EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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You hope. A close margin is still win and we must accept this in a democracy. Having said that a close vote to remain would be a disaster. We would lose any leverage for EU reform and division in the country and main parties would be like a political cancer. I want out, but hope that if we vote in its by at least 60/40
A huge win is better because it stops any allegations of rigging and reduces the impact of "lies" but I can't see a big win either way. The thing is an in loss becomes subsumed in what comes next and possibly further votes so there is much uncertainty but an out loss is more definitive and therefore disappointment will be higher and whole parties who stand for nothing else will lose the reason to exist. My big worry is they will not lose well and will seek to undermine the country making their bad prophecies almost self fulfilling?

The cynic in me believes that Brexit have some horrible story up their sleeves possibly even concocted that will bring in a cologne type story to the press a day or two before the election and that the last week will be truly toxic , possibly it will be something equally wrong brought by Inners about the personal lives of prominent brexiters - I hope not.
A huge win is better because it stops any allegations of rigging and reduces the impact of "lies" but I can't see a big win either way. The thing is an in loss becomes subsumed in what comes next and possibly further votes so there is much uncertainty but an out loss is more definitive and therefore disappointment will be higher and whole parties who stand for nothing else will lose the reason to exist. My big worry is they will not lose well and will seek to undermine the country making their bad prophecies almost self fulfilling?

The cynic in me believes that Brexit have some horrible story up their sleeves possibly even concocted that will bring in a cologne type story to the press a day or two before the election and that the last week will be truly toxic , possibly it will be something equally wrong brought by Inners about the personal lives of prominent brexiters - I hope not.

As long as we leave don't care what tactics are used.
I suspect you are correct. Post referendum will be a defining time for ukip. They'll either dissapear up their own arses or capitalise on other parties imploding as the SNP did post referendum in Scotland - assuming we vote remain. Obviously a leave vote also leaves them in a healthy position with similar chaos in the other parties. I suspect that is why corbyn has been pretty quiet too. There is likely to be real political upheaval here even if we vote for the status quo regarding the EU
I wouldn't be so sure ..... You have a higher opinion of the common sense of the voter than I do....

When the leavers turn up the vitriol to this extent then it strikes me they know they've lost. They're already talking post referendum revenge which means they know which way the wind is blowing.

It is possible the polls could be wrong, but they are beginning to look consistently in favour of remain.

The leaver campaign is a shambles, the constant playing of the immigration card, which they reckon is the strongest one they've got, looks increasingly like the only one they've got.
Victory is 50.00001% we can't be having people claiming moral victories because they got 48% either way. It's winner take all.....
I know that, if the only consequence that matters iis the outcome of the referendum your point is correct and valid. However, like too many of your previous points, this point is futile. You know precisely what was being said here.... still if you're happy to go and shove your head down the dunny and choose not to see the bigger picture that IS developing, then fair play to you!
When the leavers turn up the vitriol to this extent then it strikes me they know they've lost. They're already talking post referendum revenge which means they know which way the wind is blowing.

It is possible the polls could be wrong, but they are beginning to look consistently in favour of remain.

The leaver campaign is a shambles, the constant playing of the immigration card, which they reckon is the strongest one they've got, looks increasingly like the only one they've got.
I agree the Leave campaign is very poorly constructed, however the immigration card is stronger than some may choose to acknowledge. If you were in a battle such as this, would you not play your strongest card at every opportunity? A bit like the Remain campaign keep wanting to talk ablout the economy.... all's fair in love and war!
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I agree the Leave campaign is very poorly constructed, however the immigration card is stronger than some may choose to acknowledge. If you were in a battle such as this, would you not play your strongest card at every opportunity, a bit like the Remain campaign keep wanting to talk ablout the economy.... ally's fair in live and war!


I reckon fear of losing your job or your savings trumps the Polish plumber next door any day.
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