Everton Vs City Post Game Discussion thread

greasedupdeafguy said:
Fucking shit again how can people say we played well when howard didn't even make 1 save and you can say all you want about referee decisions and that yaya an balo missing but everton were missing distan,jag, osmen, saha etc.
We have played shit for more than a month now, out of both domestic cups and performances have been shocking. And don't get me started on dzeko, last minute of the game smacks the ball over the crossbar and smirks the fucking ****, really cant stand him. Barry and lescott were also crap and we have no strength in depth when you see who came on for us.

Noticed Dzeko myself smirking after he leathered another one over the bar
Was not good to watch when we are all doing our nut in
So frustrated but not surprised we lost to what in all honesty is one of
The poorest Everton sides in years
Our attacking players need to move better and make some frickin runs. How long does Nasri have to hold on to the ball before someone will get open! So many times today when he and Silva managed to get themselves in a potentially dangerous area and no one moved for them. If Dzeko can't win some headers from crosses then there is no point having him in. He just slows the creative players down.

I think we need to realize, though, that there isn't a team in the league that doesn't struggle to score when the opposition keeps that many back, all working hard for each other. I mean it's kind of difficult to play through balls when you're never playing on the counter.
boothy_ said:
you can say all you want about the refs, but at the end of the day we didnt create any chances throughout the game. The performance was just not good enough again
Yep I agree with you there mate. Although Walton is an utter twat, we simply were not good enough. The worrying thing is that it's getting worse by the game, something just isn't right with the team, balance, flow, energy??
Re: That was a fukn disgrace tonight.

Not really a disgrace. Everton do a number on us every time we play. They stifled the rhythm we have to our game. The times we did push forward we didn't exactly benefit from refereeing decisions. Not on a great run at the moment. The team need our support right now. We need to stay positive.one game doesn't win you the league. Chin up blue and keep the faith.
just can't see how anyone can find a positive about that tonight, it was poor. the lack of pace upfront will be a major problem if teams are simply going to put 10 men behind the ball. they didn't deserve to win the game though, they were shite, just like flies around shit whenever we got the ball. and for that twat gibson to score the winner after doing literally nothing all game is a real kick in the bollocks
If we win the league, we'll do it the hard way! United's got some hard games coming up and soon Yaya will return. Stay optimistic, cos alternative doesnt bare thinking about (Ending up with nothing)
ban-mcfc said:
mancini really needs to buck his ideas up, mourinho is looking very tasty right now.

if he wins the league he deserves to stay, if not then he has to go i'm afraid.

i'm sure someone will come on here and tell me i'm not a real blue or i'm a rag for saying it so before you do i'll tell ya to fuck off as it's my opinion.

no pace
no bottle
no urgency

and dzeko had a fucking mare.

I got slated for sayin something similar at weekend!

I really want 2 know why we don't invest in a left sided winger, blatantly obvious we are 1 dimensional, teams shut up shop now n we don't have a plan b!

Johnson isn't quick enough for me, we need a di Maria type player 2 make teams think twice! There's something wrong when heitinga and hibbert look solid!
Re: That was a fukn disgrace tonight.

I am not sure whether we will or not, but I wish City fans would get behind the team instead of moaning at every difficult moment

There will be more defeats and dropped points to come. We need to bounce back straight away and open up another gap on Utd

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