Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

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Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

Manchester1894 said:
Slow news day... new box at the Eithad:


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messi on the left and kolarov on the right?
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

Been over a fortnight since our last home game so keen to see what the South Stand looks like now.

Must be getting close to the halfway stage. Is it on schedule? Weather has been great. Hard to believe we're just a month from mid-winter
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

Marvin said:
Been over a fortnight since our last home game so keen to see what the South Stand looks like now.

Must be getting close to the halfway stage. Is it on schedule? Weather has been great. Hard to believe we're just a month from mid-winter

Still feels like early October doesn't it. Hopefully some good pics from jrb tomorrow will show those not going how things are looking.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

Marvin said:
Been over a fortnight since our last home game so keen to see what the South Stand looks like now.

Must be getting close to the halfway stage. Is it on schedule? Weather has been great. Hard to believe we're just a month from mid-winter

Agree the weather has been great but we are month away from the first day of Winter (21st December) - so still a way to go - fingers crossed though. I guess we are a month away from the shortest day - so the days will start to get longer soon which will give longer working days.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

21st Dec is the Winter Solstice. The shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere, and therefore we can regard it as midwinters day
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

Marvin said:
21st Dec is the Winter Solstice. The shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere, and therefore we can regard it as midwinters day
The sea is losing heat rapidly, hence the temperature slumps through February, one consolation, it starts coming lighter as you say.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

Marvin said:
21st Dec is the Winter Solstice. The shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere, and therefore we can regard it as midwinters day
No winter starts on that day.jan and feb are the coldest months.the yr is split into 4 .
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