Everton hypocrisy - the ’Mersey Millionaires’

City fans you may enjoy the now bit you're relying on someone who is not a City fan to help you. You could just be one big game of Fifa 11 to him and it may not be now but in say 10 years if he's bored your club is finished. It would simply not sustain the wages. Sleep with that thought that it could all go tits up at any minute :)
Feel free to sleep with the thought that you HAVE gone tits up.

And we trust the Sheikh, he's a businessman here to make money. You don't make money by throwing over a billion pound at an investment then walking away.
Also while we are on the subject of 'clubs generally being run for profit' are you suggesting that Everton have no debt?

Didn't you take out a 30 million second mortgage to fund new players back in 2002? That was hardly self-financing was it? How much are Bear Stearns still owed? What are the interest payments? How much will you repay in total and over what period? Didn't you recently borrow yet another £14 million from Investec? Plus more interest? 60 million + in debt?

Hardly a shining beacon of financial prudence are you? More like a mini-ManUre.

You are struggling like fuck to keep your heads above water and would snatch the hand off a potential new owner like ours.

You say our owner might walk away (as if). Likewise if Everton can't repay the debt then Bear Stearns would obtain a court order requiring revenues from your season ticket sales to be handed over and you'd be fucked. I think we all know which scenario is more likely ;-)

Hypocrisy is right.
WeHateLiverpool said:
City fans you may enjoy the now bit you're relying on someone who is not a City fan to help you. You could just be one big game of Fifa 11 to him and it may not be now but in say 10 years if he's bored your club is finished. It would simply not sustain the wages. Sleep with that thought that it could all go tits up at any minute :)

explaine why he is building his very own hotels and buisnesses around the ground then and buying 200 acres of land around the ground??? It's OK I'll wait for a reply
C1TY4LIFE said:
WeHateLiverpool said:
Also at the time Everton were a massive club so we didn't have to pay £200,000 wages to get players to join us.


To be fair, at that time we were one of the biggest clubs in the country.
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
WeHateLiverpool said:
I'm merely defending my club.

But in defending yer club you want to deny MCFC what EFC have already had. It's interesting that when we reach a 'boot on the other foot' situation, the various elements are never the same. Somehow, there were 'mystical' and 'spiritual' reasons for other teams' successes. I have watched English football for six decades, and every decade heralds another successful team - 50s Wolves, 60's Spuds, Late 60s MCFC, 70s, 80s Dippers, EFC in their somewhere (they were league Champs when my lad was born - prob that which turned his head!) 90s, Noughties, MANUre, The Arse and CFC. They became top dogs because they had a range of advantages which can all be distilled into one - a financial one. The first reason, despite what players say, even MCFC ones(!) of joining a club is that they are being very well paid and other monies have purchased an infrastructure that provides the best money can buy. They can add in all the other reasons they wish - the history, the trophies and the success they hope to achieve but it's all for the fans, the media. Their agents instill into them an altruistic, charitable mantra. They have come because they are well paid. I could argue that if Torres knew what he knows now he might have had second thoughts, but at the time the transfer fee and the wages put him out of the reach of other clubs. Dipper fans were delighted and would have used the opposite arguments they are using now were anyone to suggest that LFC were acting unfairly and the system was ruining football. MCFC can do that now and all of a sudden it is morally degenerate that such a situation should exist.

Peearse Morgan is blathering on about a salary cap. I bet he would like to fix the cap at 50p beyond the top dollar that The Arse pay. Same with Tottenham, Liverpool, EFC. They want a level playing field but one which delivers to them the 'unique' advantages which they enjoyed in their heydays, whilst at the same time denying the same advantages to other teams. The only adequate word to describe that is hypocrisy.
I think that is the best post I have ever read on this site. I salute you sir.
Not to be rude. But after being on this site for over a year now I've noticed something. You Englishman/woman really know how to use the English language. This thread is a perfect example of it. I've just been reading it all and the way comments and stuff are worded is just brilliant. Some of the comments have made me laugh pretty hard. Mainly the one by Uber Blue saying how he liked there pain and that he reveled in it, and how it was like a big comfy blanket.

Just had to point that out, cheers!<br /><br />-- Sun Oct 03, 2010 6:56 pm --<br /><br />
WeHateLiverpool said:
City fans you may enjoy the now bit you're relying on someone who is not a City fan to help you. You could just be one big game of Fifa 11 to him and it may not be now but in say 10 years if he's bored your club is finished. It would simply not sustain the wages. Sleep with that thought that it could all go tits up at any minute :)

In 10 years he could be the biggest City fan in the world. Maybe his sons too. Then we'd be a multi-billionaires family heirloom.
standupefc said:
I know that most proper City fans I know who were there when you were shite hate whats happening at City now.


knobheads of the highest caliber and treated Mark Hughes disgracefully

You American? To use the expression "knobhead of the highest caliber (sic)" and then spell the word wrong, rather undermines any point you make.

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