FA Cup Final | Ticket Criteria

What's the score with these points bands?

For example can you join the queue system before it's at your level so you get through once you're eligible or won't the system let you get 'in-line' until the relevant points band?
Any out of town blues looking for a hotel to tie in with coach travel, check out Didsbury house hotel, £150 for the night (on booking.com) which ain’t bad for a Saturday & short notice, 500m or so from coach drop off point
It's just going to be chaos! No ifs, not buts, just chaos.

Lack of trains, accessibility issues with coaches, hassle of driving and parking, the potential for trouble, the game being in half term leading to holiday clashes, and a booking system that hinders the non tech savvy! Without any shadow of doubt, there are people who think they want to go now, but by the time those sales windows open, and people are thousands down in the queue, facing 3 figure ticket prices, then the cost and hassle algorithm will kick into fans thought process, with many just saying 'feck it'!

I cannot recall City ever attempting to sell so many tickets in such a short sales window and fully expext the IT systems to explode. Anyone who is seriously contemplating phone or going to the ground, then God help you. The current disconnect between our club and fans regarding ticket sales is absolutely staggering and as a business we are becoming more akin to a utility company every day, with absolutely no chance to speak or see another human!
It's just going to be chaos! No ifs, not buts, just chaos.

Lack of trains, accessibility issues with coaches, hassle of driving and parking, the potential for trouble, the game being in half term leading to holiday clashes, and a booking system that hinders the non tech savvy! Without any shadow of doubt, there are people who think they want to go now, but by the time those sales windows open, and people are thousands down in the queue, facing 3 figure ticket prices, then the cost and hassle algorithm will kick into fans thought process, with many just saying 'feck it'!

I cannot recall City ever attempting to sell so many tickets in such a short sales window and fully expext the IT systems to explode. Anyone who is seriously contemplating phone or going to the ground, then God help you. The current disconnect between our club and fans regarding ticket sales is absolutely staggering and as a business we are becoming more akin to a utility company every day, with absolutely no chance to speak or see another human!
It is a bit crazy to do such big jumps...big waits, little trust in the IT system etc.

Logic isn't ever a thought but as its being done online just drop 1k points every hour, drop the 18-25 bit as they'll get tickets anyway AND sell over the weekend at least on Saturday.

Hope I'm wrong but a wouldn't be surprised that we'll be watching a car crash in slow motion on Friday.

The coaches aren't any issue for me personally. But getting anywhere at crazy o'clock in the morning or late at night on public transport isn't good. There are three spots City Centre from the FA for those who can't to the others.

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