EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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BTW you may think you´re voting for the status quo but you´re not you´re voting for more integration.
Now try and make a positive case for your beloved European Union. Just exactly where will the 'project' be in 10, 15, 20 years time?
She couldn't tell what she's doing in 10, 15 and 20 minutes time.
Nigel Farage recently came out and said he doesn't know what will happen if we leave the EU. This is a guy that's devoted decades of his life to the cause of leaving the EU and has been the movement's poster boy. Sorry but I'm not basing my future on "I don't know". It's not good enough. I don't want to live in a nationalistic isolationist country, I wan't to be a part of something bigger.

I don't want old men and women to decide my future for me. My own grandmother told me when I said i was voting to remain that I'm too young to understand and that everything was better before. Before? Like during the Cold War when everyone hated each other or ww2 when everyone was killing each other? The good old days? The EU is more democratic than our own parliamentary system. For Leave voters it doesn't matter what the experts say, they will dismiss everything as "scare tactics" or "lefty nonsense".

The only foreign politicians that support Brexit are Marine La Penn, Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin.
Anyone that says they do know is lying. It's about what future you want for the country.

Also how can you say it's more democratic. You do realised that is bollocks?
I know one thing having watched this debate pan out on here, most of the nastiness, foam mouthed rhetoric and flawed logic has come from the remain campaign, getting desperate I think...
Well, there are sheep and there are Shepherds, on Thursday next week the Shepherds will prevail and out we will go..!!! Baaaaaaaaaa
You chose to make that point with multiple zealous exclamation marks and name-calling?
This thread is going to be a great retrospective read come Thursday night. Can't wait.
I don't think this thread has been a waste of time, I think it's one of the best threads in years

I don't think people come on here to change their minds, just read other people's opinions, watch some clips that have been posted and generally enjoy the read

Totally agree, for myself I was convinced that the main focus on people's minds would be the complete mismanagement by the eu in a range of policies in the last 7 years and why you would want to attach yourself to such a disjointed and dangerous policy but it's hardly been mentioned. I didn't realise everyone would just make their assumptions on the impact of migration and the economy taking a snapshot of the eu in its current state.

I've been interested to read comments from both sides of the debate and from the left and right. Still amazed that people don't think the eu is heading towards a federal state but hey ho...
Dear God, this is just embarassing now. Leaving Europe won't get anyone a job and a council house any sooner.

Brexit will lose big, btw.

How do you know about the council housing situation?

I plan to vote 'out' but still think 'remain' will win, just - talking about 'losing big' makes it sound like a football match. It isn't. In fact it is a very important vote
It seems people think leaving the EU leaves us more isolated,this is folly.

By listening to some, you'd think we fall off a cliff on Friday(with an 'out' vote) with no means of saving ourselves

One thing that hasn't been discussed much but has been has been pointed out, if David Cameron genuinely thought all these terrible things could happen, why did he agree to a referendum without safeguarding the countries future either way? One of the answers is, he doesn't believe half of the shit he's coming out with
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