Everton Vs City Post Game Discussion thread

could there be something going on behind the scenes? I think the board have told bobby hw has to let tevez come back and play.
Marvin said:
Danamy said:
Ducado said:
Another appalling display by the referee that's all I want to say

So it was the refs fault that Howard didn't have one save to make all night eh?........get a grip!

We was shocking...........and didn't show any fight whatsoever
We dominated the game. There was plenty of commitment. Maybe a lack of movement and sharpness in the final third

Possession doesn't win you fuck all, i bet Howard couldn't believe his luck, with a makeshift back four aswell.

I can't remember too many tackles won either, i'd love to see the stats.......no passion or pace about our game tonight.

You only get out what you put in and it was shown tonight, we didn't deserve nothing.
Re: That was a fukn disgrace tonight.

no fucking width
not hating on mancini but hes so stubborn and inept and its tactical suicide to play nasri and silva but no natural winger tonight
Seriously, the turning point in the game was another stonewall penalty not given , things like this decide the outcome. Walton is a cheat hand picked for this game, i`m just thinkig whats the point anymore, we`re being shafted out of all trophies, an absolute total stitch up.
Unknown_Genius said:
We're not as good as people think. The lack of depth in attacking options is shocking, and United edge us there. We brought on fucking De Jong when losing. The away form is going to cost us the title, since the WBA game, teams have sussed us out. I suppose there's the Europa League...
Yeah - I had to fookin laugh bringing on NDJ - what an abject admission of defeat

Mancini still hasn´t convinced me that final 10% yet - that´s the 10% that matters
If he´s happy with that tonight we should be worried
One thing that comes to mind watching the game:

We want to play possession football à la Barcelona. When Barca gets stuck they have a master of breaking down defence; the little Argentinian. We unfortunately do not have a little Argentinian. Aguero of course, but he is far from Messi's level when it comes to taking three-four men on all by himself.

So what is the solution? Perhaps a more direct game from us. We looked far more threatening when the ball came faster up the pitch. Also, the two-touch game is slowing us down a LOT, so the defence has a lot of time to get back and get organized.

Come to think of it, I have seen very little one-touch football from us. But, and here is the kicker, the few times in the game when we did play one-touch, we got the ball up the pitch much faster and looked far more threatening.

Build-up play is simply too slow.

Possession is king, but not when you are 1-0 down, then possession means jack shit...
We've seen this performance a few too many times, depressing to see us hand poor teams a great chance of winning with our strolling around in the first half. Then when we go behind there's no plan B other than to start hoofing.

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