Etihad Campus, Stadium Development and Collar Site

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Re: Etihad Campus & potential new stadium

Scotty76 said:
kramer said:
blueparrot said:
The owners would not have signed a 250 year lease if there were any plans to build a new stadium.I think if there is anyway of increasing the present stadium by 5000-10000 in close season that is what they will be considering.
Im no expert but would it be possible to make the 2 ends sinlgle tier and would this add to capacity.

The owner didn't sign the lease it was signed by the Bernstein so it was inherited

Didn't the owner agree a new deal not to long ago? It changed from a percentage of gate income to a set fee.

Yep its £3M a year this is ring fenced for sport in Manchester
Re: Etihad Campus & potential new stadium

jrb said:
kramer said:
jrb said:
If City wanted to expand COMS there wouldn't be a problem.

Obviously City would have to involve/consult with MCC and Sport England as the stadium is still under the terms of the lease agreenment, but neither would object. Certanly not MCC.

If City added another tier to the North and South stands that would increase the capacity by at least 10,000. It would also give them an opportunity to add much larger corporate facilities at both ends of the stadium, which they are desperate to do to increase revenue.

I'm not an architect or engineer, but I'm sure the lower tiers could be kept open on match days while redevelopment work is carried out on both stands. I stand corrected on that point. Wasn't that the case when the new Kippax Stand was built at Maine Road?

Indeed it was.(just found this pic)


Read back in this tread and the Vegas thread to see why in detail its not feasible to just extend the ends due to the roof design Its a mono-structure

-- Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:41 pm --

adzmcfc134 said:
Not entirely relevant but here is the model of how the stadium would look as an 80,000 seater stadium. This was the original plan of the Commonwealth games stadium before it got rejected to the current 48,000 we have now. The stadium would have been a larger design of CoMS, with more access ramps and masts.


This is a totally different design

I'll say it, but I'm probably wrong. I'm sure the roof can be dismanteled at each end of the stadium, and can then be reconstucted once again above the new larger ends and alongside the remaining roof. Then again.

Say it as often as you want it doesn't alter the facts. Briefly the roof is a mono structure this means that all the parts play an important role in that removed one facet weakens the structure It would be possible to remove the cladding but not to remove the cable-net, primary pre-tensioned system. It was there during the games at the open north end

To removed one end would require a solution that would allow the cable net to be cut in two places without the rest of the roof collapsing.
Re: Etihad Campus & potential new stadium

Your wrong on the roof Kramer. Yes it is a mono-structure, but it can be modified.

An overview of the stadium design is covered in this ARUP PDF document:
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... OMSTAD.pdf</a>

The roof is a Cable-Net roof with a tension-ring about a third of the way back from the front around the front of the roof. The tension ring is placed under tension by cables that are anchored at the 4 corners of the stadium and most of the weight of the roof supported from the 12 masts (4 on each side and 2 at each end).

So long as the tension ring remains in place it is a relatively straight forward process (though not cheap) to raise the height of the roof at the back of the North and South Stands to add 10 to 14 thousand to the existing capacity. Probably by taking the panels off at either end of the ground and to restructure the Cable-Nets to add new tiers at either end of the ground with the back roof supports higher up (initially, the reverse of the process that added the roof after the Commonwealth games).

However, that is about as far as you can get without raising the tension ring (i.e. rainwater has to drain via the back of the stands). I believe the club want the stadium to be bigger than 60,000 in the long term so I would suspect a wholly new roof structure will be built that is independent of the existing Stadium structure to allow future expansion to be made easier.

In addition everybody should note that the club could have sold TWICE the corporate space they have for next season and as this earns the most money (for FFP compliance and future profitability ). So as such I expect any immediate ground changes to take this into account.
Re: Etihad Campus & potential new stadium

As always in engineering, there are always solutions to any issues/problems.

Taken fron the Arup PDF.

The roof
Clearly a key element of the Stadium design is the cable
net roof. The cable net itself was already erected in time
for the Games and the temporary North Stand was fitted
around the permanent masts and tie down cables. In fact,
during the Games, the cable net was directly over the
athletics track surface, which required Arup to obtain for
the client a dispensation from the International Association
of Athletics Federations.
Following the Games, the roof was completed by adding
the rafters, purlins and cladding to achieve the final form
and the intimacy that is such a feature of the building. This
may appear a relatively simple task but cable nets are by
their nature flexible structures, and joining two parts of a
three-sided stadium together, and some considerable time
after it was originally built, was not without its challenges.
The sequence of loading and adjustment was carefully
assessed and co-ordinated to ensure that the final
shape meets the geometric aspiration. This involved
considerable skill, expertise, and co-ordination between
builder and designer.

This being the case, I would assume they could take the roof apart again at each end and redesign/reconfigure it, without taking the central sections of the roof apart as well. Or am I wrong?
Re: Etihad Campus & potential new stadium

Nope. Your not wrong. They would have to take the roof off at either end and put a new one back on.

Its not like we've not had open air stands before is it ;-)
Re: Etihad Campus & potential new stadium

Yes we had open air stands at the North stand end but if you look back at the pictures in this thread the open air stands had to be built around the structures that held the rest of the roof up.
Its not impossible I am sure but the harder it is the longer it takes the more it costs. Our brilliant owners will be weighing all this up and judge when it is the right time to do it with some chance of recouping some of the build costs. Irrespective of the benefits of capital expenditure in the FFP calculations, it would be wrong for us to assume they do not want any chance of recouping some of their massive outlay.
Re: Etihad Campus & potential new stadium

danebanksheik said:
Yes we had open air stands at the North stand end but if you look back at the pictures in this thread the open air stands had to be built around the structures that held the rest of the roof up.
Its not impossible I am sure but the harder it is the longer it takes the more it costs. Our brilliant owners will be weighing all this up and judge when it is the right time to do it with some chance of recouping some of the build costs. Irrespective of the benefits of capital expenditure in the FFP calculations, it would be wrong for us to assume they do not want any chance of recouping some of their massive outlay.

I'm sure City could apply for grants from various European and Government Departments. The stadium is in East Manchester, so would qualify for financial aid, grants, etc.
Re: Etihad Campus & potential new stadium

Expenditure on the Stadium doesn't count towards FFP so the sheikh could spend what he wants. They will also want a 'Massive Statement' when they build something. That said I can't see them building a totally new structure either.
Re: Etihad Campus & potential new stadium

I would love to see a 20-25 storey hotel above and part of a 20,000 seater KOP styled stand, where the North Stand currently is.

Get rid of City Square and the souvenir shop(relocate them) and get it built.

Imagine that view walking up Joe Mercer Way.

Something like this. Different design of course.

Re: Etihad Campus & potential new stadium

Not sure how well a hotel by the stadium would go down.

I know there will be the met link soon but it's still a bit out of the way of most of the things you would want to come to manchester for, barring city ofc.
There would be a lot better options in town
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