EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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I agree that the debate has been crap from both sides, the remain have been doom and gloom and that we are gonna colapse as an economy and the leave just waffle of taking back control (comtrol of what exactly) and cutting imigration.

I ain't arsed on either of them arguements, on imigration people come and people go, most imigrants enhance our nations and in the economy in properos or lean times I have been pretty much the same finacially.

What no one mentions and what did impact on my life working in the hospitality trade is the working time directive. Before it I along with others were worked to the limit sometimes 80hrs+ a week with a never surfacing time in lieu or overtime at normal or any rate, sometimes 14 consecutive days without a day off and holidays being fucked about with.
Only one country opposed this the tory led UK and I would expect a tory led UK free from this would dismantle a lot of it's benefits.
So I will vote remain as I always was before, because until I am not convinced our own government would always put the peoples wellfare first unchecked.

Isn't that what an opposition is for? I'm not a fan of the 'EU will reign the Tories in argument' - however, earlier in the debate that was a concern I had but, in the end, felt that argument is a lazy copout for Labour, Lib-Dems etc

That isn't to say, I don't appreciate your concerns
I agree that the debate has been crap from both sides, the remain have been doom and gloom and that we are gonna colapse as an economy and the leave just waffle of taking back control (comtrol of what exactly) and cutting imigration.

I ain't arsed on either of them arguements, on imigration people come and people go, most imigrants enhance our nations and in the economy in properos or lean times I have been pretty much the same finacially.

What no one mentions and what did impact on my life working in the hospitality trade is the working time directive. Before it I along with others were worked to the limit sometimes 80hrs+ a week with a never surfacing time in lieu or overtime at normal or any rate, sometimes 14 consecutive days without a day off and holidays being fucked about with.
Only one country opposed this the tory led UK and I would expect a tory led UK free from this would dismantle a lot of it's benefits.
So I will vote remain as I always was before, because until I am not convinced our own government would always put the peoples wellfare first unchecked.

A Tory party pushing 80 hour weeks would not get elected...
I agree that the debate has been crap from both sides, the remain have been doom and gloom and that we are gonna colapse as an economy and the leave just waffle of taking back control (comtrol of what exactly) and cutting imigration.

I ain't arsed on either of them arguements, on imigration people come and people go, most imigrants enhance our nations and in the economy in properos or lean times I have been pretty much the same finacially.

What no one mentions and what did impact on my life working in the hospitality trade is the working time directive. Before it I along with others were worked to the limit sometimes 80hrs+ a week with a never surfacing time in lieu or overtime at normal or any rate, sometimes 14 consecutive days without a day off and holidays being fucked about with.
Only one country opposed this the tory led UK and I would expect a tory led UK free from this would dismantle a lot of it's benefits.
So I will vote remain as I always was before, because until I am not convinced our own government would always put the peoples wellfare first unchecked.

A Tory party pushing 80 hour weeks would not get elected...
I know one thing having watched this debate pan out on here, most of the nastiness, foam mouthed rhetoric and flawed logic has come from the remain campaign, getting desperate I think...
Well, there are sheep and there are Shepherds, on Thursday next week the Shepherds will prevail and out we will go..!!! Baaaaaaaaaa
I agree that the debate has been crap from both sides, the remain have been doom and gloom and that we are gonna colapse as an economy and the leave just waffle of taking back control (comtrol of what exactly) and cutting imigration.

I ain't arsed on either of them arguements, on imigration people come and people go, most imigrants enhance our nations and in the economy in properos or lean times I have been pretty much the same finacially.

What no one mentions and what did impact on my life working in the hospitality trade is the working time directive. Before it I along with others were worked to the limit sometimes 80hrs+ a week with a never surfacing time in lieu or overtime at normal or any rate, sometimes 14 consecutive days without a day off and holidays being fucked about with.
Only one country opposed this the tory led UK and I would expect a tory led UK free from this would dismantle a lot of it's benefits.
So I will vote remain as I always was before, because until I am not convinced our own government would always put the peoples wellfare first unchecked.

Hopefully vote out and a new balanced coalition can be formed to negotiate the out negotiations in a balanced way.
Thought peoples state pensions were paid on what they've contributed all their lives in this country didn't think I was paying towards someones pension..

Sort of but no. You're meant to receive an amount based on what you pay in. However what you pay in doesn't get invested into a pot anywhere, you payments in this June will go to some retired person(s) in July.
Fully agree, but is still isn't the TRUTH which is what you were looking for is it, it's pure speculation.

On the economists, theyve been wrong before and they'll be wrong again. The trouble with this us we will never know if they were right or wrong, unless we leave and flourish which is unlikely, well in the immediate future in any case.

You see the entire wording of the post above portrays your closed mind. "pure speculation" not "speculation" for example. And even the word speculation itself, blows your cover. I've heard other people use the word "guess". But there's a huge difference between a guess, speculation and prediction, and calculation. Respected institutions have not just scribbled things on the back of fag packet or thrown darts at the wall, they've looked at the drivers - at what influences the economy - and make calculations and projections based on those inputs. You can't dismiss this as if it's some random stab in the dark, when it isn't.

Likewise "they've been wrong before and they'll be wrong again". Well you would say that wouldn't you, but it's such a hollow statement. Of course they get things wrong, but that doesn't mean they've got THIS wrong and to assume that because they were wrong about something else in the past, therefore they must be wrong about this too, is a lame argument. It's basically the best the Leavers can come up with faced with overwhelming commentary that leaving would be a bad idea. If predicting and calculating and projecting was such a complete waste of time, we'd have to close the met office, close the institute for national studies, replace insurance companies with dummies throwing dice. The reality is you don't like the predictions, that's all.
Thought peoples state pensions were paid on what they've contributed all their lives in this country didn't think I was paying towards someones pension..
Sort of but no. You're meant to receive an amount based on what you pay in. However what you pay in doesn't get invested into a pot anywhere, you payments in this June will go to some retired person(s) in July.

Don´t worry blueincy I will spend it wisely.
You have to understand why people get emotional about immigrants.

If there was an example whereby a woman has five children and a three bed semi and she asks the council for a larger house but is refused, only to see a Polish family with four kids moved into a neighbouring 4 bed house.

I'm sure most in here would ask questions if that happened to them. It kind of feeds the beast does it not?
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