Everton hypocrisy - the ’Mersey Millionaires’

WeHateLiverpool said:
Before Moores even took control we'd already had 5 league title to our name and two FA cups making us one of the best clubs in the land. He didn't just hand pick a club who were failing and say I'm going to try make them win stuff. Plus he was an evertonian as I've said. Really what love does the shiek have toward you? Do you think it bothers him all week (like it does true fans) when you lose?

All I hear from Everton fans is "big club this" "big club that" "history" "success" "blah di blah" "we deserve..." "you don't deserve..." "we're hard done to(typical Scouse outlook!)" etc. You know how many Sunderland, Newcastle, Villa fans i've heard or read bang on about how much bigger and more successful than City they are? NONE! I don't even get it in the ear off United fans, and they are miles "bigger" and "more successful" than Everton! Because they all understand and have the knowledge that City are a big club, well in the top 10 biggest clubs in the country. 82 other professional clubs are behind us. But you know how many QPR forums I go on telling them how much bigger than them we are and they don't deserve their money? NONE!
i only ever reply to everton/scouse threads, so the reason i am here is in response to your threads. and if you are not obsessed then surely the threads will diminish. its not rocket salad!!
shackattack said:
i only ever reply to everton/scouse threads, so the reason i am here is in response to your threads. and if you are not obsessed then surely the threads will diminish. its not rocket salad!!

have you ACTUALLY read the op ?? The op thread is about Everton fans who come on here spouting off...

Point proven....ta :)
have never said big club re everton, how do you define a big club?? you should not bite so easily and we would go on redcafe to bleat about how they took our wayne and left us phil neville and tim howard. after all we are professional mourners and hard done bys after all<br /><br />-- Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:39 am --<br /><br />yeah. i did ACTUALLY read the thread sir. but if none came on, then you would all say told you so..i care not one iota of your money,history, all you possess. i actually talk in a civil manner to city fans on here, i have no gripe with fans or club, as i stated i just respond to threads on my club and city,and why should i not?
WeHateLiverpool said:
Also at the time Everton were a massive club so we didn't have to pay £200,000 wages to get players to join us.
Please I bet the really top players in the world would have as much trouble signing for you as us(if you had money), until you won something.
Thing is shack that the original point of the thread is about hypocrisy.
The hypocrisy that we have been pulled apart by Everton fans on a constant basis regarding our spneding,and how unfair it all is....

When your own club was once known as the "Mersey millionaires."

How many of your current fans actually know anything abouty this is open to debate-but it would seem that many of them have very selective memories when it comes down to so-called moral issues-especially regarding money.

They remember Lescott signing for City...but not Lescott signing for Everton.
They gnash their teeth at us having a benefactor...but totally forget about their own.
They wail about how unfair it all is...and conveniently forget about how Kendall left us in the shit and prompted the start of our freefall into the third tier,after he went back to his "marriage."
We got over it years ago-but by the same logic,we could quite easily use it as a justification to blame your club as the catalyst of our decade of troubles.

But we don't.

But what I find the strangest-is this apparent idea that Everton seem "above" us all...that because Moores was a "local" that his money was somehow "right.."..that because you SHOUT louder about your "history" it somehow means more than anyone else's....like I say,the moral compass has a spinning dial at Everton...but that no matter what the scenario,it always lands smack on "righteous."
WeHateLiverpool said:
samharris said:
So why wait til today to give us your insights and repartee. ?
I'm merely defending my club.

But in defending yer club you want to deny MCFC what EFC have already had. It's interesting that when we reach a 'boot on the other foot' situation, the various elements are never the same. Somehow, there were 'mystical' and 'spiritual' reasons for other teams' successes. I have watched English football for six decades, and every decade heralds another successful team - 50s Wolves, 60's Spuds, Late 60s MCFC, 70s, 80s Dippers, EFC in their somewhere (they were league Champs when my lad was born - prob that which turned his head!) 90s, Noughties, MANUre, The Arse and CFC. They became top dogs because they had a range of advantages which can all be distilled into one - a financial one. The first reason, despite what players say, even MCFC ones(!) of joining a club is that they are being very well paid and other monies have purchased an infrastructure that provides the best money can buy. They can add in all the other reasons they wish - the history, the trophies and the success they hope to achieve but it's all for the fans, the media. Their agents instill into them an altruistic, charitable mantra. They have come because they are well paid. I could argue that if Torres knew what he knows now he might have had second thoughts, but at the time the transfer fee and the wages put him out of the reach of other clubs. Dipper fans were delighted and would have used the opposite arguments they are using now were anyone to suggest that LFC were acting unfairly and the system was ruining football. MCFC can do that now and all of a sudden it is morally degenerate that such a situation should exist.

Peearse Morgan is blathering on about a salary cap. I bet he would like to fix the cap at 50p beyond the top dollar that The Arse pay. Same with Tottenham, Liverpool, EFC. They want a level playing field but one which delivers to them the 'unique' advantages which they enjoyed in their heydays, whilst at the same time denying the same advantages to other teams. The only adequate word to describe that is hypocrisy.

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