There’s no actual evidence that the Hebrews ever lived in Egypt, never mind were enslaved by them for generations. There may have been some but not a population of them. Egyptians had writing and they wrote historical events down. Yet strangely absolutely nothing of any historicity was ever written by the Egyptians about the enslaving of the Hebrew population nor the loss of a huge group of slaves, their escape, the parting of the sea, wandering the desert for 40 days and then going back to their homeland.
Nor is there any actual evidence back in their homeland of a mass immigration of people back from enslavement in Egypt neither. As the Babylonians also wrote things down and it was never mentioned.
Strange that. It’s as if it never happened.
There’s no actual evidence that Jesus ever existed, never mind someone who lived a life full of miracles. The Romans had writing and they wrote historical events down and they had censuses where they recorded exactly who was in the population. Yet strangely Jesus and his family were never recorded in any Roman census and absolutely nothing of any historicity was ever written by the Romans about his life, the miracle birth, the baptism by John, the feeding of the 5000, him being seen as a dangerous man to the Jews who had him killed, who rose from the dead and descended to heaven.
Nor is there any evidence from the Jews in that area of a Jesus figure. The Jews also had writing and yet Jesus never showed in their writings of the time neither.
Strange that. It’s as if he wasn’t ever a real person/prophet/messiah.