Everton Vs City Post Game Discussion thread

That was just fucking awful.

2 wins in the last 9 away games and one of those against Arsenal reserves.

We are becoming one trick pony's away from home and when that pony (Silva) is shackled we create absolutely fuck all.

4 defeats in the last 8 games.

If we dont sort this very soon we will not win the league.
nmc said:
Drenthe foul was a shocker - quite how that was only a yellow?

Looked exactly the same to me as the scholes one that got him sent off against us...consistency? my fucking arse
Without turning this into a rant, that was simply our worst performance of the season by some distance. The ref gave us fuck all but we cant hide behind that, we were second best, we simply had no fight in us. Silva and Aguero were frozen out of the game, Barry and Milner were poor for there usual high standards tonight, as was Dzeko. My patience with Kolarov has finally gone.
Hate the guy for his behaviour but how we need Tevez now. And I never thought I'd say them words again.
I cant believe we've just been beaten by a team with Tony Fucking Hibbert playing as Centre back, and to a goal by Darron Fucking Gibson.
Big Dave Watson said:
Please stop this "were still top of the league" mantra because we arent going to be for much longer if we dont start scoring away goals. Whats that, 3 in 6 away PL games now. This rot set in at the end of November with the 1-1 draw at Liverpool. What the fuck has happened to our style of play, nd dont give me the FA and ref's are against us excuse. FFS even Liverpool scored 3 away tonight. There is now something fundamentaly wrong with the way we are set up away from home. Stil getting 60% plus posession but not creating or scoring. If we win on saturday (another bogey team Fulham) and Utd lose (which I dont believe they will) we will still of only put ourselves back to where we were before tonight. If Everton can make this their cup final why cant we. Why cant the players sayto themselves "right we going to bust a gut to beat these cunts this time". Ordinary sides have gone there and done better this season. Please Mancini tell me what the fuck is going on. Every game now its either refief afterwards or dissapointment. 2 months of it. Sort your fucking selves out City. Pleased I had £20 on Everton at 7/2. Easy money, saw it coming, cant believe bookies were so generous. Those who cant see the problems do your worst, I dont care. Thank you City for another shit night.
Teams are just defending home and away against us, and it's difficult to break them down. They've watched us destroy teams, so now they sit deep and invite us in.

You have to handle the setbacks to win the League. Maybe we wont do it, but they deserve better support
Every time we have gone behind in a game we have struggled. Have lots of possession but going more and more like Arsenal in trying to walk the ball in to the net. If you don't shoot you don't score.
To be really honest I felt betrade tonight it was a total shambles,for a team going for the title that was not good enough.
It can't be a coincidence we don't win many games with Walton in charge. I thought he missed 2 pens. No foul on Dzeko though for the goal, thought he had a bad night. Nasri probably our best player. Johnson not tough enough either. Next.
Jumanji said:
Where was the penalty?

Which one?

We should have had at least 2.

Drenthe should not have been on that pitch. Red card on its own, but he also got away with several 'bookings.'

Walton was a tad more subtle tonight but the bias still stood out a mile.

SEVERAL people foretold this result, as we knew how much of a CHEAT that prick Walton is. Look at Everton's results against us when he is playing for them (he certainly doesn't ref).

So many people on the match thread blaming the team and Mancini.

Sorry, but we were NOT playing Everton - we were playing WALTON + Everton.

We need to play better - pretty sure Mancini and the players will acknowledge that - BUT something has to be done about the officiating in our games.

Still believe we can do it, but we are going to have to dig deep now.

Yaya can't come back soon enough for me.

Really, really gutted at the moment.

Would just love for 'something' to happen to Walton, the cheat.
The next 4-5 games is vital if we are to win the league. Remember United got most of the big teams away while we have them home. But changes have to be done now.
I feel pig sick not good enough with the talent we have fucking stevie wonder or stephen hawking could have played in goal for blue dipperr

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