Etihad Atmosphere - 2022/23

Today,City v Saints,to me it is a special day,followed City since 53/54 season,but for the last 45 years I,ve been severely Deaf,Sept 1st had an operation at MRI,give it 6/8 weeks and we will know if it’s worked.Well it worked today,Cancelo scored and I nearly messed my pants,first crowd noise in 45 years,I wish to thank all today’s supporter,stunning,frightening A FOC I may be but nearly in tears,Thank you the fans and a big thank you to the MRI Staff.
Fantastic, hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing
I agree on your second point. We have so many current players without songs. How does foden for instance not have a song.

During the Mancini era we came up with loads of really great imaginative chants. We seem to have lost that.
Amazing isn’t it? We still sing about Dzeko and he was split with the fans anyway yet we don’t have one for one of our own. I guess it’s just another example of the apathy and malaise amongst the fanbase.
Amazing isn’t it? We still sing about Dzeko and he was split with the fans anyway yet we don’t have one for one of our own. I guess it’s just another example of the apathy and malaise amongst the fanbase.
I agree. Even the new chants we have aren’t as good in my opinion. The Dias chant for instance is alright, but hasn’t properly caught on at home games.

Compare that to the aguero chant or similar from that era.
I agree on your second point. We have so many current players without songs. How does foden for instance not have a song.

During the Mancini era we came up with loads of really great imaginative chants. We seem to have lost that.
Foden - ‘it must be Phil Foden, it must be Phil Foden, nothing more nothing less Foden’s the best’ (Madness, ‘It Must Be Love’)
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I agree. Even the new chants we have aren’t as good in my opinion. The Dias chant for instance is alright, but hasn’t properly caught on at home games.

Compare that to the aguero chant or similar from that era.
I agree. We’ve lost our imagination with new chants and just rehash old football chants or straight up pinch them from big Liverpool and United songs (Zinchenko’s last season was a straight steal from ‘Bobby’ Firmino’s and Alvarez’s is a straight steal from ‘Georgie’ Best’s).

Be imaginative. Be original.

Also the biggest thing for me is that we need some new City songs. Nobody ever makes up new City songs anymore. City songs are the songs that are sung around the stadium. We’ve not had an new one for about a quarter of a century.

Also a lot of songs don’t catch on around the stadium because most fans haven’t got a clue what any chants are. I’ve said this before, but tap any average random City fan on the shoulder in any stand from Colin Bell, North or East and ask them ‘what chant is being sung now?’ (let’s say it’s that Ruden Dias one for example), 90% of them wouldn’t have a clue what the chant was, what the words are…

Because away ticket allocations are so small now the club fucking pinch half of them (which is a fucking disgrace! buts that’s another topic) to dish out to nobodies, we only have around 4,000 fans (at a guess) going to away games regularly over the season. It’s a very very very small closed shop, so 99% of our fanbase never hear any new chants because hardly any go to away games. We also have no pubs around the Etihad so where other clubs have loads of pubs around their stadium and have loads of fans in these pubs belting out songs, our fanbase doesn’t experience that because we don’t really have any to get people in hearing songs sung. We don’t have YouTube channels with videos of fans singing songs for people who aren’t in the vocal areas to learn them. Our vocal sections at the Etihad are fucking tiny so we can’t fit enough in to get more than a couple of thousand hearing songs sung in those areas.

We couldn’t really think up any more ways to make it more difficult to get our fanbase to learn our songs.
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Today,City v Saints,to me it is a special day,followed City since 53/54 season,but for the last 45 years I,ve been severely Deaf,Sept 1st had an operation at MRI,give it 6/8 weeks and we will know if it’s worked.Well it worked today,Cancelo scored and I nearly messed my pants,first crowd noise in 45 years,I wish to thank all today’s supporter,stunning,frightening A FOC I may be but nearly in tears,Thank you the fans and a big thank you to the MRI Staff.
That is an unbelievably positive story mate. So pleased for you. If you don't mind me asking, was the op to fix nerve damage. (I'm deaf in one ear and have been told there is nothing they can do about it).

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