Everton Pre-Match Thread

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JoeMercer'sWay said:
I want to win the league on merit and by winning our last 3 games properly, don't want any help, just 3 fair games where we win because we play well and deserve to.

Fuck that, I hope there's a tummy bug at Finch Farm this week.
Going to be bloody tough. Everton away will not be easy especially as Martinez has the Indian sign on us.
Goodison is not a lucky place to play, luckier than anfield but that's not saying much.
1961_vintage said:
blinkblue said:
Same team as today for me with Fernandinho in for Garcia.

I agree. Plus Merl on the bench if fit enough.

I doubt Silva will be available, but Garcia/Fernandinho is the quandry. Garcia was excellent again today, and Fernandinho has been a bit out of sorts recently, but it's a very tough decision. Unless you play them both, but I'd be surprised if that happened.
BlueAnorak said:
Going to be bloody tough. Everton away will not be easy especially as Martinez has the Indian sign on us.
Goodison is not a lucky place to play, luckier than anfield but that's not saying much.
The thing that I find funny about people saying Martinez has our number is that he has only beaten us once. We have drawn one and won all the other games.
Ric said:
1961_vintage said:
blinkblue said:
Same team as today for me with Fernandinho in for Garcia.

I agree. Plus Merl on the bench if fit enough.

I doubt Silva will be available, but Garcia/Fernandinho is the quandry. Garcia was excellent again today, and Fernandinho has been a bit out of sorts recently, but it's a very tough decision. Unless you play them both, but I'd be surprised if that happened.

City will play mate!!!
Can't fucking wait to be in scouse land next week, safely say anybody with tickets is lucky as they are now priceless! Im buzzing for it now.
bluebobom said:
Really hope Arsenal win tomorrow... Puts the gunners four points clear and would make Everton feel the CL was out of reach...
Is that good or bad though?

If they are playing under pressure, like they were at Southampton then that might work against them.

If Arsenal win on Monday I think Everton will still have to try and win and put pressure on Arsenal who play the next day.

I think they will play the same game that they used against Utd i.e. concede possession and counter-attack
NoahCity said:
BlueAnorak said:
Going to be bloody tough. Everton away will not be easy especially as Martinez has the Indian sign on us.
Goodison is not a lucky place to play, luckier than anfield but that's not saying much.
The thing that I find funny about people saying Martinez has our number is that he has only beaten us once. We have drawn one and won all the other games.

An 87th minute set piece when we were own to 10 men.

Martinez is a good manager who has done fantastically with Everton. He is not a bogeyman.
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