EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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Well said -the shallowness in the Remain argument is that they try to stigmatise the Leave position as being AGAINST immigration when in fact we just want control. That is most likely that wanting to be in control is entirely sensible and cannot be lazily labelled.

Back at you my friend, bloody well said!!!
I've avoided voting for years, as i couldn't see much point, or how it could influence things in my favour. Always felt it was better to direct my energies into making the best of things, for me and my family, no matter who was in power.

Up to 2 weeks ago, i wasn't going to vote, but as i've looked into it more and i've seen more of the remain campaign propaganda get pulled to pieces than the outers campaign. Along with this, the escalation of scare-mongering and the attitude of most of the remain fan-boys that anyone who votes out is too stupid to be allowed to vote, it pretty much hardened my attitude.

So while not exactly changing my direction of vote, it has galvanised me into actually voting for the first time in years.
So come the day, i'll be voting to leave the EU.

A fine post that reflects my mentality almost verbatim.
I agree even if you want to leave, basing a decision on a campaign led by Gove, Johnson, Farage and IDS is like expecting the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to bring a better future.

I'm voting leave, did not make my decision based on any of them. I based my decision to leave on my opinion and what I think about it all, I couldn't care less what farage, etc tells me to think.
In fairness chippy I have yet to read much truth from inners (or outers come to that).

What I have read is stacks and stacks of opinion on both sides, some good stuff some ridiculous.

The truth is there is very little truth out there to be had. It's all about opinion and speculation is it not? Based on what people read and what you judge to be realistic will form the opinions of individuals.

I suggest you stop searching for the absolute truth.... It just ain't there mate!

Nothing in life is certain Joe, but even so, I am certain I won't win the lottery this evening. Sometimes balance of probability is more than good enough, and there's lots of things which you can predict based on the balance of probability. Without the benefit of a crystal ball, it's the best we've got.

And when you have 9 out of 10 economists saying leaving would be a fucking stupid idea, it's really stupid to ignore them. Taking their views on board but choosing a different path anyway, well that's fine. But just putting hands over ears and saying "I'm not listening" or worse, dismissing anything contrary to one's own view as being "scaremongering" - as is that then makes it invalid? Well only fuckwitts do that but there's plenty of them about.
Agreed 100%. Has been enlightening and gas helped me understand why some people may think remaining is a good thing, though there has been nothing to persuade me to switch to vote that way.

If the new border controls can keep SWP's back out of the country, I might swap sides!!!!
Taking their views on board but choosing a different path anyway, well that's fine. But just putting hands over ears and saying "I'm not listening" or worse, dismissing anything contrary to one's own view as being "scaremongering" - as is that then makes it invalid? Well only fuckwitts do that but there's plenty of them about.

I'm liking the fact that you can't spell fuckwit.
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