FA Cup Final - Post Game thread

Winning the league is absolutely the number one target.

However, seeing the array of BaconFace, Non-Dom Brexity Ratcliffe and the Elmer Fudds getting all mutually congratulatory made me want to chuck up.
The fact they get 100 times the press fawning adulation for spawning a domestic cup than we did for a treble shows how hated we are, god help us if they ever win the league or CL again.
Season's End Report: Now the Postmortem

Great season, agreed. But with a look to improving in the next. We have great challenges coming both locally in Arsenal ( there is a sense of inevitably to their rise) but I want a fight. And we have an even greater foe in Real Madrid on the continent that we need to slay. And not to forget new kids on the block in Germany, Xabi's men, amongst others... So improve WE MUST!

I'm going to be blunt in my analysis: And I understand there is some recency bias involved. But here goes:

In midfield:
1. Foden is now the main # 8. Over Kevin and over everyone else. It is his team now. Everyone needs to get used to that. It's hard when you still have an attacking legend ( Kev) still on the squad. But it's time to acknowledge It's Phil's time. Let's respect the uncomfortableness of that change.

2. We need to pick up a 2nd #8 type.( Musiala and Wirtz being the 2 best examples I can think of). Someone that will compete with Kevin for the other #8 position. Or better yet, Kevin should be the (Strategic big game starter) but play considerably fewer minutes against the run of the mill teams. (Thus, keeping him fresh and healthy). The new starter and Foden should start most pp

3. In away tough games, Kevin/ (Musiala/Wirtz) go to the bench and a Defensive Mid( i.e Rodri's understudy comes in and plays next to Rodri)@ and we only play one attacking mid to start: Foden.

On the wings:
Doku starts at left wing. I know many have a few issues here and there with him. But he has arrived. He is the terror on the left. Even if his mistakes still persist, with a year under his belt, you can expect improvements across the board plus that natural dynamism that can't be coached ( and hopefully doesn't get coached out of him).

We need a similar player to Doku on the right. I.e. a scary attack the defender type terror. Some think that player is Savio, I'm not convinced. He doesn't have that edge. But I'm not a scout, I could be wrong. But whoever we get, he shouldn't be some all round good player who's not great at anything. We need someone who's explosive and dynamic Right now for me that guy is a question mark. I haven't seen him yet nor do I have anyone in mind that fits. We need to find that guy

On Defense::
The 5 CBs stay put. Get an attacking LB for games when we need more firepower late and for cup games... Gvardiol probably plays LB most of next year before he finally edges out one of the older CBs ( Stones/ Ake) in 2 years. So we should be grooming or at a minimum auditioning the future LB now. At RB, a backup skilled RB to challenge Walker and supplant our Captain by mid season should be the goal

In Goal:

Try to Keep Eddy and Ortega and run it back. They are a fantastic duo to have.

Striker. Run it back with Haaland,, and bring in a young backup striker with, preferably, a considerable amount speed and close control.. When Haaland can't play, we should intend to overwhelm the opposition with speed.

Now to the more contentious positions: Forgive my hubris here, I mean no insult..

1. I'll try to sell Julian and Jack At a minimum one of them. I expect Bernardo and Bobb to join Doku and a yet to be named right sided winger as the 4-some wide players. However, If Bernardo goes then Jack can stay. But either way, I want to move Julian on. Good player but the freshening up is best accomplished at his expense.

2. I'd move on Kola, Nunez also. Or send em out on loan. Both good players, but I want 1 player in for those 2. Bruno Guimares (spl) is the ideal type guy but there are others. Big tall strong great passing. There are a fair fee of these guys get one. Play with Rodri I. The tough games, play in place of Rosri for rest or suspension. And come in to close games we are leading in.

3. Id loan out Lewis. He needs to play way more to develop into the stud he needs to be for us. I see him as a backup RB with good technique. I'd like to give an opportunity to someone who can potentially beat out Kyle next season. I don't think Lewis can. So loan out to improve. Bring in Kyle's competition/Future replacement. And bring Lewis back in 1 year to be the #2 RB.

Then get ready for the Challengers and to challenge a Madrid who's be even more dangerous than they were this season and the seemingly inevitable Gunners on our heels

That's all folks
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Season's End Report: Now the Postmortem

Great season, agreed. But with a look to improving in the next. We have great challenges coming both locally in Arsenal ( There is a sense of inevitably to their rise) but I want a fight. And we have an even greater for in Real Madrid on the continent that we need to slay. And the new kids on the block in Germany amongst others... So improve WR MUST!

I'm going to be blunt in my analysis: And I understand there is some recency bias involved. Here but here goes:

In midfield:
1. Foden is now the main # 8. Over Kevin and over everyone else. It is his team now. Everyone needs to get used to that. It's hard when you still have an attacking legend ( Kevin(, still on the squad.around. .But it's time to acknowledge it. It's Phil's time now. Let's respect it.

2. We need to pick up a 2nd 8 ( Musiala and Wirtz) being the 2 best examples I can think of). Someone that will spell Kevin in the other 8 position. Or better yet, Kevin should be the ( Strategic big game starter) but play considerably fewer minutes against the run of the mill teams. (This keeping him fresh and healthy). The new starter and Foden should start most pp

3. In away tough games, Kevin/ (Musiala/Wirtz) go to the bench and a Defensive Mid( i.e Rodri's understudy comes in and plays next to Rodri)@ and we only play one attacking mid to start: Foden.

On the wings:
Doku starts at left wing. I know many have a few issues here and there with him. But he has arrived. He is the terror on the left. Even if his mistakes still persist, with a year under his belt, you can expect improvements across the board plus that natural dynamism that can't be coached ( and hopefully doesn't get coached out of him).

We need a similar player to Doku on the right. I.e. a scary attack the defender type terror. Some think that player is Savio, I'm not convinced. He doesn't have that edge. But I'm not a scout, I could be wrong. But whoever we get, he shouldn't be some all round good player who's not great at anything. We need someone who's explosive and dynamic Right now for me that guy is a question mark. I haven't seen him yet nor do I have anyone in mind that fits. We need to find that guy

On Defense::
The 5 CBs stay put. Get an attacking LB for games when we need more firepower late and for cup games... Gvardiol probably plays LB most of next year before he finally edges out one of the older CBs ( Stones/ Ake) in 2 years. So we should be grooming or at a minimum auditioning the future LB now. At RB, a backup skilled RB to challenge Walker and supplant our Captain by mid season should be the goal

In Goal:

Try to Keep Eddy and Ortega and run it back. They are a fantastic duo to have.

Striker. Run it back with Haaland,, and bring in a young backup striker with, preferably, a considerable amount speed and close control.. When Haaland can't play, we should intend to overwhelm the opposition with speed.

Now to the more contentious positions: Forgive my hubris here, I mean no insult..

1. I'll try to sell Julian and Jack At a minimum one of them. I expect Bernardo and Bobb to join Doku and a yet to be named right sided winger as the 4-some wide players. However, If Bernardo goes then Jack can stay. But either way, I want to move Julian on. Good player but the freshening up is best accomplished at his expense.

2. I'd move on Kola, Nunez also. Or send em out on loan. Both good players, but I want 1 player in for those 2. Bruno Guimares (spl) is the ideal type guy but there are others. Big tall strong great passing. There are a fair fee of these guys get one. Play with Rodri I. The tough games, play in place of Rosri for rest or suspension. And come in to close games we are leading in.

3. Id loan out Lewis. He needs to play way more to develop into the stud he needs to be for us. I see him as a backup RB with good technique. I'd like to give an opportunity to someone who can potentially beat out Kyle next season. I don't think Lewis can. So loan out to improve. Bring in Kyle's competition/Future replacement. And bring Lewis back in 1 year to be the #2 RB.

Then get ready for the Challengers and to challenge a Madrid who's be even more dangerous than they were this season and the seemingly inevitable Gunners on our heels

That's all folks
Point 3: Rico out on loan, what the actual fuck?
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I’m sympathetic to the fans who traveled because it’s never fun to pay a lot of money and see a loss. And sympathetic to people who have to face the rags in person.

But Jesus, the social media abuse our players are taking is embarrassing. I hope this doesn’t spill over into the parade tomorrow and they are properly celebrated for four in a row.
Season's End Report: Now the Postmortem

Great season, agreed. But with a look to improving in the next. We have great challenges coming both locally in Arsenal ( there is a sense of inevitably to their rise) but I want a fight. And we have an even greater foe in Real Madrid on the continent that we need to slay. And not to forget new kids on the block in Germany, Xabi's men, amongst others... So improve WE MUST!

I'm going to be blunt in my analysis: And I understand there is some recency bias involved. But here goes:

In midfield:
1. Foden is now the main # 8. Over Kevin and over everyone else. It is his team now. Everyone needs to get used to that. It's hard when you still have an attacking legend ( Kev) still on the squad. But it's time to acknowledge It's Phil's time. Let's respect the uncomfortableness of that change.

2. We need to pick up a 2nd #8 type.( Musiala and Wirtz being the 2 best examples I can think of). Someone that will compete with Kevin for the other #8 position. Or better yet, Kevin should be the (Strategic big game starter) but play considerably fewer minutes against the run of the mill teams. (Thus, keeping him fresh and healthy). The new starter and Foden should start most pp

3. In away tough games, Kevin/ (Musiala/Wirtz) go to the bench and a Defensive Mid( i.e Rodri's understudy comes in and plays next to Rodri)@ and we only play one attacking mid to start: Foden.

On the wings:
Doku starts at left wing. I know many have a few issues here and there with him. But he has arrived. He is the terror on the left. Even if his mistakes still persist, with a year under his belt, you can expect improvements across the board plus that natural dynamism that can't be coached ( and hopefully doesn't get coached out of him).

We need a similar player to Doku on the right. I.e. a scary attack the defender type terror. Some think that player is Savio, I'm not convinced. He doesn't have that edge. But I'm not a scout, I could be wrong. But whoever we get, he shouldn't be some all round good player who's not great at anything. We need someone who's explosive and dynamic Right now for me that guy is a question mark. I haven't seen him yet nor do I have anyone in mind that fits. We need to find that guy

On Defense::
The 5 CBs stay put. Get an attacking LB for games when we need more firepower late and for cup games... Gvardiol probably plays LB most of next year before he finally edges out one of the older CBs ( Stones/ Ake) in 2 years. So we should be grooming or at a minimum auditioning the future LB now. At RB, a backup skilled RB to challenge Walker and supplant our Captain by mid season should be the goal

In Goal:

Try to Keep Eddy and Ortega and run it back. They are a fantastic duo to have.

Striker. Run it back with Haaland,, and bring in a young backup striker with, preferably, a considerable amount speed and close control.. When Haaland can't play, we should intend to overwhelm the opposition with speed.

Now to the more contentious positions: Forgive my hubris here, I mean no insult..

1. I'll try to sell Julian and Jack At a minimum one of them. I expect Bernardo and Bobb to join Doku and a yet to be named right sided winger as the 4-some wide players. However, If Bernardo goes then Jack can stay. But either way, I want to move Julian on. Good player but the freshening up is best accomplished at his expense.

2. I'd move on Kola, Nunez also. Or send em out on loan. Both good players, but I want 1 player in for those 2. Bruno Guimares (spl) is the ideal type guy but there are others. Big tall strong great passing. There are a fair fee of these guys get one. Play with Rodri I. The tough games, play in place of Rosri for rest or suspension. And come in to close games we are leading in.

3. Id loan out Lewis. He needs to play way more to develop into the stud he needs to be for us. I see him as a backup RB with good technique. I'd like to give an opportunity to someone who can potentially beat out Kyle next season. I don't think Lewis can. So loan out to improve. Bring in Kyle's competition/Future replacement. And bring Lewis back in 1 year to be the #2 RB.

Then get ready for the Challengers and to challenge a Madrid who's be even more dangerous than they were this season and the seemingly inevitable Gunners on our heels

That's all folks
That won't be done in one transfer window and this summer isn't going to be that spectacular either.
Also, there is no better proof that an intense season like this can absolutely break a person (ie, the players) than some of the batshit crazy posts from today. The pressure post treble, the constant 115, peps future. It’s exhausting. If we’re this crazy/reactionary…and we didn’t even play these games…

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