punching the air and letting rip at Bernie’s lovely finish that made the game safer, I was pondering the following:
  • Was I an arsehole for swearing in the earshot of kids?
  • Was he an arsehole for putting his lad in that kind of environment and then complaining about it?
  • Was he brave and principled?
  • Did he act like a coward, and only have a word after sizing me up as one unlikely to respond badly? and finally
  • Should I relocate?
Atmosphere worse for me. Better for apparent first-timer. My rights don’t trump his just because I’ve got a season card and he doesn’t. But the Pablo Zabaleta song’s a non-starter for him, it seems. And he probably won’t like “we are Man City and we’re on the piss again” or “spent all my money on drugs and City”, come to that.
Don't want to your kid to hear bad language, go in the family stand or wait a few years until you think they can cope.
I was asked - quite politely, but firmly - to cut out the effing and jeffing by some first-timer at 60 minutes at the weekend. Didn’t know whether to tell him and his lad to sit in the Family Stand if he didn’t want to hear bad language, or to give him credit for standing up for what he believed in. Either way, it shut me up. For the rest of the game.

While I should have been punching the air and letting rip at Bernie’s lovely finish that made the game safer, I was pondering the following:
  • Was I an arsehole for swearing in the earshot of kids?
  • Was he an arsehole for putting his lad in that kind of environment and then complaining about it?
  • Was he brave and principled?
  • Did he act like a coward, and only have a word after sizing me up as one unlikely to respond badly? and finally
  • Should I relocate?
Atmosphere worse for me. Better for apparent first-timer. My rights don’t trump his just because I’ve got a season card and he doesn’t. But the Pablo Zabaleta song’s a non-starter for him, it seems. And he probably won’t like “we are Man City and we’re on the piss again” or “spent all my money on drugs and City”, come to that.

Based on what you've shared you shouldn't change a thing. If you take your child to football and you (a) don't do your research and go in the most child friendly part of the ground and then
(b) decide to complain about normal football culture i.e humourous chants with a bit of swearing in them, then you are a bit of a twat imo.

It's a bit different if it's a torrent of really unpleasant language directed at a certain player and obviously racist abuse has to be challenged. But outside of that you can't demand people change legal behaviour to align to your standards. If you are concerned what your child is hearing than either explain to them that it doesn't matter what other people say that's not how we speak in our house or you don't take them.

I used to use a deflection tactic of telling them they could only sing deliberately stupid clean translations like...'we're quite relaxed about the situation because we've all imbibed a refreshing drink, mcfc ok'. Youngest would then be too busy seeing if he could get it to scan or asking what imbibe means to worry about any other effing and jeffing.
I was asked - quite politely, but firmly - to cut out the effing and jeffing by some first-timer at 60 minutes at the weekend. Didn’t know whether to tell him and his lad to sit in the Family Stand if he didn’t want to hear bad language, or to give him credit for standing up for what he believed in. Either way, it shut me up. For the rest of the game.

While I should have been punching the air and letting rip at Bernie’s lovely finish that made the game safer, I was pondering the following:
  • Was I an arsehole for swearing in the earshot of kids?
  • Was he an arsehole for putting his lad in that kind of environment and then complaining about it?
  • Was he brave and principled?
  • Did he act like a coward, and only have a word after sizing me up as one unlikely to respond badly? and finally
  • Should I relocate?
Atmosphere worse for me. Better for apparent first-timer. My rights don’t trump his just because I’ve got a season card and he doesn’t. But the Pablo Zabaleta song’s a non-starter for him, it seems. And he probably won’t like “we are Man City and we’re on the piss again” or “spent all my money on drugs and City”, come to that.
You should've ran on the pitch and punched the goalie. Assert dominance.

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