Even though we keep winning

We're playing just OK at the moment, but winning games.

Good position to be in, because I think the performances will improve as the squad get to know each other.
PaulPowerShower said:
We look really really shite.......no synergy, everyone seems to be working to a different agenda

Dont get me wron there are flashes of it working but it huat looks like 11 strangers to me

Palace nearly turned us over and Pompey played much much much better football with no decent players.....

Anyone else agree?

Even my rag mate admitted we was awsome against crystal palace
PaulPowerShower said:
We look really really shite.......no synergy, everyone seems to be working to a different agenda

Dont get me wron there are flashes of it working but it huat looks like 11 strangers to me

Palace nearly turned us over and Pompey played much much much better football with no decent players.....

Anyone else agree?

I agree to a point! we have conceded enough chances to have lost all of our games and if things have had fallen slightly differently for a few of the Blackburn, Wolves, Palace and Pompey players we could be bottom of the Prem on 0 points and out of the Carling Cup! i do not know how we havent conceded a goal yet as its not just been Shay Given neither as oppositions have hit the bar and missed a number sitters and had a number of near misses etc! If we concede this many chances to Arsenal and United we will definately not keep clean sheets!
I dont think Ireland has had a good game yet this season and there are still question marks over Micah Richards (but i still want to encourage him to do well rather than slag him off - see the "Micah Richards" thread!)
We seem to be playing like England play sometimes- like a squad of lads who havent played a lot of football with each other, a lot of things are just off the cuff, not planned or thought out, there hasnt been a great deal of stucture to our play apart from with Barry and a lot of things havent worked!

However, a fair few things have worked and the link between defence and attack that Barry has brought to the team has impressed me more than the performances of any other player! he looks very very classy! In short spells we have played some excellent football and we have also created a number of chances and and if things have had fallen slightly differently for our lads we could have won 6-0 in all of our games!

I think with a few more months of working together on a daily basis and performing together 2ice a week there will be a hell of a lot more cohesion and we will look like a team rather than 11 players in the same kit! Partnerships havent had time to develop yet - Toure/Lescott, Barry/Ireland, Adebayor and anyone who's up there with him - this takes time too! I bet our new lads are still at the stage where they havent got nicknames for each other yet and they cant quite take the piss out of each other too much just yet as they dont know each other all that well, and that rubs off on the pitch as well! When a better social cohesion, as well as a playing cohesion, comes in there will be a better understanding with each other and when you are playing with mates and mates you like and mates you dont want to let down and want to share success with; there will be more of a team on the pitch than at present! A social hierarchy will be formed over a longer period of time as well and it the leaders will come to the fore and take us forward, at this early stage with so many new players there cant be a clear hierarchy developed yet, and this rubs off on the pitch too!

But they are all things that will develop over the next few months and come Christmas we can come back and talk about how we think we're doing, right now i think we should just take it game by game and any positives that come out we should highlight and just hope the negatives can be ironed out! I think our 0 goals conceded is a little bit flattering for us but we could have scored 15 goals by now so 3 wins from 3, 4 goals 0 conceded and 9 points - and a win in the CC - has made me pretty pleased with the start to our season! So OP, dont look at the negatives too early!
The more i read this forum the less i think of city fan's. What a right bunch of moaning tit's. We want cheap tickets to cup matches, i'm not impressed with the way we are winning every week. 2 away wins all last season and it must have been really exciting was it. Why was robinho dropped he would have bla bla bla. We won shut the fuck up. 4 games into the season and spouting all this crap. ;-(
agreed we havent been amazing but at the end of the day football is a results business and we`re getting them!! someones gonna get walloped soon!!!!
richards30 said:
agreed we havent been amazing but at the end of the day football is a results business and we`re getting them!! someones gonna get walloped soon!!!!

I agree with this. Sooner or later a match will come along when all our chances hit the back of the net and someone's going to get a drubbing. Hope it's against United!
danburge82 said:
PaulPowerShower said:
We look really really shite.......no synergy, everyone seems to be working to a different agenda

Dont get me wron there are flashes of it working but it huat looks like 11 strangers to me

Palace nearly turned us over and Pompey played much much much better football with no decent players.....

Anyone else agree?

I agree to a point! we have conceded enough chances to have lost all of our games and if things have had fallen slightly differently for a few of the Blackburn, Wolves, Palace and Pompey players we could be bottom of the Prem on 0 points and out of the Carling Cup! i do not know how we havent conceded a goal yet as its not just been Shay Given neither as oppositions have hit the bar and missed a number sitters and had a number of near misses etc! If we concede this many chances to Arsenal and United we will definately not keep clean sheets!
I dont think Ireland has had a good game yet this season and there are still question marks over Micah Richards (but i still want to encourage him to do well rather than slag him off - see the "Micah Richards" thread!)
We seem to be playing like England play sometimes- like a squad of lads who havent played a lot of football with each other, a lot of things are just off the cuff, not planned or thought out, there hasnt been a great deal of stucture to our play apart from with Barry and a lot of things havent worked!

However, a fair few things have worked and the link between defence and attack that Barry has brought to the team has impressed me more than the performances of any other player! he looks very very classy! In short spells we have played some excellent football and we have also created a number of chances and and if things have had fallen slightly differently for our lads we could have won 6-0 in all of our games!

I think with a few more months of working together on a daily basis and performing together 2ice a week there will be a hell of a lot more cohesion and we will look like a team rather than 11 players in the same kit! Partnerships havent had time to develop yet - Toure/Lescott, Barry/Ireland, Adebayor and anyone who's up there with him - this takes time too! I bet our new lads are still at the stage where they havent got nicknames for each other yet and they cant quite take the piss out of each other too much just yet as they dont know each other all that well, and that rubs off on the pitch as well! When a better social cohesion, as well as a playing cohesion, comes in there will be a better understanding with each other and when you are playing with mates and mates you like and mates you dont want to let down and want to share success with; there will be more of a team on the pitch than at present! A social hierarchy will be formed over a longer period of time as well and it the leaders will come to the fore and take us forward, at this early stage with so many new players there cant be a clear hierarchy developed yet, and this rubs off on the pitch too!

But they are all things that will develop over the next few months and come Christmas we can come back and talk about how we think we're doing, right now i think we should just take it game by game and any positives that come out we should highlight and just hope the negatives can be ironed out! I think our 0 goals conceded is a little bit flattering for us but we could have scored 15 goals by now so 3 wins from 3, 4 goals 0 conceded and 9 points - and a win in the CC - has made me pretty pleased with the start to our season! So OP, dont look at the negatives too early!
excellent post danburge... very eloquantly said... and what i read the OP tried to say but in the wrong wording... and I totally agree with you Dan... its still very early and alot of gelling to do until we reach our potential... and do have a scaring potential in our team nowdays... and winning games will only make it easier to gel... i really like the outlook of our team and how we set out to play the different oppositions... i think so far the team selections has been spot on... and the work all players bring to the pitch is awesome to watch... i think we are in for a hell of a ride this season but there will be bumps on the road for glory... we just need to take that as it comes as supporters...
You have to wonder what it'll take to make some people happy. 10-0 every week?

You could argue that Chelsea and the shit have been somewhat unconvincing so far yet come May you'd be pretty foolish to bet hard cash against either of them.

It's a tough league and even if we were to become the dominant PL team we'd still only win by narrow margins most week with the odd draw and defeat thrown in.

This isn't school or pub league shit it's the premier league, every game is a potential stumbling block, there are no easy games just varying degrees of tricky opponents.

Some people really need to get some perspective. I suggest watching a few non City games to see just how we do compare with the big boys. I'd also like to say that Palace did not nearly turn us over and although we were hardly rampant against Pompey/Wolves we did more than enough to justify both wins.

Yesterday we had a goal disallowed that was debatable and 2 penalty shouts turned down. Had Micah's goal stood we could well have won 4-0. Similarly against Wolves, whilst we did fade in the last 30mins or so we were great in the first half and in the 2nd half alone should have scored 3/4 with Rob/Ireland/Ade all scuffing extremely good chances.

If people think that now we've spent 200m we'll piss every game by 5 or 6 goals then they are seriously deluded.
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I assume this thread is another one of these,must admit it's an interesting new way of doing it,bit weird but ETTO.
i understand where he is coming from when he says this stuff because at some periods during the matches i have found myself thinkin the same thing. Blackburn had chances but couldnt finish, 2nd half against wolves was disappointing n could have cost us 2 points, portsmouth was onli the last 5 mins really which is expected from any team in a losing position.

so what im tryin to say is i agree we havent looked great but like alot of other people have said we have 9 points, progressed to the next round of the cup and not conceded so lets be happy n enjoy the moments, n maybe comment on these things when the results arent goin our way, because for me every game we play could be scrappy for all i care as long as we come out with the right result. thats how the top teams win things!!!

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