Evidence for religion

Stupid?! You hit the nail on the head . Believing in something beyond our lives gives people hope. If you can't see that then I don't know what to say.

I am an atheist.

I take great solace from the FACT that there is nothing after you die.
Only the deluded and thick would take solace in thinking of an afterlife to give their tawdry little lives meaning

Your posts are infantile drivel.
No of course not! Why would I ruin the illusion for them! Even if it is a fairy tale of is a nice one and teaches children a great moral, to be nice to people all year round.

Wait I think you are agreeing with me are you? That people need to believe in something
"Father Christmas" and the traditions surrounding 'him' are based on the pre-Christian, Germanic Pagan traditions surrounding Odin and the Wild Hunt during the Winter Solstice.

He gave children who left hay in their stockings for Sleipnir gifts in return for their kindness. There's no moral other than kind deeds return rewards.
"Father Christmas" and the traditions surrounding 'him' are based on the pre-Christian, Germanic Pagan traditions surrounding Odin and the Wild Hunt during the Winter Solstice.

He gave children who left hay in their stockings for Sleipnir gifts in return for their kindness. There's no moral other than kind deeds return rewards.

The moral is be kind all year round.
The moral is be kind all year round.
The Father Christmas tradition is based (stolen) entirely from the Pagan tradition of Odin. (Tall, old, bearded man who used magic)

Saint Nicholas, the only Christian considered inspiration for the traditions surrounding the supposed "Santa Claus" character, was a humble man who learned of three girls who were 'imprisoned' in their father's home as he could not afford a dowry to wed them off, and was forcing them to become prostitutes. Nicky boy took pity on them and threw bags of gold coins down their chimney, as being a humble man, did not wish to be seen to help them in public. But "Be kind all year round", yeah i'm totally getting that message.

The only Christian tradition about "Christmas" is the Nativity Story. Everything else was stolen from the Pagan celebration of Yuletide. The gifts, the feasting, the tree, the wassail, certain carols, the 12 days (Yule lasts 12 days). Hell even early Christians themselves hated and rejected the holiday due to it's pagan rituals and heritage. "Christmas" only ever became a "thing" because those Yule traditions were already deep rooted in Norther European culture and from there it spread amongst other Christians in the new Christian Europe. But since it garnered more support for the Catholic Church, it wasn't suppressed, just "altered" to remove all notion of Pagan sentiment and instead veiled it with the "Birth of Christ", even though he wasn't even born at the time of mid-Winter. (As Pagans only believed in two seasons, Summer and Winter, and they even changed the calendar to move the Solstice from the 25th December, which it was, to the 21st)
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Nice attitude would you say this to a child dying from cancer?

Nothing is perfect. People not seeing out a full life, is a crying shame, but it is what it is.
Just to add. Why would a belief in God, change anything. Although why what I said has
anything to do with poor kiddies with cancer, I do not know.

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