Eva Carneiro(ex Chelsea Doctor)

I would imagine United didn't want Jose's dirty laundry aired in public but I think you're being dismissive and sexist by suggesting she was influenced by her husband.

Gratuitous and silly accusation there. Are you suggesting that no-one is influenced by their spouse and that to suggest otherwise (providing we are talking about a woman) is "sexist" ?
Come off it,she is a doctor doing her job in the correct manner and he went at her andt ried to undermine her with language and removing her from her job,she has stood up for herself,good for her

Well said! She has stood up for herself and exposed him/them for what they are.
Jose brought her off (money talks). I'd say he is a happy man as he is making that in a month whatever he paid her and has more money then he could live off in 10 lifetimes. This is about shutting up the media and getting her to sign a confidentially agreement. Eva Carneiro is the one who has damaged her reputation as who wants to hire her now? she is a big risk.. Jose just got a massive job.

I reckon Jose is having a nice meal tonight with his familia celebrating.
BROUGHT HER OFF thought she hated him lol
So a woman posting pictures of herself on holiday, in a bikini, is posting "suggestive pictures of herself"? Jesus wept.

How many other football club doctors have social media accounts!? that's the issue, her profile was getting too big, and she did nothing to discourage it. It just came across unprofessional to me and like she was enjoying the limelight/fame aspect of been in football gave her a wee bit too much for my taste but everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Let's see what she does next =)
Come off it,she is a doctor doing her job in the correct manner and he went at her andt ried to undermine her with language and removing her from her job,she has stood up for herself,good for her
Very well said Kazzer.
Gratuitous and silly accusation there. Are you suggesting that no-one is influenced by their spouse and that to suggest otherwise (providing we are talking about a woman) is "sexist" ?

Not gratuitous and not silly. Yes, spouses can influence each other, but to imply that a tough, successful, professional woman was persuaded by her husband to settle simply because he supports United - as the poster I was replying to clearly did in their comment - is sexist. It plays into the "little woman doing what her husband tells her to" trope.
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