F@@k off Hughes (MERGED)

sheephead23 said:
god supporting city is so frustrating

you start of well you get optimistic and think this might be are year!
the bubble then bursts and you lose a run of easy games
you then go and beat the best team in the league and think things have changed, the dreaded optimism returns
then again they go and perform like that and ruin you again

i honestly believe wins against arsenal reserves and chelsea just papered of the cracks!
what would have happened if lampard would have scored the penalty?


Inept RAG Twat!!
You've all been waiting for a defeat for ages haven't you and now it's time to point the finger of blame and of course it's nothing to do with the players, no it's 100% the manager. Let's start again with a new set up, a new Manager, backroom staff.

How are you judged at work by the way...every day, every week or annually like in the real world?

Let's all blame Hughes for everything and let's get all the haters to join in and say "I told you so" because we lost a game.


One question.....if you don't like the next manager what then? Have a think!
OK! I have always been in the Hughes give him time clan, but I have to say after tonight's display is he has to go. Just not good enough with the players at his disposal. Lennon was always gonna be the threat and what did he do put protect the back 4, put a left back without any current form and Robinho to protect. Sorry blues its just to hard to defend that type of shite performance and we are now 8th behind Birmingham, yes Birmingham.... Bye, Bye MH and yes this does kill me coz I always wanted him to succeed
one of those teams was well organised, disciplined, carfull in possesion, has movement and running of the ball, they looked confident in their positions and formation, they played for each other and won very easily.

And that teams manager has been in charge for less time than the other teams manager

the other team looked disjointed, lacking totally in any team play, there was no movement or forward passing play. Apart from individual runs there was no attacking play. That team is awful at the back, players dont seem to know what they are doing or where they should be.

In case you wondering, the second team was us. All thats happaning now is we are playing the same tripe we played last seasonm but with better players. We are always likely to get point due to the weight of talent on the pitc, see Tevez's goals v Bolton, one of thos eplayers is always likely to prodcue something.

We dont pick up point through design or good performances, we are a total shambles. 11 pts in 10 games!! 8 draws and can you honestly say we deserved to win any of them.

When will you stop hiding behind weak excuses and relaise that Mark Hughes is not up to the taskm, he is not a good manager, he has no pedigree and we are clinging on in the vain hope he might come good.
Petetheblu said:
scorer said:
He's a great manager just give him time and another £500m....

Don't be so damn impatient.


Well done Scorer for getting other your Hughes is wank condition and instead taking the tablet which now make you void to seeing the that is truly going on shit!! :)

Errr.. in english...please.
Petetheblu said:
scorer said:
He's a great manager just give him time and another £500m....

Don't be so damn impatient.


Well done Scorer for getting other your Hughes is wank condition and instead taking the tablet which now make you void to seeing the that is truly going on shit!! :)

Errr.. in english...please.
disgraceful performance, worst of the season no doubt.

but not as disgraceful as most posts in this thread, the fact that there are more users logged on at the moment than I've ever seen before speaks volumes.. tellin other blues to fuck off for showing the patience to wait till the end of the season says everything.

This is after just ONE bad performance that has ended in defeat.. it almost makes the defeat more bearable when I see how annoyed it has made many pricks on here... they deserve the disappointment..and certainly don't deserve to enjoy the success that will eventually come!

I've often thought this and now is the time to say it..:

Unless you attend the matches on a regular basis, your opinion counts for shit...
Cobwebcat said:
You've all been waiting for a defeat for ages haven't you and now it's time to point the finger of blame and of course it's nothing to do with the players, no it's 100% the manager. Let's start again with a new set up, a new Manager, backroom staff.How are you judged at work by the way...every day, every week or annually like in the real world?

Let's all blame Hughes for everything and let's get all the haters to join in and say "I told you so" because we lost a game.


One question.....if you don't like the next manager what then? Have a think!

thats exactly what we need , the players are there its the coaching thats shite look what hiddink did at chelsea soon as he came in and there manager now , even the twitcher with less money than us, are in a much stronger positin than us now and he has been there not as long as hughes. please sack him now !!!
Cobwebcat said:
You've all been waiting for a defeat for ages haven't you and now it's time to point the finger of blame and of course it's nothing to do with the players, no it's 100% the manager. Let's start again with a new set up, a new Manager, backroom staff.

How are you judged at work by the way...every day, every week or annually like in the real world?

Let's all blame Hughes for everything and let's get all the haters to join in and say "I told you so" because we lost a game.


One question.....if you don't like the next manager what then? Have a think!

Love you Marky x x x

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHmvkRoEowc" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHmvkRoEowc</a>

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