FA Cup Final - Post Game thread

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i reminder if it was needed of how they always revert to an arrogant entitled demeanour whenever they arent completely shit. hopefully the win ensures they go full over the top this summer snd start the boom bust cycle all over again
Eh leave them to it, if they continue to hype up players like those 4, they'll continue to finish around 8th.

Hojlund is awful and will never be anything other than that. Mainoo and Garnacho wouldn't even be talked about if they played for anyone else, as both are playing at the right level for their ability.

Mainoo is a bizarre one, I've still not worked out if he's any good or not. I feel like he's alright, but he's getting so many plaudits for yesterday, and yet I thought he was average aside from his finish.
hahahha no no no, i literally asked first to avoid misunderstandings due to the language barrier and whatnot:

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this is your reply.

it’s not the first time my posts get reduced to ah you’re croatian. won’t be the last. says a lot about those who say it. ;) i replied, you told me to fuck off.

it’s either laziness or people not being able to come up with arguments? i don’t know, english people here don’t agree on everything and yet i get the special treatment. oh and i’m a woman, so that would be “fangirl” for those who want to keep doing it.

you didn’t wind me up i just read your posts ;)

and that last part, it is perfectly obvious i’m not a mancunian with generations of family members wearing sky blue, but you couldn’t resist, of course, once again, classy!

Firstly I had no idea you were Croatian or not even from the UK. Your English is very good. You just seemed to be obsessively protective of Gvardiol that's why I called you a fanboy, I'll amend that to fangirl now I've been corrected. It's a okay we have our own born and bred Mancunians who are the same with a certain player.

Now you've told me you are Croation it makes sense. We had the same when Edin Dzeko played for us. Loads of Bosnians joined only because he played for us, not because they supported Manchester City. When he left the majority if not all of them left too.

Personally I find such behaviour odd but each to their own. I support my football club not an individual because he plays for a certain club. Of course you may be a long standing City fan who just happens to be Croation. If you're not and are here only for Gvardiol I'd like to ask why? It genuinely interests me.
I honestly don't know what to make of that yesterday. The only highlight I can think of it that I didn't spend a small fortune on tickets, travelling down, hotel for the night, food, bear, programme etc.

Look, I know the 4 titles has never been done before and I'm a massive Pep fan but that yesterday was really poor. I don't expect to win every game, but I at least expect the team to try their best.

I was surprised at the line up that we seemed to be very cautious. United haven't tried to out-football us for years now and I fully expected them to sit back and counter which they did to the script that we've all seen before. Did we really need 2 holding midfielders in there? Even if the 'trick' was that Fernandes was a false 9, the plan was still to counter. Why play Stones and Ake when we didn't need to is beyond me.

The first goal was laughable really - literally a ball over the top and neither the full back or keeper shouted. Would Ederson have done anything different? Possibly, but even so that type of error is inexcusable at this level. The second goal was from a counter and we just had people practically free in our box.

The overall approach from us stunk the place out - slow, predictable, pedestrian and to be honest it was boring. We were close several times to losing the ball around our area. I honestly don't know what Pep was expecting as we couldn't find Foden, KdB, Bernardo and especially Haaland. Only when Doku came on did we have anyone who fancied winning that game. Kovacic did well but he nothing to work with.

I really don't mind losing games to anyone if we do our best, but yesterday we didn't. We were a LONG way off our best. It rankles me a bit that we save these performances, cock ups and strange changes for big games - United in the FA Cup Final, Lyon in the CL, Liverpool in the CL, Chelsea in the CL final etc. Just play the best team that's available when we need to.

I don't know if people were hungover or what, but those celebrations could've waited a week. I know they need to let off steam, that's fine, but not when you have the chance of another double against a poor United side with no morale and a manager who's about to be sacked. If we just didn't fancy the game, why not put the kids out in the 3rd round or something? We did something similar against Liverpool I think a few years ago, just put barely any effort in.

Hopefully we will beat them in the Community Shield. However, after a brilliant and unprecedented season it does feel a bit flat to miss out on a double given the way we approached and played the game.

Fair play to all of you who went down.
I’d like to see Wales friendlies at Swansea and Wrexham. We’re often not in the capital city when we play away too.

The Jubilee line is good for Wembley but technically it’s Middlesex and not London.
It's on a couple of tube lines, near the North Circ and inside the M25. It's in London. And it was always likely to be on the site of the original.

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