EU Referendum Thread

Yep. Bang on that article, Brian works for the RMT Union, which supports `No to Eu` and `TUSC` The trade union socialist coalition. That's why workers should reject what is in effect a bosses Europe which will only drive down workers pay and conditions. Vote no to the EU AND FUCK THE RACIST UKIP OFF.
Yep. Bang on that article, Brian works for the RMT Union, which supports `No to Eu` and `TUSC` The trade union socialist coalition. That's why workers should reject what is in effect a bosses Europe which will only drive down workers pay and conditions. Vote no to the EU AND FUCK THE RACIST UKIP OFF.
That rant will go down a treat at UKIP headquarters.
But the bosses won`t. ukip with their huge amount of mp`s, arf arf !! Will show their true colours, and back the etonian scum in the attacks on the working class of this country. How patriotic is that? making things tougher for your own people? just scum.

Of course the bosses won't.

The only people who really like the EU are big business and the lefty, Guardian reading classes who work in the public sector and have so far been largely insulated from wage reducing effects of the free movement of labour.

The amusing thing is that now even these 'liberal' lefties, who were always telling us of the alleged benefits of EU membership and how it was racist to moan about unskilled people from the EU causing wage reductions, are squawking about the EU's TTIP free trade and competition plans because they threaten their cosy jobs in our councils and in the NHS.

It is all getting very interesting.
Of course the bosses won't.

The only people who really like the EU are big business and the lefty, Guardian reading classes who work in the public sector and have so far been largely insulated from wage reducing effects of the free movement of labour.

The amusing thing is that now even these 'liberal' lefties, who were always telling us of the alleged benefits of EU membership and how it was racist to moan about unskilled people from the EU causing wage reductions, are squawking about the EU's TTIP free trade and competition plans because they threaten their cosy jobs in our councils and in the NHS.

It is all getting very interesting.
Its a shame that you think it amusing about peoples jobs being under threat, in fact it disgusting. The interesting part is that more and more people are taking to the streets against austerity. Very interesting indeed comrade.
Its a shame that you think it amusing about peoples jobs being under threat, in fact it disgusting. The interesting part is that more and more people are taking to the streets against austerity. Very interesting indeed comrade.

Well, I am amused. After years of accusing anti-EU people of 'Europhobia' or even racism these lefties are now getting a taste of their own EU medicine as TTIP threatens to force governments to open up public sector work to more competition from the private sector.

Their blind faith in the EU was stupid, as was their arrogant dismissal of the genuine EU concerns of others. They can vote in the referendum like everyone else, but a vote to stay in is a vote for TTIP. Surely everyone has to find that just a little bit funny.
Yep. Bang on that article, Brian works for the RMT Union, which supports `No to Eu` and `TUSC` The trade union socialist coalition. That's why workers should reject what is in effect a bosses Europe which will only drive down workers pay and conditions. Vote no to the EU AND FUCK THE RACIST UKIP OFF.

Usual mistake of taking a disparate group of people, lumping them all together and ascribing a perceived trait to all of them.

Just the same as racists do.

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