EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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I don't fear an alignment with Farage though. I fear an alignment with the likes of Britain First and BNP.
Perhaps I'm narrow minded and should see a bigger picture as you say. However, I'm not likely or inclined to find common ground with people who have beliefs that I hate.
Sky news just reported that Nissan are taking legal action against vote" leave" for using the Nissan logo along with others companies, with the message "major employers have all said they'll stay in the UK whatever the result of the referendum......but Nissan have confirmed that they want the UK to stay in the EU and permission should have been requested to use their logo and if it was requested they wouldnt have been granted permission....This just shows the lies the "leave" campaign are trying to sell us....
The Remain camp did the same to Martin Lewis, using his name without permission when he said he personally was 60/40 for staying in.
Their lying masks are slipping.

I agree completely Pam.....

and another former chairman of the Conservative Party (Baroness Warsi) has switch sides to vote "stay" today...

"Unfortunately what we are seeing as a vision for Britain are lies and xenophobic campaigning. Why is it people like me, who are instinctively Eurosceptic, are feeling they need to leave Leave?

"When I look at the people who are now saying the things they are saying and the people who are supporting that approach, the BNP, Donald Trump, Marine le Pen, Austria's Freedom Party - every day it feels like the far right is coming out to stand by Leave."
It's not a question of taking sides EB2, it's about finding solutions. If your mentality is that it is about taking sides I can see why you're struggling to understand the situation.

Sad as it is, Europe at this moment us time not ready or prepared, socially, financially or politically to accept this vasr number of people. The reactions across Europe are showing this. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying these far left or far right wing political groups are correct, they're not, but the fact is, they're there, they exist and they cannot be ignored, they are part of the fabric of the culture that you, me and everyone else has created.

What we needed was a strategic plan to help these guys, something we just have not got or ever had. Sadly the answer was NOT to say everyone's welcome and Merkle herself is seeing this now.
Joe you seem to look at history as if you can choose a) and that b) and c) don't exist and if a world exists where simple easy choices can be made without difficult other scenarios.

This want the case had Merkel not made the decision those refugees could have come in by force of numbers , pouring uncontrolled over borders, would this have been civil war, populations attacking them, massacres, starvation - who knows? What it wouldn't have been is some sort of orderly return home and turn away from Europe. Countries like Lebanon and Jordan with populations less than 1% of the SU had already taken more than the entire will number today so the fantasy Eu could have let it go away scenario didn't exist.

That's the point of Brexit. Total unrealistic scenarios , ignoring reality.

As I said before we need to stop ruining countries and creating the problems that cause these issues - even you would agree what a big part Britian has played in this and how Germany has done very little
I don't fear an alignment with Farage though. I fear an alignment with the likes of Britain First and BNP.
Perhaps I'm narrow minded and should see a bigger picture as you say. However, I'm not likely or inclined to find common ground with people who have beliefs that I hate.
The bigger picture is that it's the EU which is nourishing the rise of the far right. It's happening all over Europe. It's not a coincidence.
The Remain camp did the same to Martin Lewis, using his name without permission when he said he personally was 60/40 for staying in.

mate....I'm not arguing that both sides havent been wrong in this process but its becoming clearer by the day, just how many lies the "leave" campaign have been telling.....
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