Everton Vs City Post Game Discussion thread

BooksReject said:
Marvin said:
We dominated possession away from home, but they nicked the first goal and that gave them something to hang onto

There wasn't a lot wrong tonight

we dominated possession mate but did bugger all with it! we look slow and ponderous, and a shadow of our early season form where we were slick and free flowing. Teams have worked us out and just flood people back when they lose possession, and we are too slow to take advantage, and try to go through the middle of a packed defence all the time, We need to work the flanks, but Im afraid to say Kolarov isnt the answer
This is bang on we have been sussed and have no plan B, why was Milner brought off he's a driving force when allowed to be, we can't keep blaming the refs, we are currently in 4th place form at the most, if we are top after the next few results and by at least 5 points we may win the league, but I hate to say this unless we start doing something in the last third and Mancini thinks up a plan B we could well finish 3rd.
mansour's tow ropes said:
Marvin said:
Bad result, but we played well

Still top of the league, and if we play like that we will stay there

do me a favour, we were fucking dreadful and will drop right down the league if this continues
Sorry, don't agree. We were not dreadful, just not good. Frustrated that they seemed to want it more. Hopeful that we're still going to do ok but we desperately need our spark back.
Damanino said:
Dzeko was as good as Silva, Barry, Agüero tonight. None of them did anything. Barry lost posession many times, Silva was marked out of this game.

It is a horrible loss to a weak team. Missing Rodwell, Jagielka, Distin, Osman. And apart from Nasri woodwork we didnt manage a good shot.

Everton lost 5 matches at home already without playing 4 of 6 top teams. Now they only won their 4th match after the relegation teams Wolves, Wigan, Swanssea.

Mancini had no plan at all, we couldnt break them in middle, same at sides, long shots nothing, no good chances for our strikers.

Too many passing at the back again. No pace.

We have pace when we are behind in result but until that we are so slow to give the opponent's defence all the time in the world to reorganize.

We have some serious stuff to sort out if we want to win the league.

Walton hopefully will break his legs but we have to play much better in these matches. After relaxing 1 week.
Big Dave Watson said:
Please stop this "were still top of the league" mantra... Pleased I had £20 on Everton at 7/2. Easy money, saw it coming, cant believe bookies were so generous... Thank you City for another shit night.

We are still top of the league.

Fickle fans like you are pathetic, backing your own team to lose sums up what an idiot you are. Fuck off and support someone else...
Wank ex red twat scores winner, wank ex blue twat scores winner, he should not of been sent off, he should not of been banned, ref cost us this game that game , Dzeko is mint, we don't need Tevez, two footed, Balloteli gives five quid to a dog, Silva is the greatest ever player in the prem, we buy all the worlds best except not one has come. Give Kolarov a chance, Savic will be a world beater, in Bob we trust, Khaldoon is a legend, we can't afford all the games, deflected goals mean nowt, live on telly means three points, its all good blues.
blaming the ref for our shit performance? get a grip people. everton were up for it, were top of the league yet not up for it. second to every ball, one footed half hearted tackles and a centre forward so out of form, yet we play him. absolute rubbish.
champions elect my arse

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