EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

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They were saying "too close to call" when Brexit appeared to be seven points ahead. I think the key will be whether people use it as a referrendum for immigration. That will be the only way Brexit wins and you have to admit that the recent Farage antics may hurt them there, if only on a turnout basis.. If people vote on the economic issues, though, Brexit will take an unexpected thumping.
I do not think there is any chance that the EU will impose trade tariffs. The issues are a little more complex than trade tariffs which all countries are generally against.

Hmmm. I think there is a chance but it would be rather stupid of the EU to do that. However, we do not know if they will be grown up and sensible about negotiating the way forward if we vote to leave. If the UK leaves, I expect there to be a great deal of concern within the EU that others will look to follow suit and that could influence how they deal with the UK.
The vast majority of people are economically illiterate and the majority of economists frequently get things wrongs; especially forecasts.

Sigh. I expect you agree with Gove that people have 'had enough of experts'. Shame, I thought you were the sensible type.
Hmmm. I think there is a chance but it would be rather stupid of the EU to do that. However, we do not know if they will be grown up and sensible about negotiating the way forward if we vote to leave. If the UK leaves, I expect there to be a great deal of concern within the EU that others will look to follow suit and that could influence how they deal with the UK.

The EU will quite rightly make an example of the UK.
They were saying "too close to call" when Brexit appeared to be seven points ahead. I think the key will be whether people use it as a referrendum for immigration. That will be the only way Brexit wins and you have to admit that the recent Farage antics may hurt them there, if only on a turnout basis.. If people vote on the economic issues, though, Brexit will take an unexpected thumping.
Are you really so fucking myopic that you think immigration is all anyone on the Brexit side cares about?

I wish I hadn't voted before you piped up like a cocker spaniel on acid in the last few days.

You know nothing of the complexities of the referendum as a whole and so imagine everyone down to your level. It's not a black, nor white nor open not shut debate. And you bring nothing to the table.
there is 1 per member state, each member state chooses there representative, im not clear on weather they get changed every election or were selected and get to keep there job regardless of who is in power at the time.

And they can be forced out by the EU Parliament ( the MEP's we vote in) if there is a 2/3rds vote of no confidence.
As the poster says You cannot vote or vote to remove one.
Are you really so fucking myopic that you think immigration is all anyone on the Brexit side cares about?

I wish I hadn't voted before you piped up like a cocker spaniel on acid in the last few days.

You know nothing of the complexities of the referendum as a whole and so imagine everyone down to your level. It's not a black, nor white nor open not shut debate. And you bring nothing to the table.
I'm fucking sure it is all they talk about. You only had to see QT last night. Cameron was asked about NOTHING else. And I am listening to business and economists with no axe to grind. Getting angry about it won't help you. And I'm equally convinced that just like the Gove/Johnson/Farage axis, it is you who brings nothing to the debate.
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