Without a detailed explanation it was the only one to make.My Remain vote is in no way an endorsement of Brussells nor the EU, nor is it one of Cameron and most of the Remain campaigners. Dangerous assumption to make, but a predicatable one.
Without a detailed explanation it was the only one to make.My Remain vote is in no way an endorsement of Brussells nor the EU, nor is it one of Cameron and most of the Remain campaigners. Dangerous assumption to make, but a predicatable one.
I bet they don't have this in Switzerland do they.
Nice of you to want this to grow in the UK from your detached position in Baden.
It was never, ever going to go away without a referendum. And the least that has happened, even if you just read these pages, is that people know a damn sight more about the machinations of Europe than they did.I hope that if remain wins we can draw a line in the sand and move on and crack on with running the country. The referendum has been a massive distraction and focus point and if we allow post-result squabbling to dominate we are in danger of having wasted a full parliamentary term, especially if a Tory leadership contest follows in the wake of the result.
It may have cost him the last election but one of the things I agreed with Ed Milliband on was than an in/out EU referendum was not a priority for the country.
I like to think you're a fairly intelligent person as well Matty.I like to think I'm a fairly intelligent person and I'm still taking a punt, hazarding a guess, at what's the best decision to make.
Without a detailed explanation it was the only one to make.
I bet they don't have this in Switzerland do they.
Nice of you to want this to grow in the UK from your detached position in Baden.
My Remain vote is in no way an endorsement of Brussells nor the EU, nor is it one of Cameron and most of the Remain campaigners. Dangerous assumption to make, but a predicatable one.
I could go down and take some pictures of our very own version of what you see in the Mail article. I could write you an account (already have a shortened version) but somebody would accuse me of photoshopping the images or lying about the fact that they dump tons of tree and hedge cuttings on council owned land, cause smoke hazards with bonfires trying to burn their rubbish etc. Where do you think the people who don't fit the governments official migration figures go? They don't just disappear. And I take it that as you live near to this group reported in the Mail and seem to accept their presence that you have maybe used their services? Cash in hand, No questions asked?Well I voted remain and I don't live in Baden. In fact live less than one mile from that retail park and use it regularly. Maybe you should shift this fixation you seem to have with this particular story onto something that more directly affects yourself.