FA cup....Nottingham Forest v City 27th January 1974

I went - am I correct in recalling that they couldn't legally charge admission cos of Sunday Trading or the like, or is my memory clouding?
I think you’re right. See the above pic of match day poster, “All admitted by official team sheet only”. I guess they worked around the law, by selling you the teamsheet instead.
Anyone here at the game?, remember it like it was yesterday..

Duncan McKenzie scored one of the best goals I've ever seen against us, shortly after that he moved to Leeds.

From the web:-

In 1974 Forest were a pretty ordinary second division side, other than McKenzie. That season, he became only the third Forest player to top the scoring charts in his division with 26 goals. In the fourth round of the FA Cup, McKenzie put on a one-man display, the like of which has not been seen since at the City Ground. He ran the Manchester City Defence ragged. He created two goals for Ian Bowyer and one for George Lyall before scoring himself. It was Duncan McKenzie 4 Manchester City 1 Forty one thousand fans watched McKenzie put them to the slaughter on Forest’s second ever Sunday game.
I was a first year student at Nottingham, I remember going to the game fully expecting to give them a good hiding! We had a star studded line up, they were second division, Mackenzie was unplayable that day, me got battered. It was a tough one to take, I got a lot of stick in my hall of residence. Not happy at all
Yes it was a Sunday, can't remember if they used a generator for the floodlights or kicked off early. It definitely kicked off early in the crowd, was mayhem inside and outside the ground. In those days I didn't mind that so much if we put up a decent performance on the pitch but it was another shite performance under Ron Saunders.
During the miners strike in 1973-74, clubs were not allowed to use floodlights regardless if they were powered by generators. The whole country was on a four-day week and there were regular power cuts in order to save energy.

I remember going to an afternoon midweek match at Maine Road. There was a bomb scare at that match and we were asked to look under our seats in to see if there was one there! I was in my final year as an undergraduate at Manchester University that year so had no problems getting to the match. The attendance was certainly well down on usual.
I believe this was my first away. I always thought it was summer as it was really sunny and warm. Remember clearly their lot chucking everything at us from high at the back of the Trent end. It was something of an eye opener as a 10 yo. Was it the same season as the Derby pitch invasion and Big Joe’s penalty spot? Later followed up with getting sussed on the Kremlin Road end. Remember nothing of the matches but I was hooked. Thanks Dad.
Cmon you beautiful Blue Boys.
I believe this was my first away. I always thought it was summer as it was really sunny and warm. Remember clearly their lot chucking everything at us from high at the back of the Trent end. It was something of an eye opener as a 10 yo. Was it the same season as the Derby pitch invasion and Big Joe’s penalty spot? Later followed up with getting sussed on the Kremlin Road end. Remember nothing of the matches but I was hooked. Thanks Dad.
Cmon you beautiful Blue Boys.
No; that was the 76/77 season. I was there. 4 fucking nil.
During the miners strike in 1973-74, clubs were not allowed to use floodlights regardless if they were powered by generators. The whole country was on a four-day week and there were regular power cuts in order to save energy.

I remember going to an afternoon midweek match at Maine Road. There was a bomb scare at that match and we were asked to look under our seats in to see if there was one there! I was in my final year as an undergraduate at Manchester University that year so had no problems getting to the match. The attendance was certainly well down on usual.
City used a generator for the 2nd leg of the League Cup semifinal against Plymouth at Maine Rd in Jan 1974,it was an evening KO and the generator was situated behind the North Stand.

The bomb scare match - I think that was the one against WBA in March 1972, I was in 6th form at Xavs at the time, nice easy walk to the ground!
I was a first year student at Nottingham, I remember going to the game fully expecting to give them a good hiding! We had a star studded line up, they were second division, Mackenzie was unplayable that day, me got battered. It was a tough one to take, I got a lot of stick in my hall of residence. Not happy at all
Yes I went to the game with my dad and we were wedged in the Trent End by the corner flag. Remember seeing a lot of city fans going from the car park to the ground, fairly hostile noisy crowd, eg hurling abuse at Franny Lee for being fat! City not really turning up and that's it

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