Everton idiots

Sincerely hope the rumours of financial implosion at Everton are true. As several of their fans are showing for the umpteenth time in this thread, they are snide, bitter, horrible people.

Would laugh if their top players are poached one at a time in summer. We'll take 1x Baines and 1x Arteta perhaps.
LoveCity said:
Sincerely hope the rumours of financial implosion at Everton are true. As several of their fans are showing for the umpteenth time in this thread, they are snide, bitter, horrible people.

Would laugh if their top players are poached one at a time in summer. We'll take 1x Baines and 1x Arteta perhaps.

lets face it even evertons fans must realise they are fish food for the more prosperous clubs. any player worth having in one season will not be there at the start of the next.

to everton fans.
you my not like it but even you deluded cunts know its the truth.
standupefc said:
De Jong is just a thug thats all he's known for injuring people. He can't play football in the 2nd half he got run ragged by us. De Jong isn't on the radar of any big clubs like Felaini is. Speak to other sets of fans they'll tell you. The only reason De Jongs known is because he karate kicked Alonso. The only good thing he did the whole game was chase after Baines to win a ball. The simple reality is though yes we might have some shit players but considering out resources we have had a better season than you, considering you have the best squad in the premiership. It was quite funny on the way back from the match when a bunch of idiotic City fans were singing Lescotts going to wembley and telling Evertonians that he never got to Wembley with us. Considering it wa sonly 2 seasons ago we reached the FA cup final. The simple reality is until you get rid of Mancini you'll never acheive any real success. If you got rid of some of the more negavetive influences in your team you might win more things. I think the 35 year wait for a trophy will end on sautrday so I suppose you can say Lescotts won something at City, but I think you'll sell him in the summer.

Ray Wilkins said that Nigel de Jong is the best defensive midfielder in the world a few weeks ago. His words were actually "arguably the finest defensive midfielder in the world". de Jong has the highest percentage of completed passes to his own team mates in the league. de Jong has been carrying an injury, was taken off at half-time last week and was a bit off for him yesterday. We managed to snap up de Jong from Hamburg in the January transfer window when not many clubs were buying, Hamburg knew that all big flubs were going to be in for him in the summer as they'd shown interest for January but denNing was injured and we signed him when he was injured because he was worth it. If you can't see de Jong's qualities as a fotballer you don't know football.

Like I say it's juts pure bitterness! I wouldn't dream of going on another clubs forum and telling them that their players are shite and ours are better. Absolute bitter wankstain outlook to have.

Why would we sell our best performer over the last three months in Lescott? Pure and simple stupidity to post such drivel!

You're scraping the barrel! You just strike me as someone who buys The Mirror and listens to TalkSport and believe all the rubbish you read and hear with a post like that!
bluefromleve32 said:
why is it people from other clubs, esp scousers go on about history?

oh yes, thats it, thats where the granny stabbing murders live. the fucking past!

everton used to be good, liverpool used to be good. both are now shite
they also go on about fuckin 'justice' all the time and wallow in self pity.
even their players have been brainwashed into this terrible mentality ie that Michael Shields bullshit
It's very difficult to compare players and I'd never get into arguments like who's best between two completely different players like De Jong and Fellaini or Coleman (a raw youngster) and Milner. All I will say though is that I was very proud of our penniless club yesterday, firstly for Moyes and how he shuffled a pretty poor squad, the players for having the fight to make such a comeback and the fans for getting behind the team so well. For sure we can't compete with the big boys in the transfer market now but apart from United at Old Trafford we give them all a good game. We don't have the resources to win trophies but as long as we can produce decent performances against the spending clubs and finish in the top 3rd of the table then that is success.
Theboxer said:
It's very difficult to compare players and I'd never get into arguments like who's best between two completely different players like De Jong and Fellaini or Coleman (a raw youngster) and Milner. All I will say though is that I was very proud of our penniless club yesterday, firstly for Moyes and how he shuffled a pretty poor squad, the players for having the fight to make such a comeback and the fans for getting behind the team so well. For sure we can't compete with the big boys in the transfer market now but apart from United at Old Trafford we give them all a good game. We don't have the resources to win trophies but as long as we can produce decent performances against the spending clubs and finish in the top 3rd of the table then that is success.

i think we missed a few chances to see you off, but fair play, you found a way to get back into the game, you press, push, nudge, niggle to good effect, something we have to learn to do.
still having said that you made better of the few chances you had.

i also thought referee dowd was absolutely fucking appauling
and if you know you selective history

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A882885" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A882885</a>

Moores (Previously a Utd fan with interests in both LFC and MUFC) turned to Sheffield Wednesday's talented manager, Harry Catterick. Moores backed Catterick's judgement with record-breaking amounts of money, which earned Everton the nickname 'The Bank of England Club'.

Everton must be appaulded for their tactics, its not what I would want to watch, but the bottom line is the points. We have to expect this type of reaction from the likes of your WBA, Wolves and Everton who historically have had their moments and we are in their eyes nouveau. They are limited they only know their own history

We will soon surpass their CL history if we last more than a fortnight in the competition.
danburge82 said:
cjohno said:
lol are you for real, we dont need to raise our game top and bottom of it were a better club and team, you are basically chelski all over again, get a bit of money and you think you are a big club, you cant buy history of the character our club has, and mid table review???? the best video you ever had is getting promoted from division 2. dont think cos you got money now your a big club. you got a bunch of mercenaries with no heart or passion for your club. and tell me why do citeh have this thought that they are superior?? wtf have you actually achieved in your history, ok you got lots of money now enjoy it but dont turn into chelski fans shouting off like your the biggest club ever, i use to like citeh but you have turned into big headed morons who forget how crap you have been for years. 250 million spent and still won nothing yet.

Pfft, what a load of shite!

Why are you a better club? So you've won a few more trophies than us but at least there's a bit of character to our history, unlike your history of mid-table finish after mid-table finish and more draws than any other club in English football history. I'd yawn my way through your history books. And I don't see how two consecutive seasons finishing below us, when we're miles away from being the finished article, makes you a better team than us. Yes you keep beating us but we've beaten Chelsea 4 of the last 5 times we've played them but we're not as good as Chelsea.

Yes the parallels to Chelsea are there to be seen but Chelsea are a good club, and were before their takeover, so where's the problem? Both City and Chelsea have a good history. History isn't just about how many trophies you can point to. But even then both us and Chelsea can point to a check list of what you've won and tick them off: League titles (check), FA Cups (check), League Cups (check), European Trophy (check)... that puts City and Chelsea ahead of 80 other league clubs as they can't say they've won each of one of them. But if QPR started taking over us I wouldn't go bitching about them not winning as much as us or having no history because they do have a history. As do the other dozens and dozens of clubs who haven't won as much as City or Chelsea (and never will) but they all have history and have played their part in football to the point where football wouldn't be what it is without many of them clubs. City and Chelsea have biggest ever attendances of over 80000, does that point to clubs with no history? Not a chance! It's a history that only three clubs can point to (City Chelsea and the Rags[the Rags one being at our ground!]) in the whole country.

And what's this character you talk of? We've shown the same character over the last few years when we've played Chelsea (a better team than us) as you have against us. That's football. Teams have good runs against other teams from time to time. Before you, our bogey team was Boro. We hardly ever beat them (highlighted by an 8-1 defeat at The Riverside and a game where we had 24 shots on goal, 18 on target, hit the post twice and the bar once, Boro didn't have a single shot at our goal all game yet came away with a 1-0 win after a Sun Jihai own goal). And when this poor run against you ends there'll be another team who we struggle against for a while. As I say, that's football. Did you see our FA Cup semi? We had better character, effort levels, control, aggression, heart and passion than the best team in the country and one of the biggest clubs in the world. Have you ever seen more of Hart, Kompany, Zabaleta, Richards, de Jong, Barry, Silva, Tevez... than a few games against your lot? These players are the most passionate about our club since the days of Uwe Rösler and Gio Kinkladze. Did you know Distin left City under the same circumstances as Lescott left you? Is Distin not a mercenary like Lescott? (plus let me point out that Jolean has been our very best player over the last few months!)

As I said above, I'd much rather watch our third division play-off final over an end of season review of draws (remember that fact about draws from above). That's what I meant about our character filled history. Being in the top league isn't the be all and end all. Being at the top of the second division is more exciting and enjoyable than being at the bottom of the first division (or Premier League or Championship or whatever name you want to give them). It is!

Plus don't forget that for such a gigantic club you've won exactly the same amount of European trophies as us. So I'd say our best ever end of season review videos would be about the same. You've pulled in pretty much the same amount of fans over the years as us. So you aren't a bigger and better club than us in that respect neither. And if you look at all-time games between City and Everton, I think I'm right in saying we have more league wins against you than you do over us. With you just edging it in overall games having beaten us in the cups a few times.

I don't just think that because we have money we're a big club. Before we had money we were a big club. http://www.aboutaball.co.uk/aboutab.../historical-ranking-of-english-football-clubs look at that(<)site. Shows us in tenth place. To me that's a big club. To me about 25 of the top 30 are big clubs. The top 10 are all very big clubs, the biggest in the country. Which includes City, and Chelsea for that matter.

I could list our greatest ever players and compare them to yours and they'd match up pretty similarly. We've had many FANTASTIC(!) players play for us in our history. Truly!

I look at Villa, Everton, Newcastle, Sunderland, City and Chelsea as clubs all of about the same size. Some have won more than others, some have won less but won in Europe ,some have more loyal fans in times of adversity, some have had much bigger attendances than others over the years, all have had great teams at some point in their history... this group are all about the same overall.

Yes we do have fans who haven't handled being the rich club very well. These fans changed immediately into Rag-esque wankers (I'm having a moan at them on here a fair bit). But on the whole our fans are the same as we were ten years ago. You've stopped liking our club because of a few thousand fans? Well I suppose it's understandable. But I've also stopped liking your club for the bitter bitter outlook you have about us since we've been taken over. Everton are by far and away the most bitter and hate-filled fans - honestly by a fucking country mile - in the country towards us towards our money. Constantly going on and on about us being smaller than you, with no history and having won fuck all. Well as I've pointed out you're wrong!

£250m spent and still a working progress! But my hate for Everton couldn't get any bigger! Well unless you were Rags, but they're on a different level altogether!

-- Sun May 08, 2011 6:38 pm --

standupefc said:
I have spoken to my mate who's a City fan after the game and he said Baines was better than Kolarov. De Jong hasn't ever really impressed me and if you asked most neutral fans they'd say Felaini is better than him. Yaya Toure is better than Felaini. Lescott is no better or worse than Distin now. When he played for us, but most City fans I've spoken to have described him as being a flop. He was never really that amazing at Everton, he's a great tackler but positionally he's awful. AJ is better than Seamus Coleman and pretty much all of your strikers our better than ours. Most honest City fans would take swap Felaini for De Jong.

I'm being truthful here, I wouldn't swap de Jong for anybody in the world. He shows more passion, desire, drive, determination than anyone has since Uwe for Manchester City FC. But don't let Everton fans see this post, aparently none of our players know what them things are let alone show them or have them!

Bang on the money here, those Everton fans are just demonstrating their total lack of knowledge of football 'history' to coin their favourite phrase.

I looked round their decrepit stadium on Sat and realised that could have been us, still stuck at Maine Road with sh*te facilities, obstructed views, compare that sh*tehole to the fantastic match day experience we are getting at COMS and its easy to see why Everton are so envious of us.
roytoncity said:
and if you know you selective history

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A882885" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A882885</a>

Moores (Previously a Utd fan with interests in both LFC and MUFC) turned to Sheffield Wednesday's talented manager, Harry Catterick. Moores backed Catterick's judgement with record-breaking amounts of money, which earned Everton the nickname 'The Bank of England Club'.

Everton must be appaulded for their tactics, its not what I would want to watch, but the bottom line is the points. We have to expect this type of reaction from the likes of your WBA, Wolves and Everton who historically have had their moments and we are in their eyes nouveau. They are limited they only know their own history

We will soon surpass their CL history if we last more than a fortnight in the competition.
It was branded in the media as "The Mersey Millions" given to them from a Salford man... and they sang "Manchester is full of shit" on Saturday. I think that's called irony!

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