FA Cup Final Post Match thread

Sad part is what's coming:

eeeeeeeh - I neeed more playerzzzzz...100 million pound playeeerrrzzzz...not enough playeeerrzz, bu-hu-fucking-hu....

No, what you fucking need is players who want to play FOR YOU, which you obviosly DONT. Completely lost the plot and the team...

Piling up superstars doesnt mean football TEAM, except to Roberto. We've witnessed it yet again.
Today was our last 18 months in microcosm. A culmination of all that has been going wrong for months and months and months.

Slow, ponderous build up. Lack of movement. Struggling to break teams down. Stupid mistakes (Barry, how many is that?).

We've seen it again and again this season. We can't say today was a one off. It wasn't.

We have a team of world class players who have been punching MILES below their combined weight for a long time, but we have ridden our luck. Today, our luck ran out.

Changes are now inevitable, and you would be hard pushed to say they are not needed.
Well done Wigan, the much better team that outplayed us today. Our players were an embarrassment to the club, no passion, no desire, no effort, no intensity, no drive, they could not be arsed and they did not care. A manager that can no longer motivate them has to have serious question marks against him and it seems inevitable that he is gone as the players since Spurs stunned us have stopped playing for him, I only hope Pellegrini or the like takes no shit from day 1 to day end of his contract because Mancini has let it slide embarrassingly.

The players and staff have a hell of a lot to learn on how to be a big club, because today we embarrassed ourselves and got deservedly punished by a Wigan side with players, manager, chairmen and fans who cared more about today than we did. They outplayed us and their fans in their minority were a credit whereas ours were lethargic, like the players.

Who fucked up to let them score? Rodwell, elementary mistake losing his man and not for the first time he cost us. I don't care if a mod(especially Ducado) bans me because once again Rodwell fucked up a simple header from 6 yards and cocked up at the other end to cost us a trophy. Like I said 2 months ago he's done nothing to merit any praise, still hasn't and I wish his injury had kept him out for the season as he's only going and hammered the final blow into it with an amateurish error. The players as a whole were poor but they at least stopped Wigan scoring, Rodwell after we'd just gone down to 10 men and had to work even harder just let Watson go and that is both unacceptable and unforgiveable. He isn't good enough to wear a blue shirt unless he gets a brain transplant in the summer, go ahead mods do what you want I'm entitled to my correct opinion as proven AGAIN today.

So our players have let us down, our club has let us down this season by not buying players properly and the general attitude in recent weeks has been terrible. The club and players need to learn a lot of lessons from today, withdraw their bums from out of their arses and realise you're only good enough if you continually put in the effort, desire and passion that has always been a pre-requisite at our club. We are a club of tryers and our players have shamed us in recent weeks because they haven't tried, they haven't cared and I really hope they buck their ideas up for next season and we never see this embarrassment again.

It would have mattered far less if we'd played well and been unlucky, if we'd seen effort and desire and a want to win, but it wasn't there, and that has been a requirement from the fans from Division 2 all the way up, tryers can be forgiven for their mistakes and poor performances, lazy overpaid arses can't anywhere near as easily. It's not acceptable. You play for our club, you play for our badge, you play in the Sky Blue and you play for our history.

You play for the fans who have been there through thick and thin, and know exactly how Wigan feel and know exactly how they'll probably feel next week if they go down. They've been there, done it and earnt the right to go to Wembley and see our new era of players win them trophies and repay them for their loyalty. The players owe our fans because without them we wouldn't be here as a club to pay them their nice contracts, to give them recognition on a global scale, make them icons and stars, fund their lavish lifestyles and give them the opportunity to win trophies that other clubs had denied them a key role in.

Our fans deserve the attitude of the Wigan players today from our own, and it's a travesty that they didn't show it on this of all days. You may have won a cup and a league but in the grand scheme of things that is jack shit, you've slacked off this season and allowed United, Villa, Wigan and the CL to embarrass us. Heroes are born from players who give their all continuously year after year, which is why Zaba has gone from a squad player to the star of this season because you know what? He gave a shit all the time. Stars like Yaya, Silva, Aguero, Tevez, Nasri do their legacy no favours when they show such a lack of desire, and they descend further away from being footballing stars and legends because they don't consistently earn the right to be called that. You wouldn't see players of top clubs put such a lack of desire into a big game like that, that is why they are above us and their players will be held in higher esteem than ours on a global scale.

Hopefully a wake-up call to the club and to the players. I hope they feel embarrassed tonight and I hope when the papers and media glorify Wigan tomorrow and laugh at us that they feel ashamed and humiliated, because maybe, just maybe we'll learn those lessons and put in all the hard work every season to ensure we become and stay the top club that our fans were desperate for and deserve for the loyalty they put in when we were shit, but were shit and tried, their loyalty is continuous, your desire and want to win should be as well. You can be the best team on paper but you will never be on the pitch unless you try, Wigan taught our players and staff a lesson that we know very well as fans as we've been there, done that. I hope they learn it hard and fast.

Well done Wigan, the better team and club on the day and well deserving of a trophy we didn't deserve to steal from them today.

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