This isn't about trade, we have always traded with European countries and whether we are in or out of the EU we always will, most of the world is not a member and trades perfectly happily with it. The EU is an undemocratic, corrupt, overly regulated, bureaucrats paradise which has gradually eroded the supremecy of the British parliament and courts, and the pro EU side know that there is no affection for this organisation amongst the British people so they are resorting to scare tactics about economic meltdown, just as their predecessors did over the Euro. And we are not alone, across Europe the penny is dropping that the EU is a failing political and monetary project that is killing jobs and growth, and ignoring the will of the people. 48% of Dutch people recently said they wanted out of the EU, and anti EU parties are doing well in the very heartland of the project in France and Germany. It makes no sense for the EU to impose tariffs on British goods because they sell us much more than we sell them so their imposition would be a clear indication that this organisation seeks to punish those who express their democratic will to no longer be a member, Is that the type of organisation we want to be part of? What does this tell us about the type of organisation this is? The clear implication is that they know full well that a Britain freed of the chains of EU regulation and able to make our own trade deals with growing economies across the globe would prosper, and the need to protect their political project is more important than the well being of their own people and a country which despite having voted to leave will always be a close ally. I'm not sure using this argument does the pro EU side any favours.