EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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I will give you that he has been consistent never afraid to use the dog whistle politics he is famed for. Its this man of the people look at me I'm helping all these hard done by fishermen out. The fact remains the fishermen were shafted by the tories when they stitched up who sold everything off to the larger companies. He has deliberately stoker up the inner little Englander/racist in some of us and this country will pay for that for years to come.

If you think he's a monster, mate, he's one that has been created by the establishment.

Suppression of the debate on immigration/population growth by ALL mainstream parties and large chunks of the media have pushed some people towards fringe politics. This is not just in the UK either. It's a dangerous trend throughout Europe.

Ditto the unsolicited slide towards a federalist Europe. There would arguably be no referendum without Farage; just further immersion by stealth.

Compared to the bulk of MPs foisted upon us, he does indeed come over as a man of the people. For proof, look no further than the likes of Cameron, Osborne, Miliband, Harman and a whole host of career politicians.

Don't get me wrong, he's never a potential leader of the country but has certainly been a catalyst. There are lots of people out there without voices.
By listening to some, you'd think we fall off a cliff on Friday(with an 'out' vote) with no means of saving ourselves

One thing that hasn't been discussed much but has been has been pointed out, if David Cameron genuinely thought all these terrible things could happen, why did he agree to a referendum without safeguarding the countries future either way? One of the answers is, he doesn't believe half of the shit he's coming out with

He also miscalculated the strength of the "out" vote and failed to appreciate that many of his own actions would act as a recruiting sergeant.
By listening to some, you'd think we fall off a cliff on Friday(with an 'out' vote) with no means of saving ourselves

One thing that hasn't been discussed much but has been has been pointed out, if David Cameron genuinely thought all these terrible things could happen, why did he agree to a referendum without safeguarding the countries future either way? One of the answers is, he doesn't believe half of the shit he's coming out with

He expected the Lib Dems to block the referendum.
This thread has been good fun and some great posts on both sides of the debate. Better than a lot of the crap on the tv.
Agreed 100%. Has been enlightening and gas helped me understand why some people may think remaining is a good thing, though there has been nothing to persuade me to switch to vote that way.
By listening to some, you'd think we fall off a cliff on Friday(with an 'out' vote) with no means of saving ourselves

One thing that hasn't been discussed much but has been has been pointed out, if David Cameron genuinely thought all these terrible things could happen, why did he agree to a referendum without safeguarding the countries future either way? One of the answers is, he doesn't believe half of the shit he's coming out with

The scaremongering has become silly and the BBC are culpable of extreme biased reporting imo on the stay side of things.

I am sure as i can be we will carry on as before roughly but with no shit coming from Brussels + i can buy a steak of Canadian origin and help my mate who started a farm their a few years back :-)
Britain has less immigration and migration than other countries in Europe. We need extra workers in this country when there is an aging population soon to be on pensions with less people to pay for it.

Any rise in population has been exacerbated with a government cutting resources to local areas putting a strain on services at a time when these extra workers have settled.

No countries border controls are perfect but what the outers want is to bulldoze the house because they see a problem with the door.

Thought peoples state pensions were paid on what they've contributed all their lives in this country didn't think I was paying towards someones pension..

I'm an outer by the way

No, it's just that you can't stand to hear the truth.
In fairness chippy I have yet to read much truth from inners (or outers come to that).

What I have read is stacks and stacks of opinion on both sides, some good stuff some ridiculous.

The truth is there is very little truth out there to be had. It's all about opinion and speculation is it not? Based on what people read and what you judge to be realistic will form the opinions of individuals.

I suggest you stop searching for the absolute truth.... It just ain't there mate!
Has anyone been persuaded to change their vote direction on the basis of the louder posters on this thread?

I've avoided voting for years, as i couldn't see much point, or how it could influence things in my favour. Always felt it was better to direct my energies into making the best of things, for me and my family, no matter who was in power.

Up to 2 weeks ago, i wasn't going to vote, but as i've looked into it more and i've seen more of the remain campaign propaganda get pulled to pieces than the outers campaign. Along with this, the escalation of scare-mongering and the attitude of most of the remain fan-boys that anyone who votes out is too stupid to be allowed to vote, it pretty much hardened my attitude.

So while not exactly changing my direction of vote, it has galvanised me into actually voting for the first time in years.
So come the day, i'll be voting to leave the EU.
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