Everton Vs City Post Game Discussion thread

mike channon´s windmill said:
Marvin said:
Bad result, but we played well

Still top of the league, and if we play like that we will stay there

I really find it difficult for anyone to back up that the suggestion that we played well
Good teams with all that possession murder shit like that
We were fookin clueless

Pressure now on Mancini more than ever. He frankly didn´t look arsed on the bench. That´s a bad sign imo

You know I said exactly the same to my lad - where is the passion he had early season? He used to get really pumped up, now......doesn't look arsed!
Dzeko was as good as Silva, Barry, Agüero tonight. None of them did anything. Barry lost posession many times, Silva was marked out of this game.

It is a horrible loss to a weak team. Missing Rodwell, Jagielka, Distin, Osman. And apart from Nasri woodwork we didnt manage a good shot.

Everton lost 5 matches at home already without playing 4 of 6 top teams. Now they only won their 4th match after the relegation teams Wolves, Wigan, Swanssea.

Mancini had no plan at all, we couldnt break them in middle, same at sides, long shots nothing, no good chances for our strikers.

Too many passing at the back again. No pace.

We have pace when we are behind in result but until that we are so slow to give the opponent's defence all the time in the world to reorganize.

We have some serious stuff to sort out if we want to win the league.

Walton hopefully will break his legs but we have to play much better in these matches. After relaxing 1 week.
Re: That was a fukn disgrace tonight.

Erm .......... Kolarov had a shot/cross that howard tipped over?... Does that count.
Terrible performance tonight by all concerned, I'm struggling to think of a player who had a decent game (other than Milner). Totally outfought and we never looked like getting in behind an Everton side lacking its two centre backs (and captain). Same old story at Goodison but that result has been coming. We obviously miss Yaya but that's no excuse as each and every one of them players tonight would walk into that Everton side. Fair play to them they deserved it.
Marvin I'm admiring your optimism but if you think we're going to stay top of the league with performances like that you're deluded
We're not as good as people think. The lack of depth in attacking options is shocking, and United edge us there. We brought on fucking De Jong when losing. The away form is going to cost us the title, since the WBA game, teams have sussed us out. I suppose there's the Europa League...
Its a massive win for Everton, just a temporary blip for us. We have to believe in ourselves and recognise we can bounce straight back.
Big Dave Watson said:
Please stop this "were still top of the league" mantra because we arent going to be for much longer if we dont start scoring away goals. Whats that, 3 in 6 away PL games now. This rot set in at the end of November with the 1-1 draw at Liverpool. What the fuck has happened to our style of play, nd dont give me the FA and ref's are against us excuse. FFS even Liverpool scored 3 away tonight. There is now something fundamentaly wrong with the way we are set up away from home. Stil getting 60% plus posession but not creating or scoring. If we win on saturday (another bogey team Fulham) and Utd lose (which I dont believe they will) we will still of only put ourselves back to where we were before tonight. If Everton can make this their cup final why cant we. Why cant the players sayto themselves "right we going to bust a gut to beat these cunts this time". Ordinary sides have gone there and done better this season. Please Mancini tell me what the fuck is going on. Every game now its either refief afterwards or dissapointment. 2 months of it. Sort your fucking selves out City. Pleased I had £20 on Everton at 7/2. Easy money, saw it coming, cant believe bookies were so generous. Those who cant see the problems do your worst, I dont care. Thank you City for another shit night.

Great post. Sums it up for me.
fucking fuming. that was piss fucking poor. big chance as well tonight, goodison was like a fucking library as well until they scored. how the hell have we not created any real chances against that load of shite?

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