Everton Vs City Post Game Discussion thread

Marvin said:
Big Dave Watson said:
Please stop this "were still top of the league" mantra because we arent going to be for much longer if we dont start scoring away goals. Whats that, 3 in 6 away PL games now. This rot set in at the end of November with the 1-1 draw at Liverpool. What the fuck has happened to our style of play, nd dont give me the FA and ref's are against us excuse. FFS even Liverpool scored 3 away tonight. There is now something fundamentaly wrong with the way we are set up away from home. Stil getting 60% plus posession but not creating or scoring. If we win on saturday (another bogey team Fulham) and Utd lose (which I dont believe they will) we will still of only put ourselves back to where we were before tonight. If Everton can make this their cup final why cant we. Why cant the players sayto themselves "right we going to bust a gut to beat these cunts this time". Ordinary sides have gone there and done better this season. Please Mancini tell me what the fuck is going on. Every game now its either refief afterwards or dissapointment. 2 months of it. Sort your fucking selves out City. Pleased I had £20 on Everton at 7/2. Easy money, saw it coming, cant believe bookies were so generous. Those who cant see the problems do your worst, I dont care. Thank you City for another shit night.
Teams are just defending home and away against us, and it's difficult to break them down. They've watched us destroy teams, so now they sit deep and invite us in.

You have to handle the setbacks to win the League. Maybe we wont do it, but they deserve better support

Teams are defending against us? The cheating bastards!

With the team Everton put out tonight you'd have thought they'd have had the decency to stroll around and let us attack them whenever we fancied it. Maybe they could have played 5 up front to make it more of an entertaining game for us all?

But no, the cheating bastards just wanted to beat us...
3 goals in last 6 away games. No the form of a title winning side. Lack of depth in the forward department and I think it is a big mistake that they didn't buy/loan another forward for the rest of the season.
Re: That was a fukn disgrace tonight.

A draw was on the cards but......

Scouse Walton strikes again
Tony fucking Hibbert at centre half ffs and a total fucking donkey up front how can we not look like scoring, Nasri effort apart, it was dog shit total dog shit . What was the game plan ?!

Maybe better with one up front ? We looked devoid of ideas and lets be fair Dzeko no matter how awful was not on his own tonight with final ball poor extra touches needed but most glaring is that we have a total lack of pace up front, except Kun, particularly in wide positions it is all too slow and predictable making it easier for teams to play against .

Is Mancini cracking ? some of his decisions recently are poor very poor and now the interview fuck me !

He looks beaten maybe the ghost of season future is looming. Who'll give me even money on Mourinho !!
The cookie monster said:
Danamy said:
Ducado said:
Another appalling display by the referee that's all I want to say

So it was the refs fault that Howard didn't have one save to make all night eh?........get a grip!

We was shocking...........and didn't show any fight whatsoever


The easiest thing to do is to blame the ref.

We lacked creativity in the final 3rd, too much passing, not enough crossing or shooting.
Thanks to Mancini for his stupid decisions.

Milner out !!!
Kolarov as an attacking option ??

NDJ for Barry to defend the 1-0 lead ?
Re: That was a fukn disgrace tonight.

Dust ourselves down - Saturday is a must win. Who knows the Rags might lose at the weekend.

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