EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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He'll probably be PM if Brexit doesn't win as well though. That, or it'll be Osbourne who's proved himself as pretty inept and uninspiring.

People forget gove has designs on the tory leadership and Teresa may has been very silent sitting in the wings letting the boys slug it out.
People forget gove has designs on the tory leadership and Teresa may has been very silent sitting in the wings letting the boys slug it out.

I don't think either are likeable enough. People still remember Gove's unpopularity in education and I think May had to be more vocal in this to become a serious contender.
The reality is (and this is more in response to SWP's post) that the hatred in the national media campaign on immigration had got out of hand. I made this point more than a week ago. Anyone denying the recklessness of parts of the national media on this issue most think the world is flat.

I am no do gooder e.g. I wasn't one of the many Bkuemooners complaining about the Jihadi John song!
And FWIW I have only every said that immigration is a non issue for me and that I believe wholeheartedly in free movement of labour.

I only replied to the post about the Express to play devils advocate.

I don't agree with the stance for voting out on immigration grounds. But then again, I couldn't really.
No one claimed that , I merely took objection to the comments suggesting they wanted a greater Germany and no sovereignty, which is fair enough. fighting facism in ww2 doesn't seem particularly unusual to me unless you were the Daily Mail proprietor or surname was Mosely - do you find it strange?

But why would reality get in the way of cheap shots? If that is all you have left or as much as you are capable of? Play the man when you don't have the talent to play the ball?
No cheap shot, I wasn't the only poster that read your post as intimating that you spoke with greater gravitas on what people fought for based on your own grand father.

And given the demographics of the out polls, I'd say you couldn't be sure which way he would have voted. I certainly wouldn't dream to state which way my own late grandfather would have voted.
Bojo will be PM if Brexit wins. Do you see that as an irrelevance?
I think he will be next PM either way to be honest.

But it should be an irrelevance yes. He's be PM for two/three years before a GE was called and you can vote in whomever you wish.
I don't think either are likeable enough. People still remember Gove's unpopularity in education and I think May had to be more vocal in this to become a serious contender.

Yeah but Gove is popular amongst tory mps, So I could see him using wining the referendum to his advantage just like boris wants to, gidieon is a dead duck in my opinion.

Back onto the referendum issue lets see how they all behave on andrew marr, peston and sunday poltics and see if they can all act like responsible adults in both camps.

For me it comes down to workers rights and looking arfter the common population and I cannot see a tory government ever doing that, if the human rights, h&s, labour rights, working time directive maternity, holiday, sickness rights etc were guaranteed not to
fucked about with I would have leaned to an exit, but I just don't trust the tories to protect those things when there are not bound to them. And them that say I am assuming the tories will be the ones in power, well they have 3 years left at least to screw over the British public more.
I think he will be next PM either way to be honest.

But it should be an irrelevance yes. He's be PM for two/three years before a GE was called and you can vote in whomever you wish.

If he takes over after a Leave vote he has to completely reshape his cabinet to ensure they'll back him in the negotiations and have Brexiters running the big depts. A Johnson govt after a Leave vote would be totally different from a Johnson gvt after a Remain vote.

Yes, I could always vote for Corbyn in 2020. But I see it more realistically as a choice between a Johnson (Leave) gvt and a Johnson (Remain) gvt. I'm voting on Thursday for the latter.
This bit "Also love his threat about not allowing other countries to do what their people want? You could not make it up."
He never said that, that is the bit i am saying you made up.

Oh dear Ken you are wrong again. Next time click on the actual hyperlink before commenting. The words taken are as follows:

IN the event of Brexit, Europe should " act fast to avoid other countries starting a similar process" he said

"There must be no question of Denmark, the Netherlands, Poland deciding they want the same status"
Had a leaflet through the door from, what I assume is an unofficial 'remain' group. 'Don't let Farage speak for you....'

He doesn't, I am more than capable of making up my own mind. It just seems like another attempt to label all 'outers' as UKIP supporters - I suppose to have to do something when you are running out of real arguments.
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