Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

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If there was a 'like' button on bluemoon, I would have liked that post.
I would imagine if the single large tier happens at the North End - (and I believe it will), the club and contractor will be looking into if it is possible to break out the existing lower tier at the North End and Re cast at the new rake and have seats back in during the close season or certainly part way through the season and then build the middle and back section of the new stand behind it. This will minimise the seat loss during construction.
I'm not sure the club would be happy losing so much corporate capacity though. One large tier would mean all of the boxes and joes would go, wouldn't it?
I think Joes is just at the North End isn't it? I maybe wrong.

The 10 or so boxes at the North End are not an issue at all. The club recognise that the benefits of a huge "end" attracting the future generations of supporters and making the ground atmospheric far outway the income of a few boxes.
I think Joes is just at the North End isn't it? I maybe wrong.

The 10 or so boxes at the North End are not an issue at all. The club recognise that the benefits of a huge "end" attracting the future generations of supporters and making the ground atmospheric far outway the income of a few boxes.

well put matey, also eventually safe standing will come be it next year or in ten years 'it will arrive', have the club indicated in any way this 'one end' is being considered
I think Joes is just at the North End isn't it? I maybe wrong.

The 10 or so boxes at the North End are not an issue at all. The club recognise that the benefits of a huge "end" attracting the future generations of supporters and making the ground atmospheric far outway the income of a few boxes.
I agree it would be an awesome development if it happened, I was just looking at if from the revenue side of things. I believe the margins and profit on the corporate side are huge and I'm sure the club wouldn't want to lose that revenue stream.

As always though, they know best and will do what is best for the club

Very good times
What's wrong with just replicating what's been done at the South Stand? If it can be done without losing seating during the season then maybe

Fans create an atmosphere. Not a stand. A stand just facilitates it

Worth looking into obviously, but I don't like the sound of losing seating during a season
My two penny's worth, I had a bloody good look round the stadium on the second level, the 93.20 bar is huge but that's all it is a big open space and easy to get a drink, is it worth the extra cash, depends on whether you can do without a pint for 90 mins, Joes bar in the Colin bell stand has wooden floors and looks very nice although £8 for a burger!! I also got to see how the other half live, the chairmans lounge just wow, it's dripping with money, it was like walking into a 5 star restaurant very opulent I can see why City push this, if you were entertaining a client this would be the place to take them. The legends lounge is the same to a lesser degree obviously you pay for what you get.
I think city have got the balance right, however they must keep the south stand and hopefully the north stand cheap, in fact I'd say no price rises for a long time, the noise and the atmosphere is created by the people in these stands, take that away by pricing them out again, which was happening before the third tier was made, and the stadium will be a 60k mausoleum. Get the money off the corporate if they must but leave others alone, most corporate is a tax right off anyway, but leave us lesser mortals money in our pocket.
I still can't see how they are going to put screens in the corners as well there doesn't seem anywhere to attach them to.
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A Joes equivalent on the North Side was shown as was a 93:20 in the original plans. You can't really have one without the other to create the space for Joes you need to steal the concourse and bar space behind the potential 93:20 seats
My two penny's worth, I mentioned I got to work on Sunday and so I had a bloody good look round the stadium on the second level, the 93.20 bar is huge but that's all it is a big open space and easy to get a drink, is it worth the extra cash, depends on whether you can do without a pint for 90 mins, Joes bar in the Colin bell stand has wooden floors and looks very nice although £8 for a burger I don't think so. I also got to see how the other half live, the chairmans lounge just wow, it's dripping with money, it was like walking into a 5 star restaurant very opulent I can see why City push this, if you were entertaining a client this would be the place to take them. The legends lounge is the same to a lesser degree obviously you pay for what you get.
I think city have got the balance right, however they must keep the south stand and hopefully the north stand cheap, in fact I'd say no price rises for a long time, the noise and the atmosphere is created by the people in these stands, take that away by pricing them out again, which was happening before the third tier was made, and the stadium will be a 60k mausoleum. Fleece the corporate if they must but leave others alone, most corporate is a tax right off anyway, but leave us lesser mortals money in our pocket.
I still can't see how they are going to put screens in the corners as well there doesn't seem anywhere to attach them to.
I don't know what the figures are exactly but is that why the season tickets are capped at a certain figure, so we can close the NS and relocate all present ST's in seats that would normally be match day tickets for a season?
They're not going to close the North stand to build an extension, you don't increase capacity, then decrease it again 2 years later.

There won't be one tier there will be two, the second tier will just be expanded, as per the drawing a few pages back, no need to close anything that way, it will be done in the same way the south stand has been done, just a slightly different design.
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