So there we have it, we are being told by the most inept, nothing, president of the United States in history what to do, even though what he is telling us we must do...with veiled and groundless threats is utter hypocrisy....the USA having the same freedom of movement we are expected to agree to with europe with Mexico for piss taking **** Obama! All this at the behest of a desperate man who happens to be the most inept and lying self preserving Prime minister this country has ever had.
The funny and worrying thing is that there are people who will swallow this, people who on the back of lies from Cameron and Osbourne and even the fool that is Obama and will vote to remain in the utterly doomed and disasterous EU, people will be so dumb as to vote away the sovereignty of this country on the back of lies and nonsense spouted by these clown non of which give a single fuck about this country, have no respect for its people proved by the fact they think they can insult the intelligence of those people with charades such as those taking place during the visit of this utterley untrustworthy President.