EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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Not one outer is able to Ren give a hint as to what Britains economic future is, what will bring the wealth , the population, what's the strategy. There isn't one this is people lashing out as they always do looking for someone to blame when times are hard. Thankfully given Britains proclivity for moderation it is voting out of a club and not Jack boots and some of the nonsense we see elsewhere.

Won't solve any of the issues though , nor will staying in that would require long term intelligent and brave political leadership. Sadly when you can't manage one of the three that's not very good
And no inner has put together a cogent positive set of reasons for staying in. You're like a group of scared old women worrying about ever going outside in case something bad happens, despite the house you're in being on fire.

And the more you repeat ad nauseum, the more the BM vote increases towards the out vote.

Thank fuck you're not running the IN campaign.
Iirc the outers have actually quoted figures in terms of how much membership costs us (don't know if they are accurate) whereas the in lobby just seem to be trying to scaremonger with veiled threats as to the consequences of exit without any costed figures. This is probably a smart move. If they can't form a coherent argument, then sowing fear and confusion will herd the undecided into voting to maintain the status quo. The same sleight of hand was used in the referendum on electoral reform.
And no inner has put together a cogent positive set of reasons for staying in. You're like a group of scared old women worrying about ever going outside in case something bad happens, despite the house you're in being on fire.

And the more you repeat ad nauseum, the more the BM vote increases towards the out vote.

Thank fuck you're not running the IN campaign.
Correct. No one in the IN camp can tell us how things are going to look when Turkey join, how we will cope with further political integration, or if Cameron gets his own way how we will be on the outside of the inside by being out of all the key decision making mechanisms.

I am amazed how people who decide not to live in this country can be so opinionated and dead set against us leaving the EU when they themselves have left the UK, it just doesn't tally for me. Perhaps there will be some explanation to help me begin to give credibility to the arguements presented.
Ta, don't suppose you have any links? I couldn't find anything.

The problem with it is we would be paying a lot into the EU for a free trade agreement.

These payments are usually based on a per capita system, if the figure I read of £700m per year for a Swiss deal is accurate ( quite a old figure with no backup ) the uk will end up paying about 5bn a year, and will still have to obey the EU laws and have no emps at the table. That's assuming we could get a similar deal, Bit of guess work in there due to no hard facts.

Switzerland has 27 other free trade agreements with other counties too.
You don't seriously expect us to pay 5 billion pounds for the right to have the EU sell us 60 billion pounds more stuff than we sell them do you?
You don't seriously expect us to pay 5 billion pounds for the right to have the EU sell us 60 billion pounds more stuff than we sell them do you?

I expect we would have to pay to join the market the same as every other country does. To suggest other wise is pie in the sky hope.
And no inner has put together a cogent positive set of reasons for staying in. You're like a group of scared old women worrying about ever going outside in case something bad happens, despite the house you're in being on fire.

And the more you repeat ad nauseum, the more the BM vote increases towards the out vote.

Thank fuck you're not running the IN campaign.
Firstly most of the old women I know have got more balls than a whole cabal of today's young men and unlike you I don't see women as some sort of frightened timid creatures. So I'll take that as a complement as I infer you are suggesting they are trying to put out the fire and save those inside rather than running away. So that's probably one of your best analogies yet. The house is on fire and the Brexit vote is an argument l upstairs on how to get out rather than actually doing something about the fire, with every second spend arguing damaging.

You haven't even attempted to answer any of the simple questions put to you by me or Roamin or others which suggests your el insecurity of trying to appear a keyboard Aristotle is more important to you than attempting to make a cogent and rational case for Britain's economic future and risking actually putting an idea out there.

Britain is like Kodak at the moment and needs leadership not wasted time and money arguing about a nothing
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