Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

Just calm down nobody is complaining about your photos, just that is there any need to mention what acts are coming on at the arena,which is off topic of this thread in their opinion. I just posted my thoughts for harmony between posters, but once again you have taken it to heart that it is against you.
I am looking forward to coming photo and drone videos and hope you put them on You Tube for a wider audience and make a bit of money for for your efforts. But don't get upset about adverse comments on Bluemoon
To be fair you've got your knickers in a twist mate
Will the stadium still host concerts once the arena is open and will this be before or after the NS expansion, that is the question!! I do like to muddy the waters and I’m bored shitless waiting for the doc at the hospital to say what’s wrong with my hearing
The arena will be aimed at artists who cant fill a stadium ultimately
I like the pun, well done. It's alright, but slating me for not contributing - seems we have a different point of view. I don't tend to chip in, true. I do like some of the threads as a source of information. When there are floods of irrelevance added by folk who are 'being boring, I do get prickly. Come on, how can you expect to be taken seriously when you add loosley related content? My limited attention span by the way, is integal to needing it for real stuff.

I get along with most people, so let's not fall out too much, carry on living in dreamand with the BLues. Love etc X
The more big Events at the coop arena the more profit it makes. CFG own half the arena so we get cash to spend on players. The more big events on at the area the more hotel rooms will be needed onsite. City are developing a hotel, and pet shop boys fans etc might like to stay in it, so we make money to spend on players. Some of these music fans will be exposed to seeing what a fantastic end structure our ground will end up, many will do a tour, which will make us more money. Events being announced are absolutely key to the whole development as a sports and entertainment area. Also the more events the more justification to government to provide proper improved transport infrastructure.

Plus one or two people might appreciate the info that pet shop boys are Playing. I don’t as I don’t like them.
The arena will be aimed at artists who cant fill a stadium ultimately
Not at all, Stadium gigs and huge arena gigs are very different.

Only big name artists will sell out the Arena, and huge artist's/bands play stadiums. Not all bands suit stadiums.

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