Everton Vs City Post Game Discussion thread

Teams have realised.. Stop silva & u stop city, we're lookin more like arsenal every game tryin to walk the ball into the net instead ov shooting, nasri excluded
Awful but if teams are allowed to kick,stamp and dive to frustrate us by incompetent refs,it will be tough.At the minute we are getting nothing regarding luck or decisions,let's hope they even out soon.

Bobby has to tell the numpties to stop trying to set up perfect chances and for fuck's sake shoot!Get shots off and the forwards chase in for the scraps.Everton tried their luck and scored,that's all it takes,one lucky deflection,but do we try our luck?No we try and walk the fucker in all the time,like Arsenal and look where it has got them.

We have to hang on in and get Ya Ya back and hope the forwards find some form,Mario keeps his head or it's goodnight Vienna!
Re: That was a fukn disgrace tonight.

Worst performance ov the season by a country mile, no effort, no pace, I'd kill 4 garreth bale!
i want tevez back pronto rip me all you want its the truth kiss and make up lets win this title and he will help 100% plus 10% to his blood sucking agent
When one watches United in the last 10 minutes chasing a goal, do they look like we do? What looks different?

Two wide men putting the ball into the box, and not just into the box, but into the "danger zone" between the 6 yard box and the penalty spot. With two wide men, they have at least two in the box, with (usually) ANOTHER 4 players circling the perimeter of the 18 yard box, so that anything that comes out can go straight back in or straight back out to the wing, either wing!

THAT is why Mancini brought on Kolarov, THAT is why he brought on NDJ (to sit at the back with at least one of the CHs) and THAT is why we do not have the right mix of squad for THAT kind of end to a game.

One of the things that someone like Valencia brings United is the ability to get up and down the line and play "solidly" in any of the three wing positions (LB, LM, LW). AJ does not cut it as a PRIMARY impact winger, because he is a one trick pony. When that trick comes off (come inside on his left and shot into far corner) it is considered spectacular, but how many ASSISTS does he have? How many goals does he CREATE? How many crosses does he put across the goal?

If we want to have the luxury of having Silva and Nasri on the field together, then we CANNOT play with TWO FORWARDS! Playing 4-4-2 with Silva and Nasri puts FAR too much pressure on the two other midfielders (Barry and Milner) to clean up everything in midfield and make every tackle. Indeed, if we are going to have TWO rampaging FBs all game, then we need THREE SOLID midfielders in the game, with the strong side midfielder dropping in as cover. Far too often, we are left uncovered on the break and look vulnerable, especially on the right, where Richards does not sprint back and recover in position. One of the reasons Barry and Milner look so exposed at times is because THEY ARE! And, they are putting in double shifts every game to do their job and 25% of other players' jobs!

Against teams such as Everton, Wigan and maybe even Fulham, we are ALWAYS going to struggle in the second half if we do not CONTROL the ball going wide and forwards, not sideways, as these teams will defend with 11 men until they are 35 yards from their own goal, and then it is two solid lines of 4-5 or 5-4, with the lone striker wandering back upfield as a long ball outlet.

City's game is FAST ATTACKING when we have the chance and a slow methodical build up when we don't. However, the point many people have made is a good one.....if we do not put the ball into the danger zone, EVEN IF WE DO NOT HAVE A PERFECT PASS, then we are not going to create the opportunities that lead to goals...lucky or otherwise! The other thing is that when we are faced with two flanks of at least 4, we HAVE TO put in a few shots from the 25-30 yard range. If not, then the defenders will give up ground all the way to the 20-25 yard area and we will be FORCED to go around the sides....as mentioned above regarding the last 20 minutes.

Let's keep the faith and keep pushing for that break. It WILL come and Fulham at home are just the team to open up the floorgates once more, as long as we can open them up a few times early on.

Re: That was a fukn disgrace tonight.

One shot on target against a defense containing heitinga, hibbitt, Neville and Baines (alright he's not bad) is appalling for a team going for the title. We were clueless at how to break them down. Easily the most frustrating performance of the season. The rags and spurs would've at least troubled Howard half a dozen times. Mancini's subs were desperate. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I saw kolorav coming on.
Re: That was a fukn disgrace tonight.

We need to be able to match teams like this at least, I thought a tougher midfield would have helped tonight (Silva or Nasri, not both) forget the possesion football & play them at their own game & grind the result out. We seem to lack the determination & aggression against these kind of teams.
Re: That was a fukn disgrace tonight.

ColinBarrettsboufant said:
We need to be able to match teams like this at least, I thought a tougher midfield would have helped tonight (Silva or Nasri, not both) forget the possesion football & play them at their own game & grind the result out. We seem to lack the determination & aggression against these kind of teams.

Good point, mind you Barry and Milner are no softies. We had the toughness just not the guile and pace to get past a very deep backline of well marshalled defenders. I've never seen a team so determined not to lose. It most definitely was their cup final.
Re: That was a fukn disgrace tonight.

citymad said:
I've never seen a team so determined not to lose. It most definitely was their cup final.
We've been saying comments along the lines of this for the last 2 years now.
It's been said on a previous match day discussion thread but it really rang true tonight... we've been sussed out. When Silva has all the time in the world to pick a pass out he's the best player in the league, when he's closed down the minute he gets the ball we don't create a thing. Think back to Spurs first game of the season we had all the time in the world to pick passes, tonight we were closed down the minute we came into possession in midfield. It's worrying.

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