everton scum

BillyMC said:
Breadsnapper said:
Two of the worst tagedies in footbal had one common denominator...Liverpool, Jamie bolger...Liverpool. The kiddie that was shot was an appaling tragedy, but mancunian kids have been shot in similar circumstances. The city of liverpool as a whole can't fucking wait to jump onto the martyrs band wagon. Whenever something happens in Liverpool they are all up in arms about it, they do fuck all mind but they lll have a good old moan ie council cuts, firemen, ambulance blah blah blah. All Cities, towns have tragedy, we just don't all fucking bleat on about it, especially when most of yours is of your own doing.
Might seem harsh, but the truth often is.

Disgusting comments...why was Bolger, the lad who was shot or Hillsbrough their own doing?
The mind boggles Billy as to what some people actually have flowing in their brains. You can tell by the last part of the post that breadsnapper well and truly believes what he has typed there. Absolutely shocking.
BillyMC said:
Breadsnapper said:
Two of the worst tagedies in footbal had one common denominator...Liverpool, Jamie bolger...Liverpool. The kiddie that was shot was an appaling tragedy, but mancunian kids have been shot in similar circumstances. The city of liverpool as a whole can't fucking wait to jump onto the martyrs band wagon. Whenever something happens in Liverpool they are all up in arms about it, they do fuck all mind but they lll have a good old moan ie council cuts, firemen, ambulance blah blah blah. All Cities, towns have tragedy, we just don't all fucking bleat on about it, especially when most of yours is of your own doing.
Might seem harsh, but the truth often is.

Disgusting comments...why was Bolger, the lad who was shot or Hillsbrough their own doing?
Read the full post not just pick out bits to suit yourself. Said most not all, Heysel and Hillsborough were their own doing. The point regarding Bolger and the poor child that got shot was making the point about them being professional martyrs. The mother of poor jamie Bolger has blamed everyone except herself for the tragic death of her son which could have been avoided. They firmly believe that they are the only city to ever have shed blood and to have had tragedy touch them.
Sorry if it offends but it is how I feel.
Breadsnapper said:
BillyMC said:
Disgusting comments...why was Bolger, the lad who was shot or Hillsbrough their own doing?
Read the full post not just pick out bits to suit yourself. Said most not all, Heysel and Hillsborough were their own doing. The point regarding Bolger and the poor child that got shot was making the point about them being professional martyrs. The mother of poor jamie Bolger has blamed everyone except herself for the tragic death of her son which could have been avoided. They firmly believe that they are the only city to ever have shed blood and to have had tragedy touch them.
Sorry if it offends but it is how I feel.

Shocking that....makes me feel sick tbh.

Give your head a wobble.
Breadsnapper said:
BillyMC said:
Disgusting comments...why was Bolger, the lad who was shot or Hillsbrough their own doing?
Read the full post not just pick out bits to suit yourself. Said most not all, Heysel and Hillsborough were their own doing. The point regarding Bolger and the poor child that got shot was making the point about them being professional martyrs. The mother of poor jamie Bolger has blamed everyone except herself for the tragic death of her son which could have been avoided. They firmly believe that they are the only city to ever have shed blood and to have had tragedy touch them.
Sorry if it offends but it is how I feel.
just logg off you fickle man.
Breadsnapper said:
BillyMC said:
Disgusting comments...why was Bolger, the lad who was shot or Hillsbrough their own doing?
Read the full post not just pick out bits to suit yourself. Said most not all, Heysel and Hillsborough were their own doing. The point regarding Bolger and the poor child that got shot was making the point about them being professional martyrs. The mother of poor jamie Bolger has blamed everyone except herself for the tragic death of her son which could have been avoided. They firmly believe that they are the only city to ever have shed blood and to have had tragedy touch them.
Sorry if it offends but it is how I feel.

It takes more than that to offend me. I just feel pity that a supposed supporter of City is so fucking stupid and ignorant that he can belittle the deaths of fellow football supporters in the manner you have.

Have a nice Christmas.
To be fair Scousers do like to play the victim card.

When UEFA brandished them the worst fans in Europe, they held a protest. Ignore the fact they rioted on a champions league final night.

They rioted in Italy, which resulted in a hundred fans being killed. They didn't publicly apologise for it until 2006, and got offended when Juventus didn't accept the apology. They also got other clubs banned from Europe but somehow Liverpool were the victims of it all.

Thousands of their fans went to Hilsborough without tickets and pushed and shoved their way through the gates. Yes you can blame the police, bad stewards, but the fans shoving their way through like animals was a big contributor as well

The non stop protests every season is getting silly. They've made 48 protests in 6 seasons.
ShadrachDingle said:
To be fair Scousers do like to play the victim card.

When UEFA brandished them the worst fans in Europe, they held a protest. Ignore the fact they rioted on a champions league final night.

They rioted in Italy, which resulted in a hundred fans being killed. They didn't publicly apologise for it until 2006, and got offended when Juventus didn't accept the apology. They also got other clubs banned from Europe but somehow Liverpool were the victims of it all.

Thousands of their fans went to Hilsborough without tickets and pushed and shoved their way through the gates. Yes you can blame the police, bad stewards, but the fans shoving their way through like animals was a big contributor as well

The non stop protests every season is getting silly. They've made 48 protests in 6 seasons.

Not what the Taylor Report said, but obviously you know better.

"There were accusations that the behaviour of the Liverpool fans contributed to the disaster. These centered around consumption of alcohol before the game and attempts to enter the ground without a ticket. Although Lord Taylor acknowledged that these aggravated the situation, they were only secondary factors.

Witness estimates of the number of fans who were drunk varied from a minority to a large proportion of the crowd. Although it was clear that many fans had been drinking, Lord Taylor unequivocally stated that most of them were: "not drunk, nor even the worse for drink". He concluded that they only formed an exacerbating factor.

The possibility of fans attempting to gain entry without tickets or with forgeries contributing to the disaster was also suggested. South Yorkshire Police also suggested that the late arrival of fans amounted to a conspiracy in order to gain entry without tickets. However, analysis of the electronic monitoring system, Health and Safety Executive analysis and eyewitness accounts showed that the total number of people who had already entered the Leppings Lane End was far below the capacity of the stand. Additionally, eye witness reports suggested that tickets were easily available on the day of the game, and that tickets for the Leppings Lane End were still on sale from Anfield until the day before the game. The report dismissed the conspiracy theory".

Yes quite clearly their own fault.
Still a factor. I suppose they were the victims of Heysel too?

Almost as bad as the threads on YNWA forum claiming Spurs and City don't deserve any champions league football because they don't have a sufficient history.

I'm not going to call them victims like everyone else.
ShadrachDingle said:
To be fair Scousers do like to play the victim card.

When UEFA brandished them the worst fans in Europe, they held a protest. Ignore the fact they rioted on a champions league final night.

They rioted in Italy, which resulted in a hundred fans being killed. They didn't publicly apologise for it until 2006, and got offended when Juventus didn't accept the apology. They also got other clubs banned from Europe but somehow Liverpool were the victims of it all.

Thousands of their fans went to Hilsborough without tickets and pushed and shoved their way through the gates. Yes you can blame the police, bad stewards, but the fans shoving their way through like animals was a big contributor as well

The non stop protests every season is getting silly. They've made 48 protests in 6 seasons.
Are you sure?

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